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News Archive for 2020

Mark Your Calendars - December Meeting for 2020 logo

Nov 22, 2020 (Webmaster)

Join the Cincinnati Local Section on Wednesday, Dec 16, at 6:30PM for a final virtual meeting of the year. The meeting will feature a talk by Dr. John Snawder from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The title of Dr Snawder's talk will be "Strengthening Occupational exposure assessment through the Integration of real-time instruments, environmental sampling and biomonitoriing".

Dr. Snawder received his Ph.D. degree from Mississippi State University in 1990 and did post-doctoral work at the National Center for Toxicological Research. From 1992-present he has worked at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as a research toxicologist. Dr. Snawder is the Leader of the Biomonitoring Research Team and Co-Director of the NIOSH Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies. His research has focused on the role of metabolism of workplace chemicals and the use of biological monitoring to measure exposure and effect, conducting worker exposure assessments across many workplaces and the development, evaluation and use of direct reading instruments and methods to improve worker safety and health.

Please check back on the meetings page for details on how to join this talk remotely via Zoom.


ACS Career Day 2020 logo

Nov 13, 2020 (Webmaster)

Join ACS Industry Career Day, an interactive career advancement workshop and networking event on Saturday, November 21st from 11:00am – 1:30pm ET.

ACS Career Services and Industry Member Programs are pleased to present a special panel discussion featuring prominent younger chemists. This panel will explore topics such as transitioning from academia to a career in industry, building non-technical skills and more. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask panelists questions regarding their careers.

For more information and to register visit ACS Career Day 2020.


logo 2020 Oesper Symposium

Nov 5, 2020 (Webmaster)

The University of Cincinnati Department of Chemistry and the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society are pleased to announce the 2020 Oesper Award Winner, Professor Nicholas A. Peppas, ScD. Professor Peppas serves as the Cockrell Family Regents Chaired Professor in the Departments of Chemical, Biomedical Engineering, Pediatrics, Surgery and Pharmacy, and Director of the Institute of Biomaterials, Drug Delivery and Regenerative Medicine of the University of Texas at Austin.

This year, as you know, Oesper will be held virtually via WebEx. There is no cost to join in but attendees are asked to register in advance. For more information visit UC's Oesper page.


logo Cast Your Ballet for 2021 Section Election

Oct 28, 2020 (Webmaster)

Voting will begin on Sunday, November 1, for the 2021 section officer candidates. Electronic ballots will be sent to all eligible section members. A sample ballot is available for review.

The election closes at midnight on Saturday, November 14. If you do not receive a ballot by Wednesday, November 4, please email webmaster@cintacs.org.


2020 NCW Illustrated Poem Contestlogo

Sep 24, 2020 (Jamie Heimkreiter)

Once again, the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society is hosting the Illustrated Poem Contest for National Chemistry Week. The theme this year is: Sticking with Chemistry (Adhesives). However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, ACS national has made some changes in order to keep everyone safe. The changes include how the poems are submitted. K-12 students are asked to submit their illustrated poem directly to ACS National via the new online submission form. Refer to the link below and the flyer link for all of the rules and submission requirements. ONLY the electronic, online submissions will be considered this year per national requirements. Use this submission link for all entries.

Student Submission Deadline: Sunday, October 25 by 11:59 PM Eastern


Letter from the Chair . . . logo

Sep 1, 2020 (John Glaser)

To: Cincinnati ACS Section Membership

Please take note of the meeting schedule changes forced by Covid 19 considerations. The April awards meeting was cancelled, and we tried to move it to October but found that the limitations currently in place would not support the meeting move. The May Party Night was scheduled for the Hofbräuhaus Newport but after several attempts at rescheduling, it was determined not possible. The Section’s annual picnic at Germania Park in September was deemed to be of continuing concern because of the virus and was cancelled. The Oesper Symposium at University of Cincinnati was converted to a remotely conducted symposium with our support. Final information on the Symposium can be found at the UC Chemistry site. We are holding out for the possibility of a December meeting at Xavier University but our planning continues to be guided by Covid 19 considerations. -- John Glaser, Chair ACS Cincinnati Section


Letter from the Chair . . . logo

Aug 10, 2020 (John Glaser)

Dear Members,

I regret to report that after a series of tries to organize our section’s annual party night at the Hofbrauhaus Newport, we have decided to cancel this event for the 2020 meeting year of the ACS Cincinnati Section. This decision was based on current public meeting limitations specified for the state of Kentucky. -- John


Congratulations to 2020 ACS Fellowlogo

Aug 1, 2020 (John Glaser)

Dr Susan Marine of Miami University, who is our section’s chair-elect, has been selected as a 2020 ACS Fellow. Please join with me to congratulate Susan on this accomplishment.

A full list of this year's ACS fellows can be found on ACS's website and will be published in the August 27, 2020, edition of Chemical & Engineering News.


Letter from the Chair . . . logo

May 4, 2020 (John Glaser)

Dear Members,

I hope this message find you in good health and surviving the lengthy sequestration. We did not have our annual awards ceremony at Northern Kentucky University in April. We have been notified that some of our members are deserving of special recognition. I want to recommend to your attention the following section members for their time of membership with the ACS.

70 year members David l. Dobbs
Karl Edward Lemmerman
Darl Hamilton McDaniel
60 year members John Charles Drach
Eugene Grosslink
Janet C. Haartz
Charles Joseph Rogers
50 year members William Warren Schmidt
Francis Henry Verhoff


Letter from the Chair . . . logo

April 2, 2020 (John Glaser)

Section Members:

Greetings from the sequestered state in which many of us find ourselves. I hope that we continue to avoid the COVID 19 infection and resume our lives in profitable and enjoyable ways when the public health concerns pass. Due to the current request to remain sequestered, I am cancelling the April and May meetings. We are planning to reschedule the awards meeting to a time yet to be designated later in the year. Our party night meeting originally scheduled for May we hope will be moved to June.


logoMarch Meeting

February 19, 2020 (John Glaser)

Join us Wednesday, March 11, at Miami University's Marcum Center to recognize the Cincinnati Section's Chemist and Researcher of the Year awardees.

Online pre-registration is required and pre-payment via Paypal is greatly appreciated. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Monday, March 9, 2020. For additional information and to register please visit the meetings page.


logoFebruary Program-In-A-Box

February 9, 2020 (Jamie Titus)

On Tuesday, February 25, Mt St Joseph U will host the next ACS Program-in-a-Box on "The Future of Food". The event will be held at the Mount St Joseph University campus's Corona Room from 6:30 - 8 PM. This live interactive video webcast is hosted by Kerri Jansen, Assistant Editor at C&EN, featuring presentations and Q&A with experts in food chemistry.

Pizza will be served. Due to room restrictions attendance is limited to the first 70 attendees. For more information, contact Jamie Titus


logoFebruary Meeting

February 9, 2020 (John Glaser)

The February Meeting of the Cincinnati Section will be held Tuesday, February 18, at Mount St Joseph University. The featured speakers for the evening are Annie Weisbrod, PhD, and Emily Broswell, PhD, presenting "Sustainability Directions at Procter & Gamble".

Online pre-registration is required and pre-payment via Paypal is greatly appreciated. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, February 12. For additional information and to register please visit the meetings page.


logoCall for Chemist and Researcher of the Year Nominations

February 9, 2020 (Jay Eylem)

We are requesting nominations for Chemist and Researcher of the Year Award. These awards recognize outstanding individuals who work in chemistry-related fields and have made significant contributions to education, research, society and the community.

The Chemist of the Year is required to be a local ACS member in good standing. Nomination requires two letters of recommendation and a resume.

The Researcher of the Year is not required to be an ACS member. Needs one letter of recommendation and a resume.

Nominations and letters of recommendation for these are due by Friday, March 6. Awards will be given out at our Spring 2020 Cincinnati ACS meeting. Please contact Jay Eylem for more information or to forward nominations.


logoCall for Teacher of the Year Nominations

February 9, 2020 (Jay Eylem)

Each year the Cincinnati section recognizes outstanding local teachers with our Excellence in Teaching Awards. We are seeking teachers who make a difference in students’ lives through excellent, innovative teaching methods, who encourage students to pursue science, and who have shown a dedication to their profession. Teachers from High School, Middle School, and Primary School are all eligible and each teacher will be awarded separately.

If you know of a teacher who should be recognized, send their name, school, and school district and why you think they should be nominated to Jay Eylem or Lynn Hogue. We will pursue letter of recommendation. Nominations and a letter of recommendations are due by Monday, March 6. These awards will be given at the Spring 2020 Cincinnati ACS meeting.

Please help us find candidates by forwarding this information to your friends and family!


Upcoming Events
Thu, Jan 18
Jan @ UC
Thu, Feb 15
Feb @ MSJ
Fri, Mar 29
March Meeting @ Manor House
Wed, May 1
Awards Night @ NKU
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