To improve the utility of the newsletter to both its readers and its contributors, ACSess will now be published five times a year. To better fit ACSess into both your reading pile and your schedule, it'll be shrunk to 8 1/2 x 11 size, with more to-the-point briefs on the ACS services and products you want and less purple prose you don't.
You'll also find more references in ACSess to electronic means of obtaining more information on the entire spectrum of ACS activities and programs, through fax-on-demand systems, electronic mail, and the new CAS and ACS World Wide Web servers.
Reader input provided the impetus for these changes to ACSess, and readers who returned the survey published in last November's issue deserve the thanks of the Society-member input is crucial to excellent communication!
Your questions and suggestions about ACS's new electronic communication initiatives, and the new format and schedule for ACSess, are welcome! Please send them to ACSess at the ACS headquarters address or to the ACSess e-mail box at