Proposed Changes to Cincinnati Section By-Laws
At the ACS Board Meeting of December 8, three changes related to the
Oesper Award (Article XIII of our By-Laws) were proposed and
unanimously accepted. These changes are
- to change the junior/senior eligibility to "first year chemistry
and second year chemistry," to more accurately reflect the two levels
of these awards;
- to change the name of this award from "Ralph E. Oesper
Scholarship Awards" to "Ralph E. Oesper Chemistry Awards" to reflect
that some winners do not go on to college to use these awards as
scholarships and to put "Chemistry" into our local ACS award;
- to delete the dollar amount of these awards from our By-Laws so
that we can change them as needed to accommodate changing financial
conditions and inflation. The present awards at each level are
$200/$100/$50. The proposed change would read: The Oesper Committee,
subject to Board approval, will determine the amounts of the awards at
the first meeting each year." Present thinking is to double the awards
for 1995, the first change in over 30 years.
Our Constitution and By-Laws require that these changes be presented
to the membership no later than seven days prior to a vote at a
regular meeting, at which a two-thirds majority vote in favor is
required. After these steps, the Committee on Constitution and By-Laws
at National ACS must give a final approval.
This constitutes the required notification prior to the vote at the February
T. J. Logan
Councilor, Cincinnati Section
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