ACS News
Congress and Chemistry
Underneath the coffee ring on today's newspaper, you read about taxes,
budget reform, and less government. You can either wonder what it
means to your future as a chemical professional or you can work within
this time of dramatic congressional change. By signing up to join the
ACS Federal Funding Networks, you will have timely, critical
information about the status of NSF and NIH in the federal policy
arena at your fingertips. In this free service from the ACS, bulletins
will be sent to you by fax or e-mail that detail the budget and policy
battles over NSF and NIH to provide you the information you need to
communicate effectively with your Representatives in Congress.
Why get involved? Two reasons: The future and the present. Looking
into the future, the recent budget resolutions in the House and the
Senate project NSF to have 19.5% less real dollar purchasing power in
the year 2002 when compared to today. NIH will fare even worse. In the
present, you can make a difference. Common sense dictates the E+R=O,
or Event + Response = Outcome. If you don't register your response to
congressional actions that affect your future, you will not be part of
the outcome.
Make a difference! Join the ACS Federal Funding Networks today. The
information is free; its content is invaluable. Contact the ACS
Federal Funding Networks by telephone at (202) 452-2127, or via e-mail
at or We look forward to
hearing from YOU.
Help Find the SEED
Project SEED Needs Your Help!
PS International, a private consulting group, is conducting a
comprehensive evaluation of Project SEED and needs your help. If you
have any information of the whereabouts of past SEED students and
preceptors, please call (800)774-3625 (#4) with a name, address and/or
telephone number.
Project SEED is the Society's program that provides summer research
experiences to economically disadvantaged high school students. For
more information about Project SEED, call Christine Brennan in the
Education Division at ACS headquarters at (202)872-6169 or by e-mail
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