From the Chair

First of all, I want to thank the membership for electing me Chair of the Cincinnati Section for 1995-1996. It is truly an honor, and I will do my very best to follow in the footsteps of Jim Hershberger who did an outstanding job of leading the Section this past year. His enthusiastic approach in confronting the many issues which involve our Section has allowed me to view this job as fun. I am looking forward to promoting the goals and values of our Society in the greater Cincinnati community.

In an effort to better communicate with you, our membership, we have decided to publish our Cintacs newsletter monthly. Ed Burton, our editor for the past several years, has graciously agreed to take on this task, and our new Advertising Chairperson, Jackie Hoofring, has plans for an aggressive campaign to increase our advertising revenue. Remember that the deadline for any article you wish to submit is the first day of the month prior to the meeting (i.e., September 1 for October meeting).

Our first meeting is September 20 at the Regal Hotel (details are in this issue). Will Lepkowski, the main speaker, is a well respected journalist, currently Senior Editor at C&E News, who closely followed the Bhopal tragedy over the years and will update us on its very complex issues. The Discussion groups will include Organic, Analytical, and Career Enhancement. Note that valet parking will be available on a first come first serve basis.

Another goal for the year is better communication to the general public via newspaper articles containing accurate scientific information on current issues. My thought was to ask interested members who might enjoy creative scientific writing to join this project. Our Public Relations Co-Chairs Kathy Gibboney and Jean Buccigross are currently working out the format, and more details will follow in the October issue of Cintacs.

Looking forward to seeing you on September 20.

Deanna Ashing

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