National Chemistry Week: "Solutions for the Future"

National Chemistry Week, officially November 5th through November 11th, is already in preparation. This event is the largest "public-exposure" event for our Section, drawing upon numerous activities involving individual ACS Cincinnati Section members and committees, local academic institutions, and industries. Last year's event directly reached over 25,000 area residences. It served to provide a POSITIVE aspect of chemistry, enlighten the public with regards to the broad influence of chemistry in their lives, and possibly, aid in "sparking" the interest of children to career opportunities in chemistry.

This past year, our Section was honored with a Phoenix Award in the category Greatest Industrial Involvement. This recognition came at a time when our National organization is actively encouraging its industrial segment to become more involved in the promoting chemistry to the public. Great timing for a well deserved award! It may be deceptive to single out the industrial effort since many of our sponsored programs are Phoenix Award caliber. Seventeen Section members come under the loose umbrella of The National Chemistry Week Committee - Cincinnati Section. Each organizes and directs individual committee functions, or acts as a liaison for their organization's activities.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Chemistry demonstrations serve as the section's primary tool for capturing the general public's curiosity, making them aware of the importance of chemistry in their lives, and exciting our youth into exploring further avenues in science. As our program and reputation grows, so do the requests for chemistry demonstrations. This year, we will again be seeking members to perform demonstrations at Hamilton County Public Libraries (last year there were sixteen libraries with an average attendance of 50 per demonstration). Demonstrators will be given an ACS T-shirt and handout materials (WonderScience, balloons, stickers, etc.). Those interested - this does not imply a commitment - should contact our demonstrator coordinator, Frank Huss, at (513) 871-8653 (please leave a message). Demonstrators provide their own choice of experiments and related supplies. To aid this, Frank has organized a demonstrator workshop as a discussion group activity during the Section's October meeting. This workshop is targeted at both the novice and experienced demonstrators. Although, intended to provide the novice with confidence and samples that both capture the audience's attention and are educational; the experienced demonstrators will also find examples to add their repertoire and can share their experience afterwards. I would also ask that you consider performing a demonstration at your child's school, Cub Scout Pack, Boy or Girl Scout Troop, or similar organization (ALL the elementary teachers that I've encountered, enjoyed having a chemist visit their classroom; Don't be afraid to offer). If you do a demonstration, please let me know and I'll try to supply you with handout materials (Larry Sallans W:(513)482-2371 or H:(513)858-1630). In addition, if you let me know by November 10th (even if the event is later), our section may still receive credit for your efforts. For updated information, see our Section's Web Page: on the Internet.

Best Regards on Behalf of the NCW Committee,
Larry Sallans, Chair - NCW, Cincinnati Section

National Chemistry Week Committee - Cincinnati Section:
Deanna Ashing, Chris Bolls, Martha Brosz, Jeanne Buccigross, Alfred Conklin, Jerry Franzen, Kathy Gibboney, Jim Hershberger, Frank Huss, Dan McLoughlin, Jody Mesaros, Jim Niewahner, Larry Sallans, Amy Stander, Rebecca Stricklin, Richard Sunberg, Emel Yakali.