CINTACS is published by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).
From the Chair
November is an event-packed month for our Section. National
Chemistry Week, November 5-11, is an opportunity for all chemists
in the greater Cincinnati area to become part of a national movement
to recognize the positive influence that chemistry has on our society.
Each year more ACS members across the country are participating in
activities that enlighten the public about the benefits of our
profession. Our NCW Chair, Larry Sallans (482-2371), would be happy
to direct you to one of the many activities his committee has planned
for the week. We can use your help; take that first step -- call
Larry and become part of a very rewarding experience.
On November 15 our section meeting will be at the Faculty Club of the University of Cincinnati for the Oesper Award Presentation. This year's honoree is Dr. Greg Choppin, R. O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, in the Department of Chemistry at Florida State University. The Oesper Symposium is an annual event sponsored by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati and the Section is honored to be a part of this festive occasion.
Region II, which encompasses our Section, is holding elections for Director; the candidates statements appeared in the September 25 issue of C&E News and the ballots are to be returned to National by November 20, 1995. The October Cintacs had abbreviated statements for each candidate in the Advertisement section; DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!
Finally, be sure to return your Section survey (October Cintacs) in time for the prize drawing at the November 15 monthly meeting.
Deanna Ashing
Professor Kenneth Raymond
University of California, Berkeley
"From Swords to Plowshares: The Coordination Chemistry of Iron in
Human Disease;
Biomimetic Complex Cluster Self Assembly"
2:55 PM
Professor Henry Freiser
University of Arizona
"Centrifugal Partition Chromatography:
A Multistage Countercurrent Extraction
Technique for Metal Ion Separations"
3:45 PM
Coffee Break
4:00 PM
Introduction of the Guest of Honor
by Dr. James Sullivan
Argonne National Laboratory
Gregory R. Choppin
Florida State University
"Radiochemists: Chro-Magnon or Homosapeins?
5:00 PM
Reception for our Guest of Honor
All are invited
Dr. Ralph E. Oesper
Ralph Edward Oesper was born on June 14, 1886, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Entering the University of Cincinnati in 1904 he took his B.A. (1908),
his M.A. (1909) and his Ph.D. (1914) degrees from the Chemistry
Department under Lauder William Jones. After brief periods at New
York University and Smith College, Oesper returned to the University
of Cincinnati as a member of the chemistry faculty in 1918, where he
remained until his retirement in 1951. However, this did not end his
service to the University, as he continued to remain active as
Professor Emeritus almost to the day of his death, 26 years later, at
the age of 91.
Oesper was a prolific writer, publishing more than 300 papers in the fields of analytical, organic, and colloid chemistry and especially in the history of chemistry. He also used his mastery of the German language to translate nearly two dozen books in these fields, as well as countless articles. He served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Chemical Education, Chymica, Mikrochemie, Mikrochimica Acta. In recognition of his activities, he received the Eminent Chemist Award of the Cincinnati Section of the ACS, the Dexter Award in the History of Chemistry, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Cincinnati.
Oesper's many interests and activities, as well as his dedication to the University of Cincinnati, are reflected in his bequest to the Department of Chemistry, which was made in both his name and that of his wife, Helen Wilson Oesper. The bequest has been used not only to establish the annual Oesper Symposium, but to establish a faculty position in Chemical Education and the History of Chemistry, to support a yearly departmental colloquium on the History of Chemistry, to establish a scholarships for outstanding high school chemistry students, and to purchase new additions of the Oesper Collection of Books and Prints in History of Chemistry, which currently houses nearly 3,200 books and journals and about 1,800 photographs and prints relating to the history of chemistry.
December Monthly Meeting
5:30 PM Poster Set-Up
Annual Section Poster Session
December 6, 1995
Armory Drill floor
Winding Way at Dana Avenue
6:00 PM Poster Session and Pizza
Individuals wishing to present a poster on December 6 should send the title and the authors' names to:
Deanna Ashing
BASF Container Coatings
500 Technicenter Drive
Milford, OH 45150
All students are welcome to participate. The deadline is Monday December 4 at 12 Noon. Please include a phone number or an e-mail address where you can be reached.
News for the Classroom
It is already the seventh week of school and everything is off to a
busy start. Around the area, schools are adjusting to implementing
the new State Science Model. The proficiency test will now include a
science section.
For the first one of the year, I fill an aquarium with water and place an assortment of soft drinks in the aquarium. Some float and some sink. Most people immediately get part of the answer but do not realize there is one answer for why some sink and another answer for why some float. Other examples have included "dancing raisins," "changeable markers," effect of cleaners on golden rod paper, steel wool in vinegar, and more. I tell them that there is no magic involved - what they observe is really what I am doing. Second semester, students take turns performing a DEF or DEW (discrepant events on Wednesdays) and have hung keys on a strand of hair, demonstrated the magic defroster, ignited steel wool with a battery and many more.
Several of these were displayed for Parents' Open House and the parents had a chance to search for a solution.
Our first meeting was held in September at Sycamore High School. Several teachers shared demonstrations they had seen this summer, calendars were marked, new catalogs were distributed, and the mailing list was updated. We then worked for about an hour on CBL labs with the Texas Instruments TI-82 calculators interfaced to a computer. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 24, at 7:00 PM at Oak Hills High School, 3200 Ebenezer Road, 922-2300.
We meet monthly at various locations. We urge you to join us. Please look at the planned dates and times.
2. Cincinnati State Technical and Community College is looking for someone to teach organic chemistry at night. If interested, please contact Jim Bronstrup at 569-1704.
3. Summer Internship for Minority Secondary Science Teachers - There will be a program in the summer of 1996. If interested, contact Ted Logan at 627-2751.
Larry Sallans W: 482-2371 Henkel Corp. Emory Group H: 858-1630 4900 Este Avenue Bld. 53 Fax: 482-2862Oesper & Chemistry Olympiad
John P. Williams W: 863-8833 Miami University-Hamilton H: 931-6127 1601 Peck Blvd. Fax: 863-1655 Hamilton, OH 45011 e-mail: williajp@mosler.ham.muohio.eduChemist/Teacher Partnerships and Speakers
Dan McLoughlin W: 745-3352 Xavier University H: 891-5227 Department of Chemistry Fax: 745-1954 Cincinnati, OH 45207-1096Educational Grants
Ginger Tannenbaum W: 829-3838 Fairfield High School H: 829-3698 1111 Nilles Road Fairfield, OH 45014 e-mail: chocginger@aol.comChair of Educational Services Committee
Rebecca Stricklin W: 922-2300 Oak Hills High School 3200 Ebenezer Road Cincinnati, OH 45248-4038 e-mail: rstricklin@aol.comSecretary and Equipment Manager
Edmund J. Escudero W: 533-5400 Summit Country Day School 2161 Grandin Road Cincinnati, OH 45208-3300 e-mail: escudero@summit.cincinnati.oh.usIf you have any other questions, concerns or suggestions, please let me know. I look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings soon.
Rebecca Stricklin
Chair of Educational Services
23 National Mole Day - 1995 Theme = Moledi-gras23 Southwest Ohio OAS District Council Meeting at Miami University - Oxford. Contact: Helen Stevenson 513-529-1859;
24 Education Discussion Group 7 PM at Oak Hills High School. Topics: bring your favorite mole activity, share Mac computer programs.
4-5 National Chemistry Week Demonstration Shows at Museum CenterDecember6 Satellite Broadcast for National Chemistry Week Cincinnati State
29 Education Discussion Group at Wyoming High School. Topic: bring your favorite toy demonstration.
8 ACS Monthly Meeting: Poster Session at Xavier U.January
20 Science Bowl Coaches Meeting at Cincinnati State31 Education Discussion Group at Ursuline Academy in Blue Ash. Topic: bring your favorite demonstration.
Prepared on November 8, 1995 by