CINTACS is published by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).
I want to thank those member who returned their survey to me, there
were many good, concrete suggestions for improvement which will be
shared with the Board at our December meeting. A final report on the
results along with our prize winners will be in the January
For those members who suggested a less formal meeting; our December 6
Poster Session is for you! Pizza and a chance to see the areas of
research of our local college chemistry graduate students. And the
"price is right" at $5.00 including refreshments!
Our upcoming speaker on Wednesday January 17 at the Phoenix Hotel is
Dr. Shelby Thames, Distinguished University Research Professor, the
University of Southern Mississippi, southern Coatings Technology
Distinguished Professor, and Professor of Polymer Science. Dr. Thames
is actively involved with research as well as teaching and service
activities. The Department of Polymer Science at USM has co-sponsored
the annual Water-Base Higher Solids and Powder Coatings Symposium for
20 consecutive years in New Orleans. USM is 23rd in chemical research
and development funds brought into a university, and an equally
impressive national ranking of 38th for university expenditures
committed to research. His talk will be "Industry and Academia -- A
Winning Combination."
Just a reminder, if after making a dinner reservation for our meeting
you should find that you are unable to attend, please call to cancel
so that the Section is not charged for your meal.
'94-'95 '95-'96
National Allotment $14,528.50 $12,000.00
Local Section Dues $4,416.00 $5,000.00
Local Affiliates $200.00 $300.00
Tax Related $2,300.00 $0.00
Meeting Sponsors $1,800.00 $2,000.00
Travel Rebates $321.00 $500.00
Advertising $1,500.00 $3,000.00
Short Courses $5,900.00 $5,000.00
5/3 Saving Acct. $6,000.00 $9,525.00
Trustees Fund $3,500.00 $3,500.00
Meal Receipts $8,497.50 $9,000.00
TOTAL INCOME $48,963.00 $49,825.00
'94-'95 '95-'96
Tax Related $300.00 $400.00
Chair-Elect Workshop $541.00 $550.00
Travel (Councilors) $642.00 $1,000.00
Postage $3,648.72 $4,000.00
Public Relations Workshop $0.00 $550.00
Committees $1,549.63 $2,000.00
Service charge $17.00 $0.00
Administrative Materials $185.17 $0.00
Subtotal $6,883.52 $8,500.00
Publications and Printing
Printing (except elections) $5,568.42 $6,000.00
Mailing Labels $25.43 $300.00
Election Materials $864.00 $900.00
Subtotal $6,457.85 $7,200.00
Speaker Expenses $1,023.69 $4,000.00
Speaker's Gifts $110.57 $100.00
Meals, Social Hours $13,923.21 $14,000.00
Meeting Site Expenses $750.00 $0.00
Other (AV, parking, rooms) $280.81 $400.00
Short Course
(except printing & postage) $7,130.98 $5,000.00
Subtotal $23,219.26 $23,500.00
Special Projects
High School Teachers Workshop $1,448.80 $1,500.00
National Chemistry Week $2,671.35 $3,500.00
Project SEED $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Subtotal $5,620.15 $6,500.00
Oesper Award $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Oesper Plaque $72.00 $100.00
High School Awards/Teach. Cert. $496.73 $1,450.00
Exam Costs and Awards $940.99 $900.00
Cinti Chem./Tech
Plaques/50 yr. Award $421.66 $400.00
Subtotal $2,931.38 $3,850.00
Science Fairs $0.00 $200.00
ESC Advertisement $0.00 $75.00
Subtotal $0.00 $275.00
'94-'95 '95-'96
TOTAL INCOME $48,963.00 $49,825.00
TOTAL EXPENSES $45,112.16 $49,825.00
NET $3,850.84 $0.00
Nominations forms for either Award should be requested from and returned to:
Chemist of the Year
Dr. Ron Jandacek
Research Associate of the Year
Richard Sunberg
High School Teacher of the Year
Diane Rose
A 2-year stint as a chemical engineer plus a family background (my
maternal grandparents were small-town pharmacists) convinced me that a
human-health related career would suit me better, and I enrolled in a
graduate program at Northwestern University, where I received the
Ph.D. degree in biochemistry. My major Professor was Leonard Fosdick,
affectionately known as "Fearless," then Head of Biochemistry in the
Dental School. With that association, it seemed natural to accept an
appointment as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the University
of Texas Dental Branch in Houston. While at Northwestern I had met an
intriguing young woman named Marion Fahr; we married in Houston.
Four years in Houston were enjoyable, but there was little time for
research, and I seemed to be drifting away from my career interest,
which was developing in the direction of drug-related research. This
crystallized for me when an opportunity opened up to head a
biochemistry group (later a Department) in the Research Division of
the William S. Merrell Company in Cincinnati. At that time
application of biochemical techniques and knowledge to drug discovery
and development was a pretty new concept, and the challenge was
My career at Merrell involved development of projects on a variety of
medical problems: atherosclerosis, diabetes, thrombosis, prostate
hyperplasia and cancer and a specific oncogene (tyrosine kinase)
inhibition. Most frequently an enzyme inhibition approach was used.
My extremely able colleagues made the system work, and we worked in
close collaboration with medicinal and organic chemists.
Since Retirement in 1989, my life has been filled with competing interests;
grandchildren, golf, tutoring, reading and science. We should all be so
From the Chair
National Chemistry Week 1995 was an exciting time for our Section.
Larry Sallans, chair, and his committee did an outstanding job of
making this week meaningful in the Greater Cincinnati area. Science
demonstrations at the Natural History Museum and public Libraries,
Industrial Open Houses, a science contest involving 600 elementary
schools, high school night sponsored by the Chemistry Department
(faculty and students) at Wilmington College and an ACS Satellite
Teleconference at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
were just a few of the Section's outreach for NCW. Many of you became
involved with NCW for the first time this year, and hopefully it will
be an annual experience.
Deanna Ashing1994-1995 Budget Summary
1995-1996 Proposed Budget
Call For Nominations
The Section Awards Committee requests nominations for the 1996
Cincinnati Chemist of the Year Award, 1996 Cincinnati
Technician/Research Associate of the Year Award and High School
Teacher of the Year. These awards are presented annually to
members of the Section in recognition of outstanding research and
educational contributions to the scientific community. The 1995
Cincinnati Chemist of the Year will be the featured speaker at the
March 13th Section meeting. The deadline for nominations is
January 5, 1996.
Cincinnati Chemist of the Year
Cincinnati Technician/Research Assoc. of the Year
The Procter & Gamble Company
Miami Valley Laboratories
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253
The Procter & Gamble Company
Miami Valley Laboratories
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253
Ursuline Academy
5535 Pfeiffer Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242Cincinnati Section Meeting Schedule
50-Year Member
I was born in a small town in northern Indiana, but grew up in Atlanta
and Chicago. My chemistry career began with the Chemical Engineering
Program at the University of Notre Dame. We were urged in our
freshman year to join the ACS, which most of us did. After graduation
(B.S. in ChE.) I joined the U.S. Gypsum Company's Product
Development Lab in Chicago.
Thomas R. Blohm
Tom Blohm
To return to the
local section page.