Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section
of the
American Chemical Society

Volume 33 (7)
March 1996

Editor.......................Edward Burton
Advertising...............Jackie Hoofring

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

In This Issue ....


The deadline for the next Newsletter (April 1996) is March 10, 1996. All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble,
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

(513) 627-1494 Telephone
(513) 627-1233 FAX



From the Chair

Our meeting this month is a very special one for the section in that we honor our Chemist and Research Associate of the year. This year we are recognizing Richard Elder, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati, and Edward Cox of Procter & Gamble as our Chemist and Research Associate of the Year respectively.

Dr. Elder was trained as an inorganic chemist and crystallographer at MIT where he received his PhD in 1964. His background in crystallography has given him an unusual perspective in his current field of bioinorganic chemistry of metal based drugs. His talk on March 13 will be on the evolution of gold chemistry in medicine, and it's recent impact on the pharmaceutical industry.

Mr. Cox works in the Oral Care research team at the HCRC center in Mason, Ohio where he uses a variety of analytical and biological methods to develop new products for Procter & Gamble. Ed will be giving a discussion group presentation at our April meeting.

Please note on the March meeting announcement we are adding an additional discussion group entitled " Employment Outlook /Job Security: ACS Career Services & You." Dr. James D. Burke, PhD, Manager,Research Staffing and University Relations, Rohm & Haas Laboratories will be our speaker. Dr. Burke is also Chair of ACS Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs. We will learn of the employment outlook for chemical scientists in today's market, how to keep ourselves marketable, and the importance of having a strong support system in a vulnerable job market.

On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Winton Jones for Chairing our Project Seed Program for last several years. This program has funded several economically disadvantaged students in our area with summer employment in the field of Chemistry allowing them to see first hand what a career in science is all about. Bruce Strickland has volunteered to take over for Winton so that our section can go forward with its proposal to National for the coming year.

I received many positive comments about our January and February meetings--thanks for your support! Many members are involved in arranging the discussion groups and meetings, and your attendance makes it all worth while .

Deanna Ashing


Cincinnati Chemist of the Year

Richard C. Elder
University of Cincinnati

The Strange Evolution of Gold Chemistry in Medicine

Gold has been used medicinally from ancient times. Its "scientific" use dates from the late nineteenth century, when gold cyanide was used to treat tuberculosis. This substance was found to be rather toxic and so gold complexes with sulfur-containing ligands, such as sodium gold thiosulfate were adopted for treatment as well. Since then "gold salts" have been determined to unsatisfactory for the treatment of TB but have been important for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In the past 20 years there has been a rebirth of interest in these material, with the development of an agent which can be taken orally and a considerable increase in our understanding of the chemistry and perhaps the mode of action of these materials. Recently gold containing pharmaceuticals have been proposed for the treatment of AIDS.

Richard C. Elder was trained as an inorganic chemist and crystallographer at MIT from which he received a Ph. D. in 1964. After 5 years at the University of Chicago he moved to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. After a sabbatical in Australia in 1977, he developed an interest in metal-based drugs and imaging agents. His background in crystallography has given him an unusual perspective in his current field of bio-inorganic chemistry of metal-based drugs and their metabolites. His collaborations with his wife (Katherine Tepperman) and many other colleagues have led him to not only implement several new techniques for identifying metal-based drugs but also new methods for determining molecular structure.


Cincinnati Research Associate of the Year

Edward R. Cox
Procter & Gamble

Mr. Edward R. Cox was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio and graduated from Northridge High School in 1982. Upon completing high school, Mr. Cox was awarded a Dow Chemical Company Scholarship to Wright State University. While in school, Mr. Cox was selected for a student job in the Materials Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. After graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry in 1986, Mr. Cox began working for a small electrochemical plating company in Dayton. In 1987, he left the electrochemical position to join the Oral Care research team for P & G at the Sharon Woods Technical Center. Mr. Cox currently still works in Oral Care in the global upstream technology division at the HCRC center in Mason where he uses a variety of analytical and biological methods to develop new products.


Procter & Gamble's Dr. M. D. Francis to Receive Chemical Industry's Perkin Medal

The Society of Chemical Industry (American Section) has named Procter & Gamble Scientist Dr. M. David Francis the 1996 recipient of the Perkin Medal. The gold medal will be presented to Dr. Francis on March 13, 1996 during a dinner at the Plaza Hotel in New York City.

The American Section of the Society of Chemical Industry is the custodian of the medal and presents it. Each year the section organizes a special Jury of Award to nominate and elect the Medalist. The Jury is composed of officers of the American Section of the SCI and of the American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemists, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Electrochemical Society, and American Section of the Soiete de Chimie Industrielle. It is the only Award which connotes recognition of accomplishment by all six "sister" societies whose total membership represents most scientist and engineers in the U.S.

One of the chemical industry's most prestigious awards, the Perkin Medal is recognized as the highest honor given for outstanding applied chemistry in the United States. It was established in 1906 by the American Section to commemorate the discovery of the first synthetic dye by Sir Henry Perkin. It has now recognized 90 scientists and engineers who have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of the quality of life and the world competitiveness of the U.S. economy. Four of these medalist have also received Nobel Prizes.

Dr. Francis will receive the medal in recognition of his basic discoveries and inventions leading to the development of fluoride-containing dentifrices to prevent cavities, imaging agents for the detection and diagnosis of bone cancer, and bisphosphonates as treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, a debilitating disease that will strike over 50% of all women past 50 and cost the world healthcare system a staggering $30 billion.

Dr. Francis holds 32 patents and has 8 others pending. His 109 publications include papers in technical journals and book chapters and he has spoken on his work around the world.


Cincinnati Local Section By-Law Changes

In accordance with the charter granted by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, March 29, l892, and pursuant to the rights and privileges delegated to the Local Sections by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY, the following bylaws are herewith adopted for the government of the Cincinnati Section of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY when approved by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Section and shall become effective when approved by the Council of the SOCIETY unless a later date is specified. All former bylaws or resolutions governing the Section at variance with these bylaws are hereby repealed.

A new Bylaw I will be added, describing objectives ( objects in bylaw jargon) of the Local Section. Its wording closely resembles that of the Objects bylaw of National ACS, reading as follows:

Bylaw I. Objects

Section 1. The objects of the Cincinnati Section of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY shall be to encourage in the broadest and most liberal manner the advancement of chemistry in all its branches; the promotion of research in chemical science and industry; the improvement of the qualifications and usefulness of chemists through high standards of professional ethics, education, and attainments; the increase and diffusion of chemical knowledge; and by its meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions, and publications, to promote scientific interests and inquiry, thereby fostering public welfare and education, aiding the development of industries, and adding to the material prosperity and happiness of our people.

Section 2. To foster the improvement of the qualifications and usefulness of chemists, the Local Section shall be concerned with both the profession of chemistry and its practitioners.

Section 3. To foster the objects specified in this bylaw, the Local Section shall cooperate with all technically trained personnel and shall be concerned with the worldwide application of chemistry to the needs of humanity.

Bylaw II. Affiliations (formerly Article I)

Wording changes.

Sec. 1, 1st Sentence: The Cincinnati Section may affiliate with the Technical and Scientific Council of Cincinnati or with other similar associations...

Bylaw III. Membership (formerly Article IX).

The Bylaw describing Membership has been moved to near the beginning of the document, with one wording change. In the previous version, the term member was used prior to being defined.

Sec. 4, 5th Sentence: Local Section dues are voluntary for members of the National SOCIETY and...

Bylaw IV. Section Officers, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors (formerly Article II)

The description of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the section has been clarified to be consistent with its current composition.

Sec. 1, 2nd Sentence: All of these officers, together with the Councilors and Alternate Councilors to which the Section is entitled by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Section.

Sec. 1, insert a 4th Sentence: The Executive Committee and Committee Chairs shall constitute a Board of Directors, with Committee Chairs as non-voting members.

Bylaw V. Election of Officers and Terms of Office (formerly Article III)

Representatives to the Technical and Scientific Societies Council of Cincinnati (currently inactive) are to be appointed by the Executive Committee rather than elected, and not be members of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.

Sec. 5: The representatives to which the Section is entitled by the Code of the Technical and Scientific Societies Council of Cincinnati shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. They shall serve for one year following their appointment.

Sec. 8: Any vacancy occurring for any reason among the Trustees, Councilors, or Alternate Councilors shall be filled...

Bylaw VI. Nomination of Officer Candidates (formerly Article IV)

Wording changes.

Sec. 1, 4th Sentence: This committee shall nominate at least two Section members...

Sec. 1, 5th Sentence: The committee may nominate one or more members for each of these offices. The nominees for Councilor or...

Bylaw VII. Duties of Officers (formerly Article V)

Wording change.

Sec. 1, 2nd Sentence: If none of these officers are present...

Bylaw VIII. Duties of the Trustees and Disposition of the Trust Fund (formerly Article VI)

The description of the nature of the Trust Fund, including the appropriate use of funds and a procedure for their dispensation, has been changed to be consistent with proposals previously approved by the Executive Committee of the Section. As part of these proposals, the role of the Trustees in controlling the Trust Fund has been strengthened and expanded.

Sec. 2, Delete everything after the 1st sentence. Add The Board of Trustees shall manage this money using standard investment and financial practices.

Sec. 3. Reworded to read: The Trust Fund is hereby designated as the official repository for gifts and unsolicited contributions to the Section. The Board of Trustees shall honor any special designation of funds made by a donor.

Delete existing Sec. 4 in its entirety and replace with:

Section 4. Each year the Board of Trustees will determine the amount of money that will be used from the Trust Fund for annual Section activities. The Board of Trustees will inform the new Chair-Elect of this amount in a timely manner so that a budget proposal for the upcoming year can be prepared, activities planned and committees given appropriate yearly budget amounts. Additional money from the Trust Fund during the budget year may be granted only by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.

Add new Sections 5 and 6 as follows:

Section 5. Trust Fund money above that approved by the Board of Trustees in Bylaw VIII, Section 4 can be provided by a 3/5ths vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Section, provided a resolution to the effect is offered at a preceding regular meeting and copies of said resolution are sent to all members of the Section prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.

Section 6. At the written request of the Chair and Treasurer of the Section, the Clerk of the Board of Trustees shall deliver to the Treasurer from the Trust Fund any amount of money authorized in accordance with Bylaw VIII, Section 5.

Renumber current Sections 5-8 to Sections 7-10.

Bylaw IX. Fiscal Powers (formerly Article VII)

Section 1 has been changed to provide more budgeting flexibility for the future by eliminating reference to specific monetary amounts, while still stipulating an upper limit to maintain fiscal control.

Sec 1. to read: The Executive Committee shall be empowered to authorize expenditures from general funds of the Section. Any single non-budgeted expenditures of more than 1 percent of the original approved yearly budget must be presented to the Executive Committee for discussion, and may only be made after approval by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee present at a regular meeting of that Committee.

Bylaw X. Meetings (formerly Article VIII)

Changes made to reflect the current meeting schedule, which generally includes a September meeting, and to update the reference to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Sec. 1, 1st Sentence: Except during the months of June, July and August, regular meetings...

Sec. 2. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern...

Bylaw XI. Meeting Order of Business (formerly Article X)

Bylaw XII. Amendment of Bylaws (formerly Article XI)

No changes.

Bylaw XIII. Trust Fund Loans for Students

Rules for issuance and repayment of loans are clarified, with greater control being given to the Trustees and greater flexibility provided by eliminating references to specific monetary amounts.

Sec. 1, 1st Sentence: At the discretion of the Board of Trustees, the Trust Fund of the Section...

Sec. 2, Sub-section e. Delete current sub-section and replace with: Loans to individual undergraduate or graduate students shall not exceed limits determined annually by the Trustees.

Sec. 2, Sub-section g, 1st Sentence: A loan to a graduate student shall be without interest until the first July 1 following the time when he or she ceases to be a degree seeking student.

Sec. 2, Sub-section j, 2nd Sentence: To maintain the availability of the Fund for new applications, it is expected that each borrower will begin repayment according to Section 2(g).

Bylaw XIV. Ralph E. Oesper Chemistry Awards (formerly Article XIII)

Several wording changes clarifying the eligibility, selection criteria and timing of the awards, with the overall intent of increasing flexibility.

Sec. 1, 1st Sentence: A direct grant-in-aid award system is hereby established to provide outright gifts of financial aid to worthy high school students...

Sec. 3, Sub-section b, 3rd Sentence: This shall be done prior to February of any year...

Sec. 3, Sub-section d, Delete existing wording and replace with: The selection of award recipients shall be made by the administrators of this award system in such manner and on such basis as they choose.

Sec. 3, Sub-section e, Sub-sub-section 1, 2nd Sentence: The awards are payable to the student when the award winners are announced at a regular meeting of the Section.

Sec. 3, Sub-section e, Sub-sub-section 2: Selection is to be made after February each year awards are offered. Awards are to be announced at a regular meeting of the Section.

Bylaw XV. Discharge of Section Affairs Upon Dissolution (formerly Article XIV)

No changes.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cincinnati Section Bylaws Committee

Joe Kaczvinsky
Ted Logan
Dan McLoughlin


Center for Chemical Education Offers Summer Courses for Chemical Educators

Spend a small part of your summer with your peers and expose your students to real-world information and activities during the school year. We are pleased to announce several courses for summer 1996. Target applicants range from kindergarten teachers through college instructors, with many courses focusing on industry, chemical technology, and innovative science education with toys. For more information on any of our summer courses, including benefits, costs, biographies of course instructors, and application details, contact:

Center for Chemical Education
Miami University Middletown
4200 E. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
voice: 513/ 727-3318
fax: 513/ 727-3223

Anne Munson
Center for Chemical Education
Miami University Middletown

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HTML version prepared on February 26, 1996 by Jeffrey.Nauss@UC.Edu.