Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section

of the

American Chemical Society

Volume 34 (3)
November 1996

EditorEdward Burton
Assistant EditorDianne Sod
AdvertisingJackie Hoofring

ClNTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

In This Issue ....


The submission deadline for the next Newsletter (December 1996) is Wednesday, October 16, 1996. Deadline for the January 1997 issue is Wednesday, December 4, 1996.

All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

Telephone:(513) 627-1494
FAX: (513) 627-1233

OR Dianne Sod at e-mail:



Wednesday, November 6
(University of Cincinnati)
Oesper Award Dinner Honoring Dr. Ralph Adams
Featured Speaker: Dr. Don Leedy, Procter & Gamble, (Electrochemistry)
Discussion Groups:
Wednesday, December 4
(Xavier University)
Featured Speaker: Dr. Steven Bachrach, Northern Illinois University, (Chemistry on the Internet)
Section Poster Session (in lieu of discussion groups)
Wednesday, January 22
(The Phoenix)
Featured Speaker: Dr. Joseph Nagyvary, Texas A&M University, (Decoding the Stradivaris)
Discussion Groups: Chemical Information


Dr. Ralph Adams to Receive Oesper Award

Professor Ralph N. Adams was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey on August 26, 1924. Following four years service as a pilot in the Army Air Corps, he received a B.S. in Chemistry from Rutgers University in 1950. He then attended Princeton University where he worked under the direction of the late Professor N. Howell Furman, receiving a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1953. Dr. Adams remained on the faculty at Princeton from 1953 to 1955, before joining the staff of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kansas. His research interests until 1969 centered on electro-oxidations at solid electrodes and the mechanisms of organic electrode reactions. In 1964 he was a J.S. Guggenheim Fellow in Zurich Switzerland, doing research in EPR-electrochemistry at Varian AG and the ETH. In 1969, the research interests of his laboratory shifted to applying electrochemistry to the problems of the neurosciences. Dr. Adams spent a sabbatical leave in the Department of Psychobiology at the University of California, Irvine, in 1970, receiving fundamental training in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. He spent three years (from 1972 to 1975) as an interdisciplinary scholar in the Resident Psychiatry Program at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas. Since the 1970's, research in Dr. Adams' laboratory centered on applications of electroanalytical methods to the neurosciences and neurochemical studies of schizophrenia. Although he formally retired in 1992, the schizophrenia and human brain chemistry research continues in a small laboratory maintained primarily by an exceptionally generous fund generated by his former graduate students and co-workers and the kind understanding of his wife Gini.

Featured Speaker Dr. Don Leedy
Honors the Oesper Award Winner

Dr. Don W. Leedy received his undergraduate degree in chemistry from the University of California, Riverside in 1964 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in 1968. While at Riverside, Dr. Leedy conducted undergraduate research with Dr. Ted Kuwana, Ralph Adams' first Ph.D. student. Dr. Leedy's thesis work while at Kansas focused on developing an understanding of degradation mechanisms of electrogenerated transient intermediates. Since joining Procter & Gamble in 1968, Dr. Leedy has led the development of several research sections focusing on analytical and biopharmaceutical chemistry, and currently heads the upstream upper respiratory research program in the OTC-Health Care Technology Division at P & G's Miami Valley Laboratories. In this talk, Dr. Leedy will focus on the "early years" in Adams' laboratory and set the stage for the amazing in-vivo use of electroanalytical techniques applied to the neurosciences pioneered by Professor Ralph Adams and his students.


From the Chair

The month of November is a very busy time for the Section. November 3-9 marks National Chemistry Week (NCW). The Section will again, as it has in the past, focus a concerted effort towards NCW activities. This year's co-chairs for NCW are Jody Mesaros and Chris Morrissey. Jody and Chris have scheduled demonstrations and displays at the Museum Center on the weekend of November 2-3 and are also coordinating visits from Section members who will give demonstrations at over 30 libraries in the area. Rich Sunberg is again organizing the NCW contest for the elementary school students. Susan Ross is heading up the contest for grades 1-3 students. She will also involve area student affiliate chapters to assist in the contest judging.

Also during the month of November is the annual Oesper Symposium and the Oesper Award dinner held at the University of Cincinnati. This year's Oesper awardee is Ralph Adams from the University of Kansas. Ralph will receive his award at the Section's November 6 meeting. Be sure to mark your calendars for this very special event.

Finally, in this issue is the advertisement and submission form for the Section's annual poster session held on December 4. The poster session serves as a wonderful opportunity for those in academia and industry to let other know of the different types of chemistry taking place in the area. This year, the poster session will be held at Xavier University. The poster session will be held in place of the discussion groups and in conjunction with the social hour. The after dinner talk will focus on chemistry on the internet. This talk should be of interest to a large cross-section of our membership. Please note that the poster submission deadline is December 1.

In closing, the Section has many activities taking place during this month in conjunction with NCW and the Oesper Symposium. All members are encouraged to support the Section in these important events.


Karlyn A. Schnapp


Ralph and Helen Oesper Symposium
Honoring Professor Ralph N. Adams

Friday, November 8, 1996
Room 502 Rieveschl Hall
University of Cincinnati

2:00 Symposium Introduction

2:05 Professor Kim Mitchell, University of Kansas

2:55 Professor Ted Kuwana, University of Kansas

3:45 Coffee Break

4:00 Introduction of the Guest of Honor

Oesper Award Lecture
Professor Ralph N. Adams
University of Kansas

5:00 Reception for our Guest of Honor
University of Cincinnati Faculty Club


Introduction to Students and Professionals in Chemistry (a.k.a. Young Chemists Committee)

Are you still a little fuzzy about what Young Chemists Committee (YCC) is? If so, don't feel bad; you have company. We hope that after reading this article you may realize that YCC, now called Students and Professionals in Chemistry (SPC), is geared towards you and your interests.

Started this spring, the local Young Chemists Committee was introduced to serve young chemists. This local organization is still a part of a national YCC program; however, we changed the local name to SPC to reflect our broader membership. For example, although YCC's age group is between 18 and 40 years old, SPC saw the advantages of having a diverse group and decided that there is no age bracket; you only have to be young at heart! We eagerly invite everyone to attend any of SPC's functions, whether you are a biochemist, chemist, chemical engineer, student, or a professional in industry or in academia.

SPC is the response to young chemists' desires to have a forum where chemists can meet and learn about other chemists at different companies and with different jobs in an informal setting. The main purposes of SPC are to provide social, professional, and public outreach opportunities for chemists. To promote awareness of people at companies that utilize chemistry in some form, SPC plans mixers and company tours, in addition to other activities. On the website, SPC will post a list of chemical and chemical-related companies in the Tri-state area and a membership contacts list. Professional, contemporary topics, such as regional employment outlook and increasing value in your job, will be presented or addressed by speakers or discussion groups. SPC is committed to helping its chemists grow professionally and personally.

New this year, SPC is implementing an ACS/SPC host program during ACS monthly meetings. This program will serve to help break the ice for new members. During the scheduled social time, an ACS host member will introduce other established ACS members to SPC members (which you may find to be easier than trying to introduce yourself if you attend solo!). If you would like to participate with the ACS/SPC host program, just mention the host program when you place your next dinner reservation for the ACS meeting. We hope to see you there!

If you would like more information about SPC or have suggestions, contact either Isabel Caputa at ORSANCO (231-7719) or Susan Ross at UC (556-9201).


Cincinnati Section ACS

Budget Summary

National Allotment$10,000.00$10,339.00
Local Section Dues$8,000.00$7,827.64
Local Affiliates$200.00$170.00
Meeting Sponsors$2,000.00$2,250.00
Travel Rebates$3,000.00$263.34
Short Courses$4,000.00$0.00
Meal Receipts$11,000.00$6,677.51
Trustees Fund (Grants)$5,000.00$1,000.00
Trustees Fund (NCW, etc.)$7,120.00$3,155.00
Tranfer 5/3 Savings$0.00$17,000.00
Other (petty cash, etc.)$0.00$90.00
Total Income$52,320.00$50,582.49

Administrative Special Projects
Tax Related$300.00$300.00National Chemistry Week $3,000.00$3,155.06
Chair-elect Workshop$550.00$541.44Educational Grants $5,000.00$1,000.00
Travel$4,000.00$446.88Project SEED $0.00$1,500.00
P.R. Workshop$0.00$490.94Subtotal $8,000.00$5,655.06
Subtotal$10,350.00$7,111.83Oesper Award $1,000.00$1,000.00
Oesper Plaque$100.00$153.32
Publication & Printing High School Awards $1,700.00$1,697.30
Printing (except elections)$7,000.00$8,316.71Exam Costs & Awards $950.00$930.92
Mailing Labels$500.00$460.76Cinti Chem/Tech Plaques $400.00$912.94
Election Materials$800.00$798.99other (survey, etc.) $0.00$120.10
Desktop Publishing$0.00$210.94
Subtotal $4,150.00$4,814.58
Meetings Science Fairs $0.00$60.00
Speaker Expenses$5,000.00$3,640.69ESC Advertisement $60.00$60.00
Speaker Gifts$60.00$272.24Petty Cash $0.00$40.00
Monthly Meeting Meals$12,000.00$14,823.28ACS Retention Mixer $0.00$136.36
Meeting Sites$0.00$450.00
Short Course(s)$4,000.00$0.00Subtotal$60.00$296.36
Other (AV, rooms, etc.)$400.00$330.25
Total Expenses$52,320.00$47,181.69


Call for Nominations

Cincinnati Chemist of the Year
Cincinnati Research Associate of the Year
High School Teacher of the Year
Junior High School Teacher of the Year

The Section Awards Committee requests nominations for the 1997 Cincinnati Chemist of the Year, Cincinnati Research Associate of the Year, High School Teacher of the Year and Junior High School Teacher of the Year. These awards are presented annually to members of the Section in recognition of outstanding research and educational contributions to the scientific community. The 1997 Chemist of the Year will be the featured speaker at the February 19, 1997 Section meeting.

The deadline for nominations for Cincinnati Chemist of the Year and Technician/Research Associate of the Year is December 6, 1996.

High School Teacher and Junior High School Teacher of the Year nominations are due by January 6, 1996.

Nominations forms for these awards should be requested from and returned to :

James J. Knittel
Awards Committee Chair
College of Pharmacy
University of Cincinnati
P. O. Box 670004
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0004

Call for Nominations

1997 Patterson-Crane Award
Dayton and Columbus Section

Nominees for the 1997 Paterson-Crane Award are being sought by the Dayton and Columbus, Ohio Sections of the American Chemical Society. The biennial award, consisting of a $2,000 honorarium and a personalized commendation, is given in honor of Austin M. Patterson and E. J. Crane, previous editors of Chemical Abstracts.

An international honor, the Patterson-Crane Award acknowledges contributions to the field of chemical literature, especially chemistry documentation, chemical information storage and retrieval, and design, development, production, or

management of chemical information systems or services.

Nominations for the award must be in writing and should discuss the nominee's contributions to the field as well as an evaluation of accomplishments. Materials supporting the nomination should include a biography and bibliography of publications and presentations. Seconding letters are required.

Send one copy of the nomination materials to:

The Patterson-Crane Award Committee
Margaret Roach, Chair
c/o ACS Dayton Section
140 E. Monument Ave.
Dayton, OH 45402-1267

These materials must be received by January 31, 1997. To receive an informative brochure about the award, contact M. Roach at (937) 224-8513 or 255-3005.

Nominations will be judged by a seven-member committee consisting of Dayton and Columbus Section members as well as the Chair of the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information.

The 1997 Patterson-Crane Award will be presented May 13, 1997 at an awards dinner to be held in Dayton, Ohio.


ACS Congressional Fellowship

The ACS Congressional Fellowship Program offers a unique experience by placing an ACS member in a congressional office to work for one year. The Fellow has the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the operation of the legislative branch, make scientific and technical expertise available to the government, and forge links between the scientific and government communities. The Fellowship is available in Fall 1997.

Applications are due January 1, 1997 and must include a letter of intent, a resume, and two letters of reference.

For more information, please contact:

Margaret Carey at (202) 872-4467 or



December 4, 1996
Xavier University
University Center, 3d Floor


Submission Deadline: December 1, 1996

This is a great opportunity to see the different types of chemistry going on in the tri-state area!

Location: The poster session, dinner, and after dinner talk will all take place in the University Center at Xavier.

Event Schedule: Wednesday, December 4, 1996

5:00 Poster Set-up

5:30-7:00 Poster Session

7:00 Dinner

8:00 After Dinner Talk (Dr. Steven Bachrach, "Chemistry on the Internet")

NOTE: You do not need to attend the dinner and after dinner talk to present a poster at this meeting.

Poster Size: Approximately 4' x 4' space.

Contact Dr. Karlyn Schnapp at the address below by December 1, 1996 for submitting a poster.

Dr. Karlyn A. Schnapp
Department of Chemistry
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099-1905

Phone: (606) 572-6681
FAX: (606) 572-5162


To return to the local section page.

HTML version prepared on October 18, 1996 by Jeffrey.Nauss@UC.Edu.