Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section
The American Chemical Society


Volume 35 - Number 6
March 1998

Senior Editor

Edward Burton

Assistant Editor

Dianne Sod


Julia Bedell


Jackie Hoofring
Stuart Oehrle

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

Every member is urged to send in their e-mail address. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member in the "Subject" area of the message format. Send this information via e-mail to: ACS@UCRWCU.RWC.UC.EDU


The submission deadline for the next Newsletter is Monday, March 2, 1998. Deadline for the May 1998 issue is Wednesday, April 8, 1998. Send copy to:

Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

Telephone: (513) 627-1494
FAX: (513) 627-1233


Dianne Sod

In This Issue ....

Wednesday, March 25
(Embassy Suites)
NCW Award Winners

Featured Speaker: Dr. R.G. Cooks (Analytical Chemistry)

Discussion Groups:



Wednesday, April 29

(Northern Kentucky Univ.)
High School Teachers/Awards Night
Featured Speaker: Dr. Jon Miller (Science Literacy)


May ??

Section Party Night

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March Meeting Features Dr. R. G. Cooks

R. G. Cooks received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Natal, South Africa and a second Ph.D. from Cambridge in Great Britain. After a year as post-doctoral fellow at Cambridge, he worked at Kansas State University as Assistant Professor of Chemistry from 1968-1971. Dr. Cook joined Purdue University in 1971 and since 1990 has been the Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor of Chemistry. He was a Fulbright Senior Fellow at the University of Warwick in1981 and has been an adjunct Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology since 1987. Other honors include the Thomson Medal for Mass Spectrometry, 1985, the ACS Award for Mass Spectrometry, 1991, and the ACS Award for Analytical Chemistry, 1997.

Intersections: Premodernist Poetry, Pre-Raphaelite Painting,
but mostly the Magnificence of Mass Spectrometry

We listen to E. E. Cummings and Tennyson, remind ourselves of Shelley, Keats and especially Wordsworth, in order to calibrate ourselves to quality, ingenuity and beauty in one medium. Then we look at the development of the group of 19th century painters known as the Pre-Raphaelites to examine the practice of group activity. We also use them to explore aspects of technique as well as the role of ambition and perseverance in creative work. Finally we turn our attention to analytical chemistry, first placing it in the widest context in chemistry and then examining one of its branches, mass spectrometry. Here we look closely at two recent topics, (i) the modification of surfaces using ion beams as chemical reagents and (ii) the use of multiparticle simulations to inform and direct the progress of research in an instrumentally intensive area, that of ion trap mass spectrometry. Results of these experiments are included together with emphasis on the strategy used in the development of instrumentation. We conclude with a summary of some of the contributions to society of this area of science

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From The Chair

Congratulations to all the student winners of National Chemistry Week awards and profound thanks to Rich Sunberg for once again organizing and administering the contest. These winners will be recognized at this month's meeting. Jody Mesaros and Chris Morrissey, our National Chemistry Week co-chairs, will join in the presentation of the awards. I know I speak for the entire membership when I recognize the tremendous efforts these three individuals have put forth on behalf of our section.

Our speaker this month is Dr. R. G. Cooks of Purdue University, who has received numerous awards for his research in analytical chemistry. The provocative title for his talk certainly sparks my interest; I hope you will join us for his talk and the awards and what promises to be a very enjoyable evening. Please note that two discussion groups will also meet before dinner.

Our congratulations to Eugene Gosselink, last year's Cincinnati Chemist of the Year, who has been named by the Engineers and Scientists of Greater Cincinnati as the Distinguished Scientist of the Year. Gene's award was presented at a banquet held on February 19.

As many of the Section members know, Dr. Jeffrey Nauss has accepted a new position in California and has resigned from the University of Cincinnati. He also has resigned as Treasurer for the Cincinnati Section. In case you've forgotten, Jeff will live in history as the webmaster who established the very first ACS local section web page. (and look how many there are now). We all wish Jeff good fortune in his new endeavors.

I am happy to report that the executive committee has agreed to have Allan Pinhas replace Jeff Nauss as Treasurer for the balance of this year. Also, I know I speak for the entire board and the section when I thank Jeff for his service to our section and wish him well in his new position.

Hank Greeb has agreed to take over services as the Section's Web Page coordinator. I would like to thank Hank for taking over this important task. Hank can be reached by email at

Bill Oliver
Department of Chemistry
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099

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32nd Central Regional Meeting
Cincinnati, OH

In 2000, the Cincinnati Section will host the 32nd Central Regional Meeting. The last time the Section hosted the meeting was in 1992. The 1992 meeting was a enormous success with a total of 613 papers and posters and over 1500 official registrants. The success of the meeting was entirely attributable to the dedicated volunteer effort of over 100 of the Section's members.

The 32nd meeting offers the opportunity for the members of the Section to display their professional spirit once again. Volunteers are needed to serve as both chairs and members of the following committees:








Publicity & Printing

Student Housing

Technical Program



Planning for the meeting must begin within the next few months making it critical to fill committee positions before the end of the calendar year. Anyone wishing to volunteer or with an interest in potentially chairing a technical session/symposium should contact Ray D'Alonzo, Meeting General Chair, by phone at 626-1977 or by email at as soon as possible.

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Outstanding Service Award

The Section Awards Committee request nominations for the Outstanding Service Award. This award is to be presented annually to a member of the Section in recognition of outstanding service to the Cincinnati Section and the field of chemistry. Nominees for this award must be members or affiliates of the Cincinnati Section. The 1998 Outstanding Service Award will be presented at the Party Night Section meeting in May. The deadline for nominations is April 1, 1998.

Nominations for this award should be sent to:

Henry R. Greeb
Awards Chair
c/o Hg Consulting, Inc.
6580 Dry Ridge Road
Cincinnati, OH 45252-1750
Phone 513-385-8363 FAX 513-385-8888

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The ICPC Organizing Committees and the Cincinnati Section of the ACS invite you to participate in the

to be held July 12-17, 1998 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

All aspects of phosphorus chemistry will be represented including an emphasis on biomedical and industrial applications. Abstracts for lectures/posters are welcomed for all areas of the program by March 15, 1998. Visit our website for updates - click here


Or contact the Chairman:
Dr. F. H. Ebetino
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
P. O. Box 8006
Mason, Ohio 45040-8006 USA
Telephone 513-622-3630
FAX 513-622-1195

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The Chemical Heritage Foundation has just published a book entitled "Chemical Achievers: The Human Face of the Chemical Sciences", (Mary Ellen Bowden, Editor). This very interesting book attempts to put a human face on those who have contributed so much to chemistry and our modern world, and to make reading and teaching about these scientists and engineers much more interesting to high school and college students.

The 62 vignettes cover men and women of chemical sciences fame from Avogadro to Wohler in very readable and educational form. Topics covered include the periodic table, gases, plastics, electrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, catalysts, and environmental issues.

Pictures of the scientists and engineers and their families are accompanied by apparatus, laboratory, and industrial facility views.

In addition to suggesting you examine this book for your own education and sharing it with students, I wanted to also tell you that this book has a strong Cincinnati connection. Several drawings by our own Bill Jensen (University of Cincinnati Chemistry Department) are found along with pictures provided by the Oesper Collection (University of Cincinnati). And Dr. Jensen was involved in drawing up the list of scientists to be covered.

Please get a copy of this book, and share it with students pursuing, or contemplating the pursuit of, chemistry as a profession. It will personalize chemistry and serve as further incentive to reach their chemistry educational goals.

Ted J. Logan, Councilor

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1st Annual Symposium of the
Ohio Molecular Computation and
Simulation Network
Friday, April 17, 1998
Engineering Research Center
University of Cincinnati

Morning Session
Computational Chemistry and Drug Design

Invited Talk

"Computational Chemistry and Materials - Meeting the Needs of the Defense Department"
Dr. Charlie Bender
Director of the Ohio Supercomputer Center, OSU

Afternoon Session
Polymers and Biopolymers
Invited Talk
 Bridging the Gap between Atomistic and Coarse-Grained Models of Polymers"
Professor Wayne Mattice, Ohio Eminent Scholar
University of Akron

Call for Papers

Contributions are solicited for 12-14 oral presentations and for a poster session. The preregistration fee (includes a buffet lunch) is $25 for students, $50 for Network members, and $100 for nonmembers. If you are able to attend, please provide the information requested below (by email if possible) and send a check payable to the Department of Chemical Engineering no later than March 15 to:

Professor Joel Fried, Director of the OMCSN, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0171. Telephone: (513) 556-2767; FAX (513) 556-3473; email at

___I plan to attend; a check covering the fee is enclosed

___I would like to present; title and abstract attached (150wds).

___I would like to contribute to a poster session: include title.

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This page was updated 27 Jan 98. Comments and suggestions to