Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section
The American Chemical Society
Volume 35 - Number 7 
April 1998
Senior Editor Edward Burton
Assistant Editor Dianne Sod
Liaison Julia Bedell
Advertising Jackie Hoofring 
Stuart Oehrle
CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

Every member is urged to send in their e-mail address. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member in the "Subject" area of the message format. Send this information via e-mail to: ACS@UCRWCU.RWC.UC.EDU


The submission deadline for the next Newsletter is Wednesday, April 8, 1998. Send copy to:

Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

Telephone: (513) 627-1494
FAX: (513) 627-1233


Dianne Sod

In This Issue ....

Wednesday, April 29
(Northern Kentucky Univ.)
H.S. Teachers/Awards Night
Featured Speaker:
Dr. Jon Miller
(Science Literacy)
Wednesday, May 13
State Capitol Day
(see story)
Friday, June 5
(The Syndicate Restaurant
Newport, KY)
Section Party Night
Mystery Dinner Theater
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April Meeting Features Speaker Dr. Jon Miller

Jon D. Miller, of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, received the A.B. degree from Ohio University, M.A. from the University of Chicago, and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. The A. B. was in government; the two higher degrees were in Political Science. Dr. Miller holds a faculty appointment at Northern Illinois University, where he has been Professor of Political Science, Director of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth, and Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Since 1991, he has been Vice President and Director of the International Center for the Advancement of Scientific Literacy at the Chicago Academy of Sciences. He is the author of four books dealing with some aspect of science policy and has made numerous presentations and reports on the subject. Dr. Miller has received a number of honors and awards for his work, and was a Sigma Xi national lecturer, 1989-91. He is currently serving his third term as President of the International Council for the Comparative Study of the Public Understanding of Science and Technology.

The Development of Scientific Literacy During Middle School and High School

The basic foundations of scientific literacy are formed during the middle school and high school years. Although there is only moderate ability grouping in science in middle school, there is extensive tracking in American high schools, using the designation of regular, honors, and advanced placement. Using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth, this presentation will describe a set of models that identify the major factors associated with student achievement in science.

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From The Chair

We look forward this month to having Dr. Jon D. Miller of the Chicago Academy of Sciences speaking to us on Science Literacy at our annual High School Teachers and Awards Night at NKU. Please note the order of the program: Dr. Miller will speak at 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:15, the awards at 8:00 p.m., and a reception at the NKU Alumni Reception Center following the program. We look forward to seeing the high school award winners each year and I know I speak for the section when I express our appreciation to John Williams for administering the tests and the awards.

Our annual Party Night has been scheduled for Friday, June 5, as a Mystery Dinner Theater production at the Syndicate Restaurant in Newport, Kentucky. Your May CINTACS will have full details, but I hope you will mark June 5 on your calendar for an evening of fun with your fellow section members and guests.

As my year as chair draws to a close, I want to express my appreciation to several individuals who have been especially helpful to me and the section this year but who may not have been mentioned previously in this column. Dianne Sod and Ed Burton have done a wonderful job getting Cintacs out on time; Stuart Oehrle has significantly increased our income from advertisers in CINTACS; Janna Strobel has faithfully maintained a Career Services table at every meeting; and Diana McGill has made sure that dinner and speaker arrangements are taken care of, as well as handling dinner reservations.

Lest we forget, the section is in great debt to Hal Ebetino for chairing the International Phosphorus Symposium this summer and to Ray D'Alonzo for acting as general chair for the Central Regional Meeting in 2000.

Bill Oliver
Department of Chemistry
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099

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From The Chair-Elect

Over the next few months I will be finalizing plans for programs and activities for next year. I need your help! Any suggestions for innovative programs, speakers, committees etc. Are welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

As I have gone through the process of planning next year's program I have realized that a lot of the decisions regarding the monthly meetings are left up to the chair-elect. In order to broaden the participation of the our local section members and to provide direct input into the planning of our meetings, I will be forming a committee consisting of the chair, chair-elect, past-chair and three to four other members (HINT: I want volunteers!) to plan the programs for 1999-2000. This committee will then be able to draw upon the contacts and expertise of a number of individuals for themes, program speakers, etc. rather than requiring the chair-elect to make these decisions on his/her own. Anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact me at the University of Cincinnati, College of Pharmacy (phone 513-558-0733 or email

Next year will also be the 10th anniversary of National Chemistry Week. As part of this celebration the national office has begun an International Chemistry Celebration which will run from November 1998 to November 1999. Local sections have been asked to identify an international partner for this celebration. The partner may be an individual, school, university, company, etc. Since many of our local section members have international contacts through companies and universities, I am asking that you provide me with names for potential contacts or help to plan events during National Chemistry Week. The Office of Public Outreach has suggested some activities for this celebration. Anyone interested in additional information may contact me.

Please let me know if you have suggestions for after-dinner speakers, there are still open slots. I look forward to hearing from you and serving the local section during the coming year.}

Jim Knittel

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State Capitol Day, May 18, 1998

ACS–Government Relations to be Strengthened with the Establishment of State Capitol Day

On Saturday morning, February 27, 1998, representatives from most of the local sections in Ohio met at Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, Ohio, for the first ever ACS State Government Relations Planning Group meeting. The agenda was to investigate the possibility of a state-wide coalition of local sections to effect and contribute to Ohio State public policy. The representatives agreed that ACS should work with the State legislature in those areas of expertise and interest to chemists and chemistry. The Ohio legislature is currently considering legislation on higher education funding, K-12 science education, and numerous environmental issues that effect us.

As a first step toward establishing a state government relations program for Ohio local sections, a State Capitol Day is planned. The Ohio State Capitol Day will take place on Wednesday, May 13. ACS members from every Ohio section are invited and encouraged to convene that day at the State Capitol in Columbus to meet with their state legislators. The purpose of these meetings is to establish or reestablish relationships with our own local representatives and introduce the resources and expertise of the Ohio local sections and members. That expertise might include comment on the quality of K-12 science education, levels of state funding for higher education, restrictions imposed by the Clean Air or Clean Water Acts, or what are in fact "hazardous chemicals" and in what quantities they are hazardous. The ability of ACS, its local sections, and members to ensure that state laws and regulations are based on sound science and supportive of chemists and chemistry is central to the need and opportunity of a state-wide government relations program. Please look for further announcements and plan to join us in Columbus on Wednesday, May 13. For further information, contact Karlyn Schnapp. (606-572-6681 or

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32nd Central Regional Meeting
Cincinnati, OH

In 2000, the Cincinnati Section will host the 32nd Central Regional Meeting. The last time the Section hosted the meeting was in 1992. The 1992 meeting was a enormous success with a total of 613 papers and posters and over 1500 official registrants. The success of the meeting was entirely attributable to the dedicated volunteer effort of over 100 of the Section's members.

The 32nd meeting offers the opportunity for the members of the Section to display their professional spirit once again. Volunteers are needed to serve as both chairs and members of the following committees:
Arrangements Education Finance Publicity & Printing
Development Exhibits Promotion Registration
Student Housing Technical Program Transportation Other
Planning for the meeting must begin within the next few months making it critical to fill committee positions before the end of the calendar year. Anyone wishing to volunteer or with an interest in potentially chairing a technical session/symposium should contact Ray D'Alonzo, Meeting General Chair, by phone at 626-1977 or by email at as soon as possible.

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The ICPC Organizing Committees and the Cincinnati Section of the ACS invite you to participate in the
to be held July 12-17, 1998 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

All aspects of phosphorus chemistry will be represented including an emphasis on biomedical and industrial applications. Visit our website for updates - click here

To receive the second circular please mail your name and address to: XIVth ICPC, P. O. Box 140859, Cincinnati, OH 45250-0859, USA or e-mail to

Or contact the Chairman:
Dr. F. H. Ebetino
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
P. O. Box 8006
Mason, Ohio 45040-8006 USA
Telephone 513-622-3630
FAX 513-622-1195

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And the winners are...
John Farmer
Elementary Science Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to John Farmer. He was chosen "Elementary Science Teacher of 1998. Mr. Farmer teaches 5th grade at Ayer Elementary School in Anderson Township. He is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University. The most recent award which he has received was the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. He was nominated by Jim Knittel. 


Suellen Peirano
Middle School Science Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Suellen Peirano. She has been chosen "Middle School Science Teacher of 1998." Ms. Peirano teaches 6th grade at C. O. Harrison Elementary on Neeb Road in western Hamilton County. She participates in ACS workshops and has presented elementary sessions at the Workshops. She was nominated by Rebecca Stricklin. 

Bronwyn Nelson
High School Chemistry Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Bronwyn Nelson. She has been chosen "High School Chemistry Teacher of 1998." Ms Nelson teaches chemistry and other sciences at Fairfield High School. During the past 10 years, Ms. Nelson has been awarded five grants from a variety of sources. Most notable was the GTE "Growth Initiatives for Teachers", for integrating math, science, and technology. She has published at least six puzzles in "ChemMatters" or "Reaction Times." Ms. Nelson is co-sponsor of the Terrific Science Club at Fairfield High. She is a graduate of University of Michigan and the University of Cincinnati. She is active in the local section of ACS. Ms. Nelson was nominated by David Spears and seconded by Ginger Tannenbaum. 

 Our congratulations to each winner. Please join us on April 29 for the awards presentation at NKU.
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The Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society has funds available for the purpose of improving chemical education in the geographic area served by the local section (OH: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Highland and Warren counties; KY: Boone, Campbell,and Kenton counties; IN: Dearborn and Ohio counties). The Educational Grants Committee was established to make recommendations to the Cincinnati Section Board of Directors for the disbursement of these funds.

The committee hereby invites applications for these grants from all members (teachers, students, industrial chemists, etc.) of the chemical community in the service area of the section. Applications will be accepted and reviewed three times during the year according to the following schedule.

Review Month Application Deadline Notification Date
May May 1, 1998 May 30, 1998
November November 1, 1998 December 15, 1998
Grants will be awarded for such activities as attending educational workshops, participation in summer research programs, innovative education programs, instructional equipments, etc. Proposals which incorporate the use of funds from other agencies or corporations, including the agency or corporation with which the applicant is affiliated, will be given preference in the selection process. Funds will generally not be awarded for the purchase of common supplies or chemicals. However, any application which meets the basic criteria for which the fund was created will be given serious consideration. Grants will be, in most cases, limited to $1,500; exceptional proposals will be considered for larger amounts. No school or organization will be allowed to receive more than one (1) award per calendar year. Within one year from the time the grant is awarded, a report describing the used of the funds and the impact that the project had is expected to have on improving chemical education is to be forwarded to the committee chairperson.

For further information or an application, please contact:

Ginger Tannenbaum
Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014
(513) 942-2999 {work}
(513) 829-3698 {home}


The Cincinnati Section of
The American Chemical Society
Name: _______________________________________________________________

Organization: _______________________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________________

Address of Organization: ______________________________________________________________


County: ____________ State:____________________________________ Zip Code:____________

Name and Title of Official Certifying Organizational Compliance with the Grant:

Signature ______________________________________________________________

Name/Title (print or type) ______________________________________________________________

ACS Member or Affiliate? ___________

How many individuals will benefit from this grant if your proposal is funded? ___________

Grant criteria: Funds are to be used to improve chemical education in the area served by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society.

Grant Proposal: The proposal should contain 300-500 words, double-spaced on official letterhead. It should describe the objective(s) of the project, how the project will be carried out, how the project would improve chemical education, how the program fits into the education program (if the applicant is from a school) and whom would benefit. Also, the proposal should contain a detailed budget which outlines expenditures, the amount being requested from the Educational Grant and the amount being requested from other sources.

Send five (5) copies of the application and the proposal to:

Ginger Tannenbaum
Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014

Reports: Grant recipients are required to submit a report to the Committee within one year from the time of notification of the award. The report will include an outline of how the funds were used, what had been purchased, if anything, with the funds and what benefits have been derived thus far from the use of the funds.

Acknowledgment: It is requested that the major instruments purchased with the use of these funds be tagged with the following acknowledgment: "This equipment was purchased (in part) with an Educational Grant from the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society."

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This page was updated 28 Mar 98. Comments and suggestions to