Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section
of The American Chemical Society

Volume 36 - Number 5
February 1999
Editor Ed Burton
Advertising: Jackie Hoofring
Liaison: Julia Bedell
Stuart Oehrle

CINTACS is published eight times a year (October through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

Every member is urged to send in their e-mail address. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member in the "Subject" area of the message format. Send this information via e-mail to:


The submission deadline for the next (March 99) Newsletter is tentatively set for Monday, February 15, 1999. The submission deadline for the April Issue is tentatively Monday, March 15, 1999

All materials should be sent to:
Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble,

In This Issue ....
From the Chair Meeting Program - February 24
Speaker & topic Special Pre-Meeting Speaker
CMAS 2000 Announcement Research Associate of the Year
Deadline for Submissions to CINTACS Educational Grants

The Career of a Structural Chemist: A Retrospective

Bobby L. Barnett
The Procter & Gamble Company

A structural chemist, frequently an X-ray crystallographer, has an intense interest in the shapes of molecules and what role these molecules play in nature. X-ray crystallography is a discovery science and the crystallographer is usually the first person to visualize the 3D structure of a molecule. I would like to take this opportunity to describe some of the more interesting structural problems that I have encountered.

Before I came to P&G, I was fortunate to work in several great institutions and work with some really good chemists. Several examples will be described that illustrate what attracted me to crystallography and structural chemistry, like seeing catalytic intermediates and the first sodium anion!

At P&G, there were lots of interesting structures, but the most exciting was a series of structures to elucidate how bisphosponates work, especially as bone imaging agents. While I was trying to convince more chemists to use 3D structural information, I started the molecular modeling group. In an effort to demonstrate the power of modeling, I was fortunate to participate in the beginning of P&G’s protein engineering group and worked on designing better detergent enzymes. In the last few years, I have gone back to crystallography and am participating in the ultimate use of structure in structure-based drug design. Examples of each of these eras will be described.

About the Speaker

Dr. Barnett received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry in 1967 and 1970 respectively from the University of Texas, Austin. Armed with newly developed skills in crystallography, he continued his interest in organometallic chemistry with a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Kohlenforshung, West Germany. After 2 1/2 years he returned to the states to be Departmental Crystallographer at Michigan State University. In 1974, he came to the Procter and Gamble Company, where he is currently employed. His initial assignment was in leading the efforts in crystallography and structural chemistry. After a short stint in the Corporate Microscopy laboratory, he introduced molecular modeling into P&G. As an initial project in molecular modeling, he helped build a protein engineering group focused on detergent enzymes. Currently he is involved in structure-based drug design for P&G Pharmaceuticals, using protein crystallography as the major tool. On the side, Bobby is an Adjunct Professor in the UC Chemistry Department and teaches a course every other year in Molecular Modeling.

He has been active in the local ACS section and began serving as Dinner Reservations Chairman (1975-1976). He also has held positions of Secretary (1976-77); Alternate Councilor (1979-1981); Treasurer (1984-85); Computational Chemistry Discussion Group Chairman (1986-89); First-Vice Chairman (1989-1990); Chairman (1990-1991); Trustee (1991-1994).

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"The Challenges for Women—and Men—Chemists in the New Millennium"

A special Guest Speaker
Madeleine Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief
Chemical and Engineering News

Ms. Madeleine Jacobs will review data for the past three decades concerning the progress of women chemists, discuss the reasons that are usually given to explain the data, and describe a plan of action for women—and men—chemists in the new millennium. Among the questions she will address are: How much has changed for women chemists in the past three decades? How much has the salary gap between men and women been narrowed? How much progress has been made in breaking through the glass ceiling at universities and in corporate boardrooms? Can women chemists, especially those with children, really balance a personal life with a professional life? Are things really better? And what are the prospects for the new millennium? Is it business as usual? What can each of us do to make a difference? (see page 5 for biography)

About our Guest Speaker

Madeleine Jacobs is the first woman to be appointed editor (and editor-in-chief) of Chemical & Engineering News magazine, the weekly newsmagazine of the chemical world published by the American Chemical Society for its members and other interested professionals. The magazine, with its staff of 41 people in seven news bureaus around the world, celebrated its 75th anniversary in 1998. The current audited circulation is about 150,000. She came to this position by a rather circuitous route. Jacobs majored in chemistry at George Washington University and graduated with a B.S. in chemistry with honors and distinction (Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year) in 1968. Although accepted by Stanford University to pursue a doctorate in chemistry, Jacobs stayed in Washington because of pressing family matters. Instead, she carried out graduate work in organic chemistry for a year at the University of Maryland before joining the staff of C&EN in 1969. There, she was an assistant editor and writer both in the Washington, D.C., office of C&EN and on the West Coast, where she covered 10 western states. She worked at C&EN for three years.

In 1972, she worked at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as a writer and editor. In 1974, she joined the staff at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) where she rose to the position of chief of media liaison and general publications. In 1979, she joined the Smithsonian Institution as the chief science writer, and was soon promoted to assistant director and then director of the Office of Public Affairs. She returned to C&EN in 1993 as managing editor. She was appointed editor in April 1995 and assumed her new position in July 1995.

A native of Washington, D.C., Jacobs has been married to an artist for 26 years and has a stepson, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren, Matthew Jr., 14, and John, 9. Her hobbies include cooking, photography, swimming, weight lifting, gardening, and writing poetry.

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From the Chair

Congratulations to Bobby Barnett of the Procter & Gamble Company for being named the recipient of the 1999 Cincinnati Chemist of the Year Award. Bobby will receive the award at this month’s meeting at the Procter and Gamble Health Care Research Center in Mason, Ohio and he will give the after-dinner address. We will also be honoring Ms. Lori Bacca, who will receive the Research Associate of the Year Award. Congratulations to both of our awardees.

In addition to the Chemist of the Year award we are also honored to have as our guest Madeleine Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief of C&E News. Ms. Jacobs will address the section members before dinner and the title of her talk is "The Challenges for Women—and Men—Chemists in the New Millennium".

This is the second year we will be having our February meeting at this site and we are very grateful to P&G for once again hosting one of our meetings. Please join us on February 24th.

Another item of business to be addressed is our annual election of officers for the section. The nominations committee is now in the process of selecting candidates. Please submit suggestions or nominations to Bill Oliver. Feel free to nominate yourself. Bill can be contacted at NKU via phone (606-572-5409), email ( or snail mail (Bill Oliver, Department of Chemistry, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 41099)

Plans for the regional meeting, CMACS 2000, are proceeding well and the pace is now picking up with only a little more than one year to go. The Planning Committee is still in need of additional help and volunteers are always welcome. Specific areas of need are committee chairs for the Student Affiliate Program and the ACS Clearing House. The Publicity and Printing Committee also is in need of additional members. Contact Ray D’Alonzo (513-626-1977; ) if you are interested


Jim Knittel,
College of Pharmacy
University of Cincinnati

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February Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Health Care Research Center
Procter & Gamble
Mason-Montgomery Road
Cincinnati Chemist of the Year

5:30 – 6:15 Guest Speaker:
Madeleine Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief, Chemical and Engineering News
"The Challenges of Women- and Men-Chemists in the New Millenium"
6:15 – 7:00 Reception: Reception: beer, wine, pretzels, Pringles
7:00 – 8:00 Buffet Dinner Cost: $25
Caesar salad, herbed, grilled chicken breast, pesto ravioli in sun-dried tomato sauce, chef’s choice of vegetables, fresh bread, and sliced fruit; assorted cakes and pies for dessert, coffee and iced tea
8:15  Presentation of Cincinnati Chemist of the Year, and Research Associate of the Year Awards
Talk by: Cincinnati Chemist of the Year, Bobby L. Barnett, Procter & Gamble
"The Career of a Structural Chemist: A Retrospective"

Dinner reservations: Call the section answering line at 558-1224 or email Include your name with correct spelling, affiliation, and menu choice. Reservations must be received by Monday, February 22, noon. If you have any difficulties, please call Donna Taylor at 558-0979. As a reminder, if you decide you must miss a meeting after you have made reservations, please call to cancel. If not, the section will have to charge you for the dinner because it will be charged for the it. Payment will be received at the door. Guests are always welcome; emeritus, unemployed, new, and student members are half price.

Directions: Follow 71 N to the Fields-Ertel exit. This is the first exit past 275. Make a left at the light onto Mason-Montgomery Rd. Stay on Mason-Montgomery Rd for approx. 2 miles. Natorps is on the left, there is a Biggs and a Lowes on the right. You will be able to see the HCRC (Health Care Research Center) after Mason-Montgomery Rd crosses Irwin-Simpson Rd. Stay on Mason-Montgomery and turn right at the first P&G sign. Follow the road straight to the main entrance where the flag poles are. Park outside the main entrance in the visitor’s lot.

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Cincinnati Research Associate of the Year

Lori A. Bacca

Ms. Bacca graduated from the College of Mt. St. Joseph in 1987 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Chemistry. During her college education she participated in cooperative education program with Hilton-Davis Chemical Company for three years in their Quality Assurance department. Ms. Bacca started her career with Procter & Gamble in 1987 in the Health Care Product Development Division working on the technical development of Oral Care products. Over the last 11 years, she has worked on the application of new ingredients in oral care products for activity against plaque, gingivitis, stain, tartar, oral malodor, and caries. This includes the development/co-development of several in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo models for assessing these parameters and the application of these models in human clinical trials to provide claim support for marketed products. She has worked on technical submissions to the FDA for the Plaque/Gingivitis Subcommittee and IND/NDA programs and as well as the Canadian HPB. Ms. Bacca has been involved in the technical development and marketing support for several nationally marketed products including Crest Multicare+ Extra Whitening, Crest Multicare, Crest Gum Care, Crest Sensitivity Protection, Crest Baking Soda Tartar Control, and Crest Tartar Control, as well as one international product, Crest Complete/Ultra.

Join the entire Awards Committee in congratulating Ms. Bacca on her accomplishments.

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The Cincinnati Section of The American Chemical Society


Name: _______________________________________________________________

Organization: _______________________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________________

Address of Organization: ______________________________________________________________


County: ____________ State:____________________________________ Zip Code:____________

Name and Title of Official Certifying Organizational Compliance with the Grant:

Signature ______________________________________________________________

Name/Title (print or type) _______________________________________________________________

ACS Member or Affiliate? ___________

How many individuals will benefit from this grant if your proposal is funded? ___________

Grant criteria: Funds are to be used to improve chemical education in the area served by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society.

Grant Proposal: The proposal should contain 300-500 words, double-spaced on official letterhead. It should describe the objective(s) of the project, how the project will be carried out, how the project would improve chemical education, how the program fits into the education program (if the applicant is from a school) and whom would benefit. Also, the proposal should contain a detailed budget which outlines expenditures, the amount being requested from the Educational Grant and the amount being requested from other sources.

Send five (5) copies of the application and the proposal to: Ginger Tannenbaum, Fairfield High School, 8800 Holden Blvd. Fairfield, OH 45014

Reports: Grant recipients are required to submit a report to the Committee within one year from the time of notification of the award. The report will include an outline of how the funds were used, what had been purchased, if anything, with the funds and what benefits have been derived thus far from the use of the funds.

Acknowledgment: It is requested that the major instruments purchased with the use of these funds be tagged with the following acknowledgment: "This equipment was purchased (in part) with an Educational Grant from the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society."

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CMACS 2000 Volunteers Wanted

Link to:

On May 16-19, 2000, the Section will host the 32nd Central Region ACS Meeting (CMACS 2000). Excellent progress is being made towards planing for the meeting. The meeting will take place at the new Northern Kentucky Convention Center. Sessions for the technical program are two-thirds complete. Five Regional awards will be presented and our web site ( is in the final stages of construction. Committee Chairs are listed below. Please contact one of these chairs if you would like to help in a particular area. Additional technical session chairs are needed. Some vacant committee chairs are also listed. If you would like to chair one of these committees please contact Ray D’Alonzo, .
General Chair Ray D’Alonzo Vice General Chair Roger Parker
Finance Chair Tim Cassady Development Chairs Emel Yakali (Academia)

Kevin Ashley (Industry/Gov.)

Technical Program Chair Al Pinhas Regional Awards Chair Ted Logan
Short Courses/Workshops Chair Joe Kaczvinsky Arrangements Chair Kathy Gibboney
Publicity & Printing Chair Al Hoffman Registration Chair Rajiv S. Soman
Social Program Chair Donna Hindman Glaser H.S. Education Program Chair Ed Escudero
Student Housing Dan McLoughlin Exhibitors Linda Tobeson

Vacant Committee Chair Positions

Chemical Technicians Program
Employment Clearing House
Student Affiliate Program

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Formatted and uploaded 12 February 99 by