Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section
of The American Chemical Society

Volume 36 - Number 8 - May 1999
Editor Ed Burton
Advertising: Jackie Hoofring
Liaison: Julia Bedell
Stuart Oehrle

CINTACS is published eight times a year (October through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

Every member is urged to send in their e-mail address. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member in the "Subject" area of the message format. Send this information via e-mail to:


The submission deadline for the next Newsletter is tentatively set for Monday, August 9, 1999.

All materials should be sent to:
Dr. Bruce Ault
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172.

In This Issue ....
From the Chair Party Night -May 21 Editor Retires
CMAS 2000 Announcement Outstanding Service Award Research Award

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From The Chair

Congratulations to Jim Hershberger, this year’s recipient of the Section’s Outstanding Service Award. In this issue there is a description of Jim’s contributions to the Section over the years. Jim currently serves as an Alternate Councilor for the Section.

Please mark your calendars for Party Night on Friday, May 21st. Details will be found elsewhere in this issue. This year we will be taking a cruise up the Ohio River on the Spirit of Cincinnati from Queen City Riverboats. It should be a very enjoyable and relaxing evening for all. There will be plenty of room so be sure to make reservations for yourself and your guest(s).

This issue of CINTACS marks the almost official end of my duties as chair of the section. I wish to extend my thanks to all of the members who helped me throughout the year. This issue also marks a change in editor for CINTACS. Ed Burton, who has served as editor for the past nine years, has decided to pass the torch on to someone else. I would like to thank Ed for all his efforts this year and for the past nine years. It is not an easy job putting out a monthly newsletter and I appreciate his willingness over these years to take on the challenge. Ed has a note elsewhere in this issue and also an announcement about our new CINTACS editor.


Jim Knittel, Chair
University of Cincinnati, College of Pharmacy

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MAY Monthly Meeting

Friday, May 21, 1999
Cincinnati Section Party Night
Riverboat Cruise and Dinner
Aboard the "Spirit of Cincinnati"

Schedule of Activities

6:30 PM  Boarding time - Departs at Queen City Landing, end of O'Fallon Street, Dayton, KY
7:00 - 10:00 PM  Cruise - Please don't be late

Buffet Menu: 

Roast Prime Rib Au Jus
Baked Marinated Chicken Breast
Vegetables & Potatoes
Rolls & Butter
There will be a Cash Bar on board

Cost: $25.00 per person (spouses and guest are welcome)

Dinner Reservations: Call the Section answering line at 558-1224 or email  Include your name (and guest’s name) with correct spelling and your affiliation. Reservations must be received by noon, Thursday, May 13, 1999.  If you have trouble making your reservation call Donna Taylor at 558-0979. As a reminder, if you decide you must miss a meeting after you have made reservations, please call to cancel. If not, the section will have to charge you for the dinner because it will be charged for it. Payment will be received at the door. Guests are always welcome.  For this event we must charge everyone full price.

Directions: Queen City Landing is on Route 8 in Dayton Kentucky. Take I-71 south to I-471 south. Cross the I-471 bridge over the Ohio River and take the first exit, Newport/Route 8. Turn right (east) onto Route 8 and go one mile to O’Fallen Street. Turn left and go to the end of the street.

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Editor to Retire

This will be my last issue as Editor of Cintacs. I took over the Editorship of Cintacs in the fall of 1990 from Dr. Bill Jensen. In some ways, it doesn't seem possible that it has been 9 years since I took this job. In other ways, it seems to have been an eternity. The job has, at times, been rewarding, challenging, and frustrating. I am retiring due to the other commitments that I have. With three young children at home, my wife and I have our hands full tending to their needs. At this time, I was afraid that I wasn't giving Cintacs all of the attention that it deserved. And besides, I just needed a change after 9 years.

I accepted the position in order to serve the Section. In the beginning, Cintacs was only published four times a year. Each month a separate "meeting notice" was sent to the membership with the details of that month's meeting. The decision was made to expand Cintacs to a monthly publication including the monthly meeting details and dispense with the separate meeting announcents. Many challenges resulted from this decision not the least of which was the timely delivery of the newsletter by the Post Office. I have tried, although unsuccessfully at times, to ensure the prompt delivery of the newsletter. The proliferation of email has allowed rapid communication of articles to me for publication in the newsletter. This has helped immensely as I am not the best typist in town. The addition of the Section's Web Page has also been a positive change in this process. Now the full text of Cintacs is loaded onto the Web page as soon as it is completed. This allows much quicker access to the meeting announcement that ever before.

The list of persons to thank for their invaluable help would be much too long for this space, but I would like to thank a few special individuals who have helped with Cintacsover the years. First, I would like to thank the Section's nine chairpersons that have made my job much easier. I would also like to thank Bobby Barnett who helped me greatly in those early years as I was learning how to put the newsletter together. I would also like to thank Dianne Sod who redesigned the look of Cintacs several years ago and whose work greatly improved the readability of the publication. I would also like to thank the membership for their patience and support when the newsletter was late or contained errors. I always tried to print corrections when they were called to my attention. The Advertising Committee Chairs over the years have also greatly benefited both the section and the publication and have made my job infinitely easier. Finally, I would like to thank my wife for putting up with the late night runs to the printer to drop off the copy.

I would formally like to welcome Dr. Bruce Ault as Editor of Cintacs beginning with the first issue of the 1999-2000 year for the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society.

Once again, thanks for all of your support. I look forward to being able to serve the Section in other ways in the future.

Ed Burton, Editor

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CMACS 2000 Volunteers Wanted

On May 16-19, 2000, the Section will host the 32nd Central Region ACS Meeting (CMACS 2000). Excellent progress is being made towards planing for the meeting. The meeting will take place at the new Northern Kentucky Convention Center. Sessions for the technical program are two-thirds complete. Five Regional awards will be presented and our web site ( is in the final stages of construction. Please contact one of these chairs if you would like to help in a particular area. Additional technical session chairs are needed. Some vacant committee chairs are also listed. If you would like to chair one of these committees please contact Ray D’Alonzo .

General Chair

Ray D’Alonzo,

Vice General Chair
Roger Parker,

Vacant Committee Chair Positions

Chemical Technicians Program
Employment Clearing House
Student Affiliate Program

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Edward R. Cox of Mason was awarded the 1999 National Chemical Technician Award by the Division of Chemical Technicians of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. The award was presented on March 22 at the ACS 217th National Meeting in Anaheim.

Cox is a Senior Research Associate in the Oral Care Division of Health Care of Proctor and Gamble Company. He is a technical expert in the area of mineralization chemistry as it applies to oral environment. Cox has made major presentations at the last eight dental meetings and compilation of this work has resulted in several patents, awards, publications and television commercial credits.

The ACS National Chemical Technician Award is sponsored by the Dow Chemical Company Foundation.

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1999 Outstanding Service Awardee
Jim Hershberger

Most of you already know Jim Hershberger, since he has held most offices, and has chaired many committees, within the Cincinnati Section. With your indulgence, however, I’ll include this brief history of the qualifications of the recipient of the 1999 Outstanding Service Award for the Section.

Dr. Hershberber became a faculty member at Miami University as Assistant Professor in September 1984, and joined the section at that point. He was appointed associate professor in 1990. He has been faculty advisor for the Miami University Student Affiliate chapter, a science fair judge, and (most importantly) a very good teacher and mentor who is always willing to help his students learn and become excited about chemistry.

Jim was Secretary, 1990-91; Treasurer, 1991-92; First Vice-Chair, 1993-94; Chair, 1994-95; Trustee 1995-98. Additionally, he has been filing our tax returns for many years, and is always willing to offer advice and counsel when asked.

Please join the Awards Committee in offering congratulations to Jim on receiving this highly deserved award.

Hank Greeb
Chair, Awards Committee

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