The Newsletter Of The Cincinnati Section
American Chemical Society
Vol. 37, No. 3 November, 1999

In this issue

November Meeting Announcement From the Chair Industrial Innovation Awards
Reservations Short Course Survey Women Chemist's Committee
Topic & Speaker Bio. Call for Award Nominations Career Services
Milt Orchin 85.5 Birthday Educational Grants Legislative Action Site
Bruce S. Ault
Sameer Choudhary

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College email


The submission deadline for the January CINTACS is set for December 6, 1999, and Februarys is set for December 29, 1999. Electronic submission is strongly preferred. (except for original photos). All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Bruce Ault

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E-mail Address, Please

May we please have your e-mail address? For those of you who have provided e-mail addresses, we're sending out monthly meeting notices via e-mail as a secondary distribution mechanism. Please send your e-mail address to:

We will use these addresses for meeting notices and other official section business only. Thank you.

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From the Chair

This month’s section meeting is the first of two involving representatives of important American Chemical Society organizations. In November, we are pleased to be hosting the Editor In-Chief of Chemical and Engineering News, Madeleine Jacobs. This will be particularly timely, as our Women Chemist’s Committee (WCC), will also hold a discussion group during this meeting concerning careers in chemistry. In December, we look forward to a lecture from Dr. David L. Schutt, Assistant Director of the ACS Office of Legislative and Government Affairs and Department Head, Science Policy and Member Involvement. Since Government Affairs is a relatively new and rapidly expanding activity for the ACS, we hope his lecture will increase our members awareness of this function within the Society.

Recently, the first board meeting of my term was held. It was nice to see a number of first time board members and committee chairs, who will undoubtedly help carry on a tradition of enthusiastic involvement that has become characteristic of our section. Within the meeting, an aggressive budget was approved, which we hope will allow us to capitalize on many new ideas and energy within this group. For example a strong membership committee has been formed and is co-chaired by Emel Yakali (745 5686)(returning chair) and Don Henderson (681 5950, ext.819). They will be looking closely at how we can encourage and retain new participation in our section. We are also grateful to first time committee chair, Sameer Choudhury, who is heading the Advertising and Public Relations committee. He is supported by committee members, Henry Laboda and Mike Stegemiller. Besides raising supporting funds, we hope this committee will become an important liaison in support of our industrial colleagues. Feel free to contact Sameer (513-482-7371, if you have contacts who may want to tap into advertising opportunities in CINTACS or on the web. Our meeting sponsorship solicitation activities, currently led by Tim Cassady, would also benefit from new contacts, or members willing to join or chair this function in the future for the section. Future letters from the chair will continue to update you on the activities and leaders of other committees in the section. Again, we are pleased to have such active participation from the membership and there continues to be many more opportunities to get involved in committees. If you are interested, contact me or any of the committee chairs.

The November meeting will be another trial of the format that we utilized in September. Again the goals are to offer meetings of significantly reduced expenses, with a focus on maximum interaction with colleagues with the minimum time commitment. Unfortunately, at this writing, we have not yet held the September meeting. Thus, it is not possible to make adjustments to the format based on our first experience. However, we do know at this point that we have a significant number of first time attendees that have pre-registered, and with other positive feedback received to date, we are encouraged that this format may prove attractive to many members. I do request that at each of our meetings this year, regular attendees help the membership committee in welcoming new or infrequent attendees. If each of us takes the time to meet and introduce new attendees to others at the social portion of our meetings, it can make a big difference in building our participation in the future.

I want to continue to remind our section about the CMACS (CENTRAL REGIONAL MEETING OF THE ACS the section is organizing for May 2000. Stay in touch with the updates on its progress at the conference web site: and begin making your own plans and reservations to attend, present research, and better get to know your chemistry colleagues in the region. Please remember to spread the news of this meeting to your colleagues or at any conferences you attend. Fliers for this purpose can be supplied by our organizers.

Finally, please remember again to take advantage of the optional local section dues when you renew your annual membership. These contributions play an important role in determining the breadth of programs and services that the section can continue to sponsor in the future.

I look forward to seeing you at our meeting this month. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your suggestions or desires for additional involvement. Thanks again to the many members who are getting involved and working together to make our section an exciting source of activities for chemistry professionals.

F. Hal Ebetino
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals

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November Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, November 17, 1999
Embassy Suites Hotel, Blue Ash
Sponsored by Henkel Corporation, Chemical Group

Featured Speaker

Madeleine Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief
Chemical and Engineering News
5:00 - 5:45 pm Computational Chemistry Discussion Group
Computational Fluid Dynamics - Visualizing Fluid Flow in Industrial Mixing
Dr. Minye Liu, Corporate Engineering & Technology
The Procter & Gamble Company
5:30-6:00 pm Registration ($12) and Social Hour
6:00-7:00 pm Featured Speaker: Madeleine Jacobs, 
The Challenges for Women And Men Chemists in the New Millennium
7:00 - 8:00 pm Mixer with Hors d’ oeuvres and Open Bar
7:45 - 8:30 Women Chemists Committee Discussion Group
Topic: Challenges for the Next Millennium Madeleine Jacobs, guest

The Embassy Suites restaurant will be available for dining. Please make reservations with them directly if you would like to stay for dinner. Phone: 733-8900

Reception Reservations:

Call the section answering line at (513) 622-2495 or e-mail Include your name (complete with correct spelling), phone number and affiliation. Please specify if this is your first Cincinnati ACS meeting when making your reservation. All reservations must be received by noon, Monday, November 15. If you have any difficulties, please call Vicki Libbin at (513)622-2495. As a reminder, if you decide you must miss a meeting after you have made reservations, please call to cancel. If you do not cancel, the Section will have to charge you because it will have been charged by the hotel. Payment will be received at the door. Guests are always welcome; emeritus, unemployed, new, and student members are half price.

Directions to Embassy Suites Hotel, 4554 Lake Forest Dr., Blue Ash

From I-71, take Exit 15 (Pfeiffer Road), head west on Pfeiffer Road two blocks to Reed Hartman Highway. Turn right (north) on Reed Hartman, turn left on to Lake Forest Dr.

From I-275, take the Reed Hartman Exit, head south on Reed Hartman about two miles, take a right onto Lake Forest Dr.

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"The Challenges for Women - and Men - Chemists in the New Millennium"

A Special Guest Speaker
Madeleine Jacobs,
Editor-in-Chief - Chemical and Engineering News

Ms. Madeleine Jacobs will review data for the past three decades concerning the progress of women chemists, discuss the reasons that are usually given to explain the data, and describe a plan of action for women - and -men - chemists in the new millennium. Among the questions she will address are: How much has changed for women chemists in the past three decades? How much has the salary gap between men and women been narrowed? How much progress has been made in breaking through the glass ceiling at universities and in corporate boardrooms? Can women chemists, especially those with children, really balance a personal life with a professional life? Are things really better? And what are the prospects for the new millennium? Is it business as usual? What can each of us do to make a difference?

About our Guest Speaker

Madeleine Jacobs is the first woman to be appointed editor (and editor-in-chief) of Chemical & Engineering News magazine, the weekly newsmagazine of the chemical world published by the American Chemical Society for its members and other interested professionals. The magazine, with its staff of 41 people in seven news bureaus around the world, celebrated its 75th anniversary in 1998. The current audited circulation is about 150,000. She came to this position by a rather circuitous route. Jacobs majored in chemistry at George Washington University and graduated with a B.S. in chemistry with honors and distinction (Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year) in 1968. Although accepted by Stanford University to pursue a doctorate in chemistry, Jacobs stayed in Washington because of pressing family matters. Instead, she carried out graduate work in organic chemistry for a year at the University of Maryland before joining the staff of C&EN in 1969. There, she was an assistant editor and writer both in the Washington, D.C., office of C&EN and on the West Coast, where she covered 10 western states. She worked at C&EN for three years.

In 1972, she worked at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as a writer and editor. In 1974, she joined the staff at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) where she rose to the position of chief of media liaison and general publications. In 1979, she joined the Smithsonian Institution as the chief science writer, and was soon promoted to assistant director and then director of the Office of Public Affairs. She returned to C&EN in 1993 as managing editor. She was appointed editor in April 1995 and assumed her new position in July 1995.

A native of Washington, D.C., Jacobs has been married to an artist for 26 years and has a stepson, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren, Matthew Jr., 14, and John, 9. Her hobbies include cooking, photography, swimming, weight lifting, gardening, and writing poetry.

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Women Chemist Committee

The September meeting of the WCC was held Saturday, September 18 at the Greenbriar Clubhouse in Mason. The speaker was Mrs. Judy Ellis from Integrity Development Corporation. Judy gave an excellent talk on mentoring and how to choose a mentor. We appreciate her taking the time to spend an afternoon with us.

The next meeting of the WCC is scheduled for Sat. Nov 13, at 12:00 at the Greenbriar Clubhouse in Mason. Dr. Susan Marine, Miami U. Middletown and Dr. Jeanne Buccigross, College of Mt. St. Joseph will be the speakers. The title of their talk is "Iota Sigma Pi, A Century of Women in Chemistry". They will present an overview of the mission and goals of Iota Sigma Pi and the professional and student awards that are available through Iota Sigma Pi. There will be a lunch preceding the speakers. The cost for the lunch will be $6.00. For information or directions please check the WCC website at RSVP, if you plan to attend or would like more information please contact us at

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The Department of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati would like to invite you to the 85.5 birthday party for Professor Milt Orchin. The party will take place on Friday, December 10, 1999, at the UC Faculty Club. The party will start about 5:30 p.m. with cocktails, and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. After dinner, there will be a presentation by Prof. Orchin entitled "Teaching: A Lifetime of Learning".

The dinner selections are Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast or Filet of Norwegian Salmon. The price for the cocktails and dinner is $25 per person, payable at the door. The price for full time students is $12. If you are interested in attending, please contact Ms. Kim Carey by e-mail ( or by phone (556-0293) before Monday, November 22, 1999. Please be sure to include your dinner selection when you contact Kim. If you have any questions, please call Marshall Wilson (556-9200).

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Career Services

See our section's career services web site at

Find out what the ACS can do for you! - Contact Jan Strobel at

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Industry Innovation Awards

The 32nd Central Regional Meeting to be held May 16-19, 2000, in Covington, KY, will feature four industry innovation awards for the first time. Industry innovation awards are fairly new for regional meetings. Their creation was encouraged by ACS National as part of an effort to better recognize industrial chemists and chemical engineers for their creative contributions to the field of chemistry. The four awards will be in pharmaceutical chemistry, polymer chemistry, environmental chemistry and chemical engineering. For details about the awards and nomination process, visit the Meeting's web site at Questions on the Awards Program may be addressed to:

Dr. Ted J. Logan, Chairman, Awards Program,

Nomination deadline is 2/15/00.

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Membership Committee is Compiling E-mail Addresses at a New Address

The Committee now has a new e-mail address for sending your name and e-mail address so that we can build a database:

We urge every member to send his/her name and e-mail address via e-mail to the address above and to update the address whenever it changes.

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The Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society
Educational Grants

The Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society has funds available for the purpose of improving chemical education in the geographic area served by the local section (OH: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Highland and Warren counties; KY: Boone, Campbell,and Kenton counties; IN: Dearborn and Ohio counties). The Educational Grants Committee was established to make recommendations to the Cincinnati Section Board of Directors for the disbursement of these funds.

The committee hereby invites applications for these grants from all members (teachers, students, industrial chemists, etc.) of the chemical community in the service area of the section. Applications will be accepted and reviewed two times during the year according to the following schedule.
Review Month 
 Application Deadline
Notification Date
January 15, 2000
February 15, 2000
May 1, 2000
May 30, 2000

Grants will be awarded for such activities as attending educational workshops, participation in summer research programs, innovative education programs, instructional equipments, etc. Proposals which incorporate the use of funds from other agencies or corporations, including the agency or corporation with which the applicant is affiliated, will be given preference in the selection process. Funds will generally not be awarded for the purchase of common supplies or chemicals. However, any application which meets the basic criteria for which the fund was created will be given serious consideration. Grants will be, in most cases, limited to $1,500; exceptional proposals will be considered for larger amounts. No school or organization will be allowed to receive more than one (1) award per calendar year. Within one year from the time the grant is awarded, a report describing the used of the funds and the impact that the project had is expected to have on improving chemical education is to be forwarded to the commitee chairperson.

For further information or an application, please contact:

Ginger Tannenbaum
Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014
(513) 942-2999 {work}

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The Cincinnati Section of
The American Chemical Society

Name: ______________________________________ DATE:__________________



Address of Organization:____________________________________________________


County: ____________ State: __________________ Zip Code:____________

Name and Title of Official Certifying Organizational Compliance with the Grant:

Signature ______________________________________________________________

Name/Title (print or type)__________________________________________________

ACS Member or Affiliate? ___________

How many individuals will benefit from this grant if your proposal is funded? ________

Grant criteria: Funds are to be used to improve chemical education in the area served by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society.

Grant Proposal: The proposal should contain 300-500 words, double-spaced on official letterhead. It should describe the objective(s) of the project, how the project will be carried out, how the project would improve chemical education, how the program fits into the education program (if the applicant is from a school) and whom would benefit. Also, the proposal should contain a detailed budget which outlines expenditures, the amount being requested from the Educational Grant and the amount being requested from other sources.

Send five (5) copies of the application and the proposal to:

Ginger Tannenbaum
Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014

Reports: Grant recipients are required to submit a report to the Committee within one year from the time of notification of the award. The report will include an outline of how the funds were used, what had been purchased, if anything, with the funds and what benefits have been derived thus far from the use of the funds.

Acknowledgment: It is requested that the major instruments purchased with the use of these funds be tagged with the following acknowledgment: "This equipment was purchased (in part) with an Educational Grant from the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society."

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Award Nominations Solicited

Cincinnati Chemist of the Year

The Section Awards Committee requests nominations for the 2000 Cincinnati Chemist of the Year. This award, given annually since 1950, recognizes professional accomplishments of a member. The 2000 Chemist of the Year will be the featured speaker at the February meeting.

Deadline for nominations is November 17, 1999 (at the meeting).

Cincinnati Research Assistant of the Year

The Section Awards Committee requests nominations for the 2000 Cincinnati Research Assistant/Chemical Technician of the Year. This award, given annually, recognizes job skills, safety, teamwork, leadership, publications and presentations, reliability, communications skills, and additional professional and community activities. A Chemical Technician/Research Assistant is defined as a person whose training includes successful completion of a two year post-high school chemistry curriculum or equivalent work in a Baccalaureate program, or equivalent knowledge gained by experience. The 2000 award will be presented at the February meeting. The winner will be the section’s candidate for the National award.

Deadline for nominations is November 17, 1999 (at the meeting).

Outstanding Teaching Awards

Do you know a teacher who inspires his/her students? Fills them with a curiosity about the world of science and chemistry? The Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society is looking for these people - and honors three each year.

The High School Chemistry Teacher of the year is awarded annually, to recognize accomplishments of those of us who teach chemistry at the secondary school level.

The Middle School/Junior High School Science Teacher of the Year is awarded annually to honor science teaching at this level.

The Elementary School Science Teacher of the Year is awarded for excellence in elementary teaching.

All three awards recognize teaching ability, enthusiasm, mentoring skills, and other leadership activities. Nominees need not be members of the American Chemical Society. Generally speaking, anyone teaching in these capacities within 35 mile radius of downtown Cincinnati is eligible.

Deadline for nominations is December 9, 1999 (at the meeting).

Nomination forms for each award may be requested from, and returned to:

Henry R. Greeb, Awards Committee Chair

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Short Course Survey

The short course coordinators for the Cincinnati Section are planning to offer a short course in the Spring of 2000, to the membership of the Section. To aid in the planning process, they would like to know which of the following short course topics are of high interest to you. The possible short courses are:

1) Analytical Inductively Coupled Plasma: Emission and Mass Spectrometry
2) Interpretation of Mass Spectra
3) LC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications
4) How to Develop, Validate and Troubleshoot Capillary GC and HPLC Methods
5) Good Laboratory Practices and ISO-9000 Standards: Quality Standards for Chemical Laboratories
6) Quality Assurance/ Quality Control in the Analytical Testing Laboratory
7) Technical Writing Workshop

Please send a quick e-mail or note with your preferences to:

Mahvash Banisalam,
University of Cincinnati, Department of Pathology

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ACS Launches New Web-Based Legislative Action Center

In an effort to promote ACS member involvement and to increase the Society’s impact on public policy, the ACS has just added a Legislative Action Center to its Government Affairs web site, located at ACS recently sent an e-mail to ACS members, whose e-mails have been identified, encouraging them to use this center. The new center allows ACS members to identify their federal legislators, learn about the legislative process and key issues, and send letters or e-mail messages to Congress.

The Legislative Action Center comes in response to requests from ACS members to increase the Society’s impact on Capitol Hill and to decreasethe time it takes to communicate with policymakers. The Center also will be the essential tool for members participating in the Society’s Legislative Action Network — a web-based grassroots program for updating ACS members on federal issues and facilitating contact with members of Congress. Using this interactive web site, Legislative Action Network participants now will be able to respond to timely legislative action alerts within minutes, alerting members of Congress to the concerns of ACS members before votes on R&D, education, and other key issues.

"The Action Center essentially will be a one-stop shop for all members to learn about ACS priority issues, profile their Representative and two Senators, and, if desired, send a message simultaneously to all three," said David Schutt, Assistant Director of the Office of Legislative and Government Affairs. "We hope those members not already participating in our grassroots networks will sign-up for the Legislative Action Network and take advantage of this first-rate system." Network participants also will receive monthly legislative bulletins via e-mail, to keep current on science education, R&D funding, the environment and other priority issues.

To participate in the Legislative Action Network, sign up on-line at or send your name, e-mail, member #, and home address to

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Summer 2000 Research Opportunities in Japan, Korea and Taiwan for U.S. Graduate Students

SPONSORS: National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health/Fogarty International Center (NIH/FIC), and U.S. Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service (USDA/ARS)

OVERVIEW: The Summer Institute in Japan, the Monbusho Summer Program, the Summer Institute in Korea and the Summer Institute in Taiwan provide graduate students in science and engineering first-hand experience in Japanese, Korean and Taiwan research environments, an introduction to the science and science policy infrastructure of the respective countries, and language and cultural training. The primary goals of the programs are to introduce students to Japanese, Korean and Taiwan science and engineering in the context of a research laboratory and to initiate personal relationships that will better enable them to collaborate with foreign counterparts in the future. The programs will last approximately eight weeks from mid-June to August.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents; be enrolled at a U.S. institution in a science or engineering Ph.D. program, be enrolled in a M.D. program and have an interest in biomedical research, or be enrolled and completed at least one full academic year in a master's degree program at the end of the calendar year of application; and pursuing studies in fields of science or engineering that are supported by NSF, NIH or USDA, and also are represented among the potential host institutions.

SUPPORT: International travel costs to and from Japan, Korea or Taiwan, in-country living costs (accommodations, food and professional travel), and an allowance of $2,500 for each participant will be provided.

DEADLINE: All application materials (including applicant's and recommenders' forms) should be sent to the NSF East Asia and Pacific Program (NSF/EAP) at the address shown below and must be POSTMARKED by December 1, 1999:

East Asia and Pacific Program
Room 935
Division of International Programs
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

FURTHER INFORMATION: Students may study and work at one of a variety of government, corporate, and university research laboratories, depending on the specific program. Full description of the Summer Programs, including potential host institutions and application instructions, are available at the NSF/Tokyo Web site: [Select "Summer Programs" from the opening screen menu bar.]

Direct questions to Dr. Christopher A. Loretz at NSF/EAP by e-mail (

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