Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society 
Vol. 37, No. 5 - January, 2000

In this issue

January Meeting Details
From the Chair....
Keith H. S. Campbell
speaks at Xavier U- Jan 30
Chemical Information Discussion Group Details
Career Services
Abstract & Biography
Regional Award Nominees Sought
WCC Meeting Notice
Section Nominations Sought
2000 Regional Meeting Update
WCC Travel Grants
Younger Chemists Committee
Education Committee Meeting
Note change in directions
Advertisers Wanted!

From the Chair

I wish the whole Cincinnati membership the warmest season’s greetings and a Happy New Year. It is exciting to be ushering the section into a new millenium, and I look forward to a great second half to our 99/00 meeting program. This month, in the spirit of experimenting with different types of meetings and formats, we will have our first Monday meeting on Jan 31. It will also be the annual joint meeting with Iota Sigma Pi . We have a particularly timely topic planned for this event. Dr. Douglas Axelrod will present a lecture on Osteoporosis Research. Dr. Axelrod is the Director of Discovery Projects and Biological Sciences at P&G Pharmaceuticals and a longtime expert in this field of research. I expect you will find this presentation very informative since Dr. Axelrod has first hand experience in the development of the drug Risedronate for bone diseases such as Osteoporosis.

Please note that we have made a modification in our speaker planning. Although we originally had anticipated a lecture exclusively for the section members on the cloning of "Dolly the Sheep" by Keith Campbell, this seminar is now available to the public at Xavier University on January 30th. Please see the detailed announcement in this CINTACS. Thus, we are pleased to be able to make our members aware of two great presentations this month.

We will have two discussion groups to offer meeting as well. Edlyn Simmons, chair of the Chemical Information Discussion Group has invited Bartow Culp from the Purdue University Science Library to give a lecture. Iota Sigma Pi will also hold their Discussion Group at our section meeting (see page 3 for details). Again, we are thankful to have continued participation of our Discussion groups at our meetings and are appreciative of the effort put forth by these Group Leaders. Once again we will utilize the social only format.

The next two meetings will be held at the workplaces of two of our corporate sponsors. The February 23 meeting will be held at Procter & Gamble’s Health Care Research Center and the March meeting will be held at Givaudan Roure research facility. This is always a good chance to further stimulate cross fertilization with our industrial colleagues. I hope many of you will take the opportunity to visit these sites and I’m sure you will enjoy the lecture programs planned. These include the award presentation and lecture of the Chemist of the Year and a presentation by Robert Margolskee on taste biochemistry.

At this writing, our meetings have attracted an average of 100 attendees. We therefore are hoping to double or triple the average attendance of recent years. Continued improvement in our ability to transmit meeting information in a timely manner to our membership may be playing a big role in this increase. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and complement Bruce Ault and Hank Greeb for their excellent work on the CINTACS and Section web page respectively, who as editors have played the key roles in optimizing these media functions. Finally, our ability to bring in quality speakers and offer reasonable value for reservation fee continues to be strong because of our meeting sponsorship. Tim Cassady and Sameer Choudhary continue to play impressive roles in helping us meet our financial needs for this purpose, and we thank them again for their effort.

I continue to enjoy getting to know many members at our meetings. I hope you are finding the same pleasure in furthering your relationships with chemistry colleagues in our section. Please encourage more of your colleagues to join us at future meetings and help keep up this participation momentum. I would also welcome additional input as to how we might improve the activities of our section.

F. Hal Ebetino
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals

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January Monthly Meeting - Monday, January 31, 2000
Embassy Suites Hotel, Blue Ash

5:00 - 5:45 pm Chemical Information Discussion Group
Bartow Culp, Chemistry Librarian Purdue University
5:30-6:00 pm Registration ($12) and Social;
when possible, please pay with exact change or by check
6:00-7:00 pm Featured Speaker, Douglas Axelrod
New Therapeutics for Osteoporosis
7:00 - 8:00 pm Mixer with Hors d’ oeuvres and Open Bar
7:45 - 8:30 pm Iota Sigma Pi Discussion Group 
Elizabeth Piocos, The Procter and Gamble Company
What the Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Can Bring to the ACS

The Embassy Suites restaurant will be available for dining. Please make reservations with them directly if you would like to stay for dinner. Phone: 733-8900

Reception Reservations:

E-mail your reservations to Include your name (complete with correct spelling), phone number and affiliation. Please specify if this is your first Cincinnati ACS meeting when making your reservation. All reservations must be received by noon, Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2000. If you have any difficulties, please call Debbie Lewis at (513) 622-3423. As a reminder, if you decide you must miss a meeting after you have made reservations, please call to cancel. If you do not cancel, the Section will have to charge you because it will have been charged by the hotel. Payment will be received at the door. Guests are always welcome; emeritus, unemployed, new, and student members are half price.

Directions to Embassy Suites Hotel, 4554 Lake Forest Dr., Blue Ash

From I-71, take Exit 15 (Pfeiffer Road), head west on Pfeiffer Road two blocks to Reed Hartman Highway. Turn right (north) on Reed Hartman, turn left on to Lake Forest Dr.

From I-275, take the Reed Hartman Exit, head south on Reed Hartman about two miles, take a right onto Lake Forest Dr.

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New Therapeutics for Osteoporosis
D.W. Axelrod
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals


With an explosion of new agents available for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, it may be appropriate to return to the needs of the patient in the near term and to strategize toward the most useful next steps in osteoporosis therapeutics.

First, the issue of true "prevention" must be taken more seriously. At present, beyond the usual prescription of supplemental calcium, vitamin D, and exercise, estrogen or Raloxifene, the first "selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)" approved for this indication, are offered to postmenopausal women. Other antiresorptive therapies (vide infra) are offered to those women who cannot or should not take estrogens and to men, an underappreciated population at risk. This approach discloses the enormous gap in our understanding of the pathogenesis of estrogen deprivation and other osteoporoses, stunting efforts at discovering new therapies which prevent osteoporosis by interfering with proximal disordered process(es) without resorting to estrogens or unfocused antiresorptive therapies. Although efforts will continue in identifying those at highest risk for bone loss, specific genetic predispositions and in-life risks are likely to contribute too small an individual risk to justify empirical therapy on the basis of these risks alone.

Second, our current therapeutics rely very heavily on antiresorptive actions at the bone. By inhibiting bone activation frequency, resorption depth, or both, bone microarchitecture can be spared and bone formation can outpace resorption, at least for a while, leading to modest increases in bone mass and stabilization of architecture. The newly available bisphosphonates, in addition to new formulations of calcitonin, additional formulations of estrogen, estrogen/gestagen combinations, and more SERMs will likely saturate the antiresorptive needs of this population, leading to product differentiation only by secondary matters of effects at secondary target tissues, patient tolerance, price, and marketing strategy.

Unfortunately, this "one size fits all" approach to the treatment of osteoporosis leaves out important pathophysiologic issues along with important therapeutic opportunities. At present, purely antiresorptive therapies may stabilize microarchitecture and add a modest amount of new bone, but cannot truly repair the "template" of cancellous bone architecture, nor add sufficient bone to normalize the skeletal fragility of most patients with established osteoporosis. The current ability of antiresorptives to reduce fracture rates by 50 percent belies the high residual absolute rate of fracture in those with established osteoporosis and the impact of that residual risk on their lives.

These facts highlight the need for agents which generate new bone in the right places, of which fluoride and parathyroid hormone are the only current opportunities. Limitations in these agents open the window for new generations of anabolic agents in the future. These coming therapies will require new strategies in clinical design, regulatory approaches, and population selection, all of which will be discussed.

About The Speaker

Dr. Axelrod was raised in San Antonio, Texas, the first born son of Brooklyn escapees. He went to college at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin, where they had seasons. He earned a Ph.D. in Bert O’Malley’s Department of Cell Biology at Baylor College of Medicine, studying lysosomal function in skeletal muscle. He earned his M.D. at the same institution, where he specialized in Internal Medicine with subspecialty Fellowship in Endocrinology, spending his third Fellowship year as Visiting Scientist at the M.D. Anderson Tumor Institute. In 1991, he joined Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals in Norwich, New York, as a medical monitor on the risedronate osteoporosis project. Later that year, he became Medical Director of that program.

In 1992, he created the Clinical Bone and Mineral Research Group, which was responsible for the worldwide medical development of all bone products for Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, including bisphosphonates and estrogens. This organization was responsible for the approvals of Didronel for osteoporosis in many countries worldwide, and for the approval of risedronate for the treatment of Paget’s Disease of Bone. Worldwide product licensing applications for risedronate in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis are under review worldwide.

In 1997, he moved to the Drug Discovery Department of P&GP, and directed the drug discovery groups in Bone, Arthritis, Infectious Disease, and High Throughput Screening.

In September, 1999, he was appointed Director, Discovery Projects and Biological Sciences, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals.

His avocations include Zen, jazz drumming, and high end audio.

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Chemical Information Discussion Group

The Chemical Information Discussion Group is pleased to announce that Bartow Culp, Chemistry Librarian, Purdue University, will be leading the discussion at the January meeting.


The increase in the number of electronic resources in chemistry in the last decade has been dramatic. Specialized data sources like Beilstein, the Web of Science, and Internet sites such as ChemWeb have successfully challenged Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)in the market place of chemical information. CAS has responded to these challenges by introducing a variety of new software tools such as STNEasy, SciFinder, and STNWeb, which are intended to facilitate the use of its only real product, Chemical Abstracts. How do these new CAS search tools differ among themselves, and what are their various strengths and weaknesses? What are the main content differences between CAS and its new competitors? The focus of the discussion session will center on these questions, which are vital to anyone conducting chemical research today.

About the Speaker

Bartow Culp has spent about equal time as a Townie and a Gownie in his career as a chemist and librarian. After receiving his B.S. in Chemistry at the University of South Carolina, he continued his studies at the University of Delaware with Dr. James A. Moore, where he received a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. After spending 9 years in Academe, he joined the Technical Information Service of the 3M in St. Paul, MN, where he specialized in chemical database construction and information retrieval. He jumped back over the academic wall in 1995 when he became the Chemistry Librarian at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.

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Education Group Meeting
Note Correction to Directions

The next meeting of the group will be held on January 19 at St. Henry District High School in northern Kentucky. Cathy Fike will host. It will be a make-and-take night. Several veteran teachers will show how to make inexpensive demonstration devices. What you make, you take home. It should be great fun! Directions to St. Henry: Go south on I75; exit I75 at Exit 184 and travel highway 236 West. The school is less than one mile from the exit on the right. The phone number for the school at (606) 525-0255. Any comments or questions concerning the discussion group may be addressed to Linda Ford at

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Elected Positions in the Section

The Section Nominating Committee requests nominations for the following elected positions within the section: First Vice-Chair Chair-Elect, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Alternate Councilor and Councilor. The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2000. Nominations should be sent to:

James J. Knittel,

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Final Call for Papers Issued for 2000 Regional Meeting (CMACS 2000)

This month the final Call for Papers for CMACS 2000 is being sent to all ACS members in the Central Region. The meeting is being held May 16-19, 2000, at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center in Covington. Our Cincinnati Section is host.

The abstract deadline for general talks and posters is January 31. Detailed instructions for submitting abstracts electronically (preferred) or as hard copies, as well as general meeting and registration information, can be found on the meeting Web site:

The meeting will feature 48 planned symposia, as well as several general lecture and poster sessions (including one for undergraduate posters) for which contributions are solicited. The ACS Central Region will present four industrial innovation awards (in the areas of polymers, pharmaceuticals, environmental chemistry, and chemical engineering) and one high-school chemistry teaching award at an awards symposium and luncheon. A first-class vendor exhibit, a regional employment clearinghouse, a Student Affiliate program, and three short courses will also be featured. The planned social events will include a riverboat dinner cruise on the Ohio and a tour of the Newport Aquarium.

We hope you'll participate in CMACS 2000 and help make it the best regional ACS meeting ever. The complete technical program will be on the Web (both ACS and meeting Web sites) in March and the preliminary meeting program will appear in C&EN in April. Keep up to date by visiting the meeting website at

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The Cincinnati Section ACS Members are cordially invited to attend a lecture in the Xavier University, Ethics/Religion & Society Lecture Series

Keith H. S. Campbell
The Ethics of Cloning and Transgenic Technology

Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, SUNDAY, January 30, 2000, Xavier Theater, University Center

7:30 p.m. Lecture
8:30 p.m. Discussion
9:00 p.m. Reception (Terrace Room)

A Public Service - This lecture series is made possible through the generous support of the Louise Taft Semple Foundation in response to a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

In his lecture Dr. Campbell will describe his work that led up to the cloning of the sheep "Dolly," the first mammal to be cloned from an adult derived somatic cell, and his subsequent work in the genetic modification of farm animal species. In addition, Dr. Campbell will discuss some of the ethical issues of transgenic technology for the field of human medicine. Drawing upon his research into the mechanisms underlying embryo development and cellular differentiation, Dr. Campbell will offer his insights about the morality of human genetic engineering and the possibility of human cloning.

Keith H. S. Campbell is currently the Head of Embryology at PPL Therapeutics in Roslin, Scotland. Together with Dr. Ian Wilmut, he was responsible for the cloning of the sheep "Dolly," the first mammal to be cloned from an adult derived somatic cell.

Dr. Campbell is a cell biologist with 26 years of scientific experience. He attended Queen Elizabeth College London, where he obtained a BSC Honors degree in microbiology. He earned his doctorate at the University of Sussex with a thesis on cell cycle control. After completion of these studies, Dr. Campbell moved to Scotland. Following two postdoctoral positions, he joined the Roslin Institute in 1991, where he applied his previous experience to the production of mammalian embryos by nuclear transfer. In 1995 this research led to the birth of "Megan" and "Morag," two Welsh Mountain lambs cloned from cultured differentiated cells. In 1996 these experiments were repeated and extended, resulting in the birth of "Dolly."

Since the historic event of the cloning of "Dolly," Dr. Campbell’s research has led to additional breakthroughs in transgenic technology. His present aims are to accelerate the benefits of this technology in the field of human medicine and to further understand the mechanisms underlying embryo development and cellular differentiation.

For more information: To learn more about the E/RS Program and this lecture series, call Dr. Madges at 513 745-3026. To learn more about the NEH grant or how you can support the fund-raising challenge, call 513 745-3335 or 800 344-4698, ext. 3335.

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It’s Back—The Cincinnati Younger Chemists Committee is Bigger and Better!

Expect great ideas and a banner year of interesting, educational and diverse activities from the CYCC. The response to the formation of a steering committee was fantastic, and it has been a delight to meet and to work with all the new faces in establishing a strong program for this year and next. The program that the steering committee is putting together should have something for almost everyone as the group is well represented from academe, industry (big and small) and government. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the Cincinnati Younger Chemists Committee Steering Committee Members:
Co-chair Ron Horwitz Imperial Adhesives
Co-chair Susan Ross U Cincinnati
Co-chair Rhonda Patschke Michigan State U.
Local Section Liaison Xinrong Tian P&G Pharmaceuticals
CYCC Webmaster Sean Conklin,  U Cincinnati

Steering Committee members:
Xiaolin Chen U Cincinnati
Maria Forester Sun Chemical Co.
Michael Gonzalez EPA
Mike Haven U Cincinnati
Irving Henry Miller Brewing Co.
Jeni Hodges-Thomas U Cincinnati
Sarah Mandel U Cincinnati
Rajesh Mishra P&G Pharmaceuticals
Zhou (Michael) Yu U Cincinnati
Wei Zhong U Cincinnati

With over 400 younger chemists in Cincinnati, the CYCC is focused on providing unique opportunities for the younger (and older) chemists to get involved in the local section. The popular company tours series will start again in the late winter with a tour of the Miller Brewing Co., appreciatively organized by Irving Henry of Miller, Maria Forester, Michael Gonzalez and Jeni Hodges-Thomas. Truly a fun and educational event! More info on that tour in a later CINTACS. Another good opportunity to learn about the local industries will be at the March meeting which will be sponsored and hosted by Givaudan Roure, the world’s largest flavors and fragrances company. A YCC-organized tour is anticipated during the social hour of the meeting.

Other ideas that are in the works are a YCC-sponsored social evening featuring a presentation on financial planning during the Central Regional Meeting of the ACS (CMACS) in May. A worthy topic for any and all chemists and the first major activity coordinated by the new co-chair, Ron Horwitz. Immigration and visa status will be a new, but important subject for the CYCC, as Cincinnati is fortunate to have several universities and global companies that attract excellent foreign chemists. In addition, the continuation of the successful brown bag lunch series on career development for students is being considered. If you have suggestions for topics, please let one of the UC YCC steering committee members know!

Finally, We’d like to announce our really big event—a golf tournament/fundraiser. We know that there are a lot of golf nuts who also are chemists. This is your chance to swing your clubs for a good cause. Monies generated will be used to set-up a fund primarily to dispense travel awards for students/teachers to present their research at national ACS meetings. Although it is tentatively intended for Sept. 2000, the event is already being organized expertly by Mike Haven, Jeni Thomas and Rajesh Mishra. We will need more support (advice, manpower and financial) once the planning is ramped up in spring. If any aspect of this event appeals to you, please contact any one of the three event leaders. Future CINTACS issues will have more information about the tournament and registration. If you’re interested in playing for the prize or for the good cause, practice this summer because we know we have some amazing golfers in this Section! We are enthusiastic that this event could evolve into one of the most popular events for the local section ever.

All of us in the steering committee look forward to reaching out to more younger chemists in the Section. We hope to see you at our events, which are always open to anyone (not just "younger" chemists) and at the local section meetings. Please feel free to contact any one of us if you have questions, comments or suggestions. You are the reason for the CYCC and we want to hear from you!

Co-chairs: Ron Horwitz
Rhonda Patschke
Susan Ross

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Women Chemists' Committee Meets Saturday, 12 February 2000

The next meeting of the WCC is scheduled for Sat. Feb 12, at 12:00 at the Greenbriar Clubhouse in Mason. Dr. Joan Simunic, Ph.D., J.D., a local chemist and patent attorney with Wheat, Smith & Beres in Louisville, KY, will be the speaker. In addition, plans for the Cincinnati Women Chemists Committee during the upcoming year will be discussed. Please join us to share a casual lunch and some new ideas for the future. The cost for lunch will be $6.00. For information or directions please check the WCC website at If you plan to attend, or have any questions, contact Lisa Anderson at

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The Women Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society
Call for Applications for Travel Awards

For post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate women to make their first research presentation at a scientific meeting.

Sponsored by: Eli Lilly & Company

For information and an application form, contact

or Cheryl Brown, 800/227-5558 ext. 6022
American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St. NW; Washington, DC 20036

Deadlines for receipt of applications – for meetings between July 1 and December 31, 2000 is March 15, 2000. (the deadline has passed for meetings between June 1 and June 30, 2000)

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E-mail Address, Please
May we please have your e-mail address? For those of you who have provided e-mail addresses, we're sending out monthly meeting notices via e-mail as a secondary distribution mechanism. Please send your e-mail address to:

We will use these addresses for meeting notices and other official section business only. Thank you.

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Central Region Industry Innovation Awards
Nomination deadline - 2/15/00.

The 32nd Central Regional Meeting to be held May 16-19, 2000, in Covington, KY, will feature four industry innovation awards for the first time. Industry innovation awards are fairly new for regional meetings. Their creation was encouraged by ACS National as part of an effort to better recognize industrial chemists and chemical engineers for their creative contributions to the field of chemistry. The four awards will be in pharmaceutical chemistry, polymer chemistry, environmental chemistry and chemical engineering. For details about the awards and nomination process, visit the Meeting's web site at Questions on the Awards Program may be addressed to:

Ted J. Logan, Chairman, Awards Program

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Advertisers Wanted!

CINTACS is an excellent means of conveying information about your products and/or services to the community of chemical professionals in the greater Cincinnati area. With a readership of over 1600 each month, your ad will reach a broad audience of educators, researchers, technicians and other chemistry professionals. Your advertisement also provides support for the activities of the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. To place an advertisement, please contact the advertising chair, Sameer Choudhary, by e-mail at:

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Career Services

Unemployed? Thinking about a change? Seeking chemists? Aware of the need to be current on career opportunities?

Find out what the ACS can do for you!

Contact Jan Strobel at

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Editor.........................Bruce S. Ault
Advertising......Sameer Choudhary

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, email


The submission deadline for the March CINTACS is set for Thursday, January 20, 2000 and for the April issue is Wednesday, February 23, 2000.. Electronic submission is strongly preferred. (except for original photos). All materials should be sent to:

Bruce Ault
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati

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