Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section of the 
American Chemical Society 
Vol. 37, No. 9 - May 2000


May Meeting - Party Night with CMACS 2000
Central Regional Meeting News
From the Chair
Younger Chemists
Women Chemists
Industrial Awards
Kathy Gibboney
Oustanding Service Awardee
Food Flavoring Symposium
Chemical Education Group
News from San Francisco Meeting
See you at the Regional Meeting!
Deadline for Next Issue

CMACS 2000 is Almost Here!

It's not too late to register for the 32nd Central Regional Meeting (CMACS 2000). Just visit to do so. You can download the registration form or register on-line.

The organizing committee has worked hard to provide the very best Technical Program, Vendor Exhibit, and Social Event Program. The Technical Program will consist of approximately 375 oral presentations and 200 poster presentations. These 575 presentations will highlight many different aspects of chemistry including chemical sensors, pharmaceuticals, materials, bio-organic and bio-inorganic chemistry, organic and inorganic synthesis, dendrimers and polymers, computational chemistry and molecular modeling, environmental chemistry, chromatography, catalysis, and food and color chemistry. In addition, there will be a variety of presentations dealing with chemical education including chemistry in industry, diversity in the work place, teaching techniques, chemistry and the law, and a student affiliate poster session.

The social program will feature a tour of the new aquarium followed by a reception, a river boat dinner cruise, a Reds versus Pirates baseball game, and a breakfast with ACS President Daryle Busch.

Several awards will also highlight the meeting. First, Linda Ford of Seven Hills High School will receive the Regional Award in High School Chemistry Teaching. Second, two Regional Industry Innovation Awards will also be presented. The Environmental Award will be presented to a 3-person team at Lubrizol (Daniel Daly, Deborah Langer, and John J. Mullay) that has developed a neat water based diesel fuel that knocks down NO emissions and carbon black in the exhaust. The Polymer Chemistry Award will be presented to Glenn Boutilier of P&G for his innovative work on photopolymers in the paper making process. Lastly, a special CMACS 2000 Award sponsored by YSI, Inc. will be presented to Leland C. Clark, Jr., Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati for his pioneering work in the field of chemical sensors, especially in the development of the oxygen sensor and the first biosensor.

And now that I have convinced you to go to the meeting, please do not forget to visit the exhibit. The exhibit hall will feature approximately 30 vendors with the latest in products and services for the chemical field.

Finally, all students are encouraged to attend at a special low registration fee. Students can benefit greatly from the student poster session, short courses, graduate school career fair, and general career workshop and employment clearing house.

Members of the organizing committee are available to answer any questions and can be readily contacted by visiting

Ray D'Alonzo, General Chair

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CINTACS - The official newsletter of the Cincinnati Section, American Chemical Society

Editor.........................Bruce S. Ault
Advertising......Sameer Choudhary

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236, phone 745-5686, FAX 745-5767, or email


The submission deadline will be approximately August 1, for the Sept. 2000 issue. Electronic submission is strong preferred, except for original photos. All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Bruce Ault
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221

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May Party Night - with CMACS2000

The Party Night is in conjunction with CMACS2000, and features a tour of the Newport Aquarium and a reception, on Thursday, May 18. See the CMACS2000 web site at for details.

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From the Chair

This month, we are planning our annual Party night. Since so much of our section members’ energy is focused on the Regional Meeting activities, we felt it would be appropriate to tie this year’s event into one of the meeting’s social events. Please try to include our Party night in your schedule at least as a minimum involvement with the exciting Regional Meeting activities. I look forward to celebrating another successful year with the section on May 19th.

It seems as if we have just started with the 99/00 activities and now they are nearly over. As the chair, I have had a lot of fun with our many activities this year, and I enjoyed having the opportunity to better get to know so many members. There is much more I would have liked to have contributed, and more areas that we can improve on as a section. Although I will soon be passing the torch to our incoming chair, I look forward to helping Rick Fayter keep up the momentum of our growing section. Thank you for your support and I look forward to interacting with you in future meetings and on new initiatives.

Again, the regional meeting dominates our sections’ activities in the month of May. It is important to recognize that this meeting sponsored, by our section, is a culmination of over 2 years of work by the general chair Ray D’Alonzo and his organizing committee. The conference website acknowledges the large number of section members involved and I congratulate them for their dedicated efforts and look forward to the meeting.

Finally, I wish our next chairman Rick Fayter, great success with the section and I look forward to the next year under his leadership..

F. Hal Ebetino
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals

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Cincinnati Younger Chemists Committee (YCC)
Visits Miller Brewing Co.

The Cincinnati section of the Younger Chemists Committee visited the Miller Brewing Co. plant in Trenton, OH on March 30th. This tour was put together by local section member Irving Henry, who is a Core Quality Engineer at Miller Brewing. This is the largest brewery in Ohio, and according to the welcome sign, they manufacture 11 million cans of beer per day! This plant serves the Midwest region, covering the area from Michigan to Tennessee and Illinois to West Virginia. A large contingent of students from UC helped us to have an excellent turnout of approximately 30 people for the evening. Miller provided some delicious appetizers to snack on during a talk on the history of beer and the beer making process. After the talk, the crowd broke up into three groups for tours of the plant. Sections of the tour included the vats where the initial fermenting process takes place, through the plumbing necessary to transfer product around the plant, and then to the final packaging area. The tour then went through the quality control lab, where rigorous testing is done to insure consistency, not only between batches at this plant, but to ensure uniformity with other Miller facilities. Finally, there was the sampling room, where tasting panels frequently meet to give final approval to products.

The YCC would like to thank Irving Henry for making the initial invitation and then all of his work in making the necessary preparations for our visit. We would also like to thank all of the Miller employees who led us on the tour and stayed to visit with us at the conclusion.

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Highlights/Notes from the San Francisco National ACS Meeting,
26-30 March 2000

1) Attendance set an all-time record at 18,307 (15,454 registered attendees and 2853 exhibitors and visitors). The previous record, also in SF, was 18,042 in 1997.
2) 8200 Abstracts were received, about half electronically.
3) The Clearing House had 1053 candidates and 165 employers. Job postings were 753 for over 1000 positions. Over 3000 interviews were conducted.
4) 289 Companies bought 488 booths at this meeting.
5) Two insurance programs have been brought back after previous insurers pulled out of previous arrangements. These are Liability (primarily for consultants) and Long Term Care Insurance.
6) Glen Crosby, Eli Pearce, John Brauman, and Michael Doyle were the 4 nominees for President-Elect for 2001. The 1st two were chosen as candidates by the Council for the November election.
7) Ann O’Brien and Michael Strem are the new Directors for Region I, Theorore Brown and Ann Nalley for Region V.
8) Candidates for Director-at Large for 2001-2003 are Nina Roscher, Joan Shields, James Shoffner, and Henry Whalen.
9) For the year ending 12/31/99, unrestricted net assets for ACS grew by $35.9. This good result led to a decision to hold 2001 dues at $108, the same as this year’s.
10) A computer/communication upgrade in the Washington, DC operation will cost $6.5 million over a 2-year period, approved by the Board.
11) As of 12/31/99, the ACS had 161,001 members with a retention rate over 93% measured over the year. The goal for 12/31/00 is 165,000, with optimism on attainment.
12) As of January of 2000, 616 undergraduate chemistry programs are now on the ACS "approved" listing.
13) Cincinnati Councilors "talked up" our Regional Meeting, including comments at the Region II Councilor’s caucus on Sunday.
14) Roger Parker represented the Cincinnati Section as a member of the Committee on Meetings and Expositions and chair of the Regional Meetings subcommittee. There is a directive from the Board of Directors for ACS to promote and support Regional Meetings. (Please plan to participate in the May 15-19th CMACS-2000 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center, Covington,KY.)
15) Bruce Ault and Kathy Gibboney represented the Cincinnati Section as committee associates on the Local Section Activities Committee. Bruce also served on the Membership Retention Task Force, which awarded a number of minigrants for recruitment, retention and recognition activities by local sections and divisions.

Bruce S. Ault, Kathy Gibboney, Roger Parker and Ted Logan, Councilors, Cincinnati Section

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Food Flavorings Symposia to be Held at CMACS 2000

Chemists in the region are invited and encouraged to attend one or both of the two symposia on food flavorings held as a part of CMACS. The are entitled "The Role of Chemistry in Food Flavor " on Wednesday May 17 , and "Chemistry You Can Drink - Beer Demystified" on Thursday, May 18. If you would like to learn something about the chemistry of beer or the chemical involvement in food flavors you will find both symposia well worth attending. All details are given in the CMACS website under Technical Program.

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Industrial Innovation Awards Symposium and Banquet

Wednesday, May 17, 2000
Convention Center, Room #2, and Marriott Hotel

9:45-10:00 Welcome and General Introduction to Today’s Program 
Dr. Ted J. Logan, Chair, Awards Committee
10:00-10:50 Environmental Industrial Innovation Award Recipients:
Dr. Daniel T. Daly, Deborah A. Langer, Dr. John J. Mullay,
The Lubrizol Corporation, Wickliffe, Ohio 
"Low Emission Water Blend Diesel Fuel"
10:50-11:20 Polymer Industrial Innovation Award Recipient, 
Dr. Glenn D. Boutilier 
The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio 
"The Working Life of a Polymer- From Photopolymerization Through Oxidation"
11:20-11:30 ACS Regional Award in High School Chemistry Teaching Introduction of Awardee:
Linda Ford
The Seven Hills School, Cincinnati, Ohio
12:00Noon-1:30p.m. Banquet, Marriott Hotel (Ticket Required) 
Re-Introduction of All Awardees ( T. J. Logan) 
Comments on Successful Teaching Approaches
Linda Ford
Presentation of Teaching Award and Comments by ACS President Daryle H. Busch
losure, T. J. Logan

The Research and Development that led to these technical awards will be of interest to both Chemists and Chemical Engineers. At the Banquet following the Symposium, Linda Ford will tell us about her approaches to encourage her students to pursue chemistry-based careers. Beyond the plaques, awardees will be personally honored if we have a large audience for their presentations. Please plan to attend both the Symposium and Banquet on May 17th.

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Cincinnati Women Chemists Committee

The Cincinnati Women Chemists Committee is sponsoring two symposia at the upcoming CMACS 2000 on May 19, 2000. One is a symposium on "Achieving Success in Chemistry" which is a panel discussion featuring successful women in the chemical sciences from academe, industry and law. The other is a symposium on color chemistry that bring together researchers from diverse fields to talk about the chemistry and practical aspects of colors.


Friday, May 19, 2000
8:30 AM - 10:10 AM
(see website, technical program or April CINTACS for details)

Friday, May 19, 2000
10:30 AM

Panel Discussion

Evelyn Hess, Professor, University of Cincinnati
Barbara Slatt, Director, Procter &Gamble
Yen Hsieh, Research Fellow, Procter & Gamble
Joan Simunic, Patent Lawyer and Ph.D. Chemist, Stites & Harbison Attorneys

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Chemistry Teachers’ Discussion Group

The last meeting for this academic year was held on March 28th at St. Xavier High School. Our host, Sally Vonderbrink, took the twelve attending teachers on a tour of the new science classroom/laboratory wing. Teachers who are involved with remodeling and/or construction projects at their home schools should visit St. X and its teachers for many wonderful ideas concerning the integration of classroom and laboratory spaces, laboratory safety features, the design of appropriate office and storage spaces, and the advances in technology in the classroom. The teachers met ELMO and projection TV. Very cool!

The evening sharing incorporated the technology as we cruised CD-ROM Interactive Chemistry published by Saunders. Julie Hust, a first-year teacher at St. X, shared her intranet web page project on the chemical families - a project she did with her first-year students. This project allowed the students to express their creativity and suppress their technology anxieties while learning quite a bit about periodicity. Not only were cooperative teams required to create their pages, but they also had to visit the work of their peers to get an overview of the entire table. If you are interested in expanding your Internet usage, a good place to start is with the web site established and maintained by Mike Geyer at Deer Park HS (

Teachers are encouraged to make summer plans to attend the 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education in Ann Arbor from July 30 to August 3. You can register on line at Registration prior to July 1 is $160. A double room on campus plus meals is $160. How does that sound for affordability? This conference is rich in workshops, symposia, and poster presentations to augment any teacher’s repertoire. Many area teachers are planning to attend. If you need financial assistance, contact Ginger Tannenbaum ( concerning a educator’s grant from the Cincinnati Section.

Lastly, a question from the chair: How can this discussion group better serve your needs? Suggestions and ideas will be warmly received by Linda Ford at Offers to host a meeting during 2000-01 school year are also needed and appreciated.

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Gibboney Wins Outstanding Service Award for 2000

The awards committee is delighted to announce that they have chosen Kathy Gibboney to be the recipient of the section's Outstanding Service Award for the year 2000. Kathy has a long and distinguished record of service to the section. She was Section Chair in 1991-92, and has held various offices and committee positions before and after that. The most notable have been her involvement in the National Chemistry Week and Kids in Chemistry - where she first brought the concept to the section 12 years ago, and has participated actively in leadership and supporting roles ever since. Another facet of her involvement in the section has been as Arrangement's Chair for the 1992 Central Regional Meeting, the International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry in 1998, and the upcoming 2000 Central Regional Meeting. She is able to work with her fellow chemists, and with the public at large to enhance the stature of chemistry within the Community.

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