Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section of the 
American Chemical Society 
Vol. 38, No. 6 - February 2001


From the Chair
Buddies in Chemistry
Volunteer(s) Needed!
Sponsorship of Section Meetings by Individuals: A Challenge and Opportunity
Call for Nominations
Retired Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati
Year 2001/02 Programming Ideas, Anyone?
Employment Opportunities
 Deadline for Submission  Womens' Chemist Committee  

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CINTACS - The official newsletter of the Cincinnati Section, American Chemical Society

Editor..........................................Bruce S. Ault
Advertising.....................Michael L. Stegemiller

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236, phone 745-5686, FAX 745-5767, or email


The submission deadline will be approximately March 1, 2001 for the April issue. Electronic submission is strongly preferred, except for original photos. All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Bruce Ault
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Phone: 513-556-9238
FAX: 513-556-9239

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From the Chair

125 years ago, a few chemists put down their retorts and sat down to discuss their common interest. The inception and
organization of that meeting has created today, the largest technical organization in the world. Yes Roger, it’s the American
Chemical Society’s 125th Anniversary. We will kick-off the ACS Anniversary Year at our February meeting at the Phoenix
Downtown. What could be more fitting than to have one of our own senior members Dr. Joseph S. Cantrell, Professor
Emeritus, Miami University making a presentation on Chemistry in the Antarctic. This is a far cry from the chemistry that was
done in the late 1870’s.

According to one of our local newspapers, Joe is considered “one of the oldest people ever to spend  an extended period of time on the continent”. This gives me great inspiration knowing my life continues after 60. Come and see Joe drilling 15 foot holes through the ice taking water samples, making friends with the penguins, seals and Polar bears (oops, wrong ice area). All kidding aside, this should be an interesting and informative evening. The meal should be great and who knows, we may get to sing Happy Birthday.

Linda Sand, a teacher at the Loveland Primary School has made a request to our section. She is in need of at least 26 scientists
to participate in a Science Day at the Loveland Ohio school on March 23, 2001.  The school has approximately 630 children
in grades 1-2. The goal is to invite scientists from different fields into the school and spend the day making presentations to the
children about particular fields of science. The talks/demonstrations should be about 20 minutes long. The 6-8 year old group
of students will rotate through to hear the talks every 30 minutes.  Since the children are of young age, this should make it a
particularly interesting challenge for those who participate. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with the
community and promote your science field of interest.

The media, both newspaper and television, will be invited to cover this event.  Companies and organizations may put up a
poster in the school lobby during the event. Those interested in participating may contact Linda Sand at

As I stated last month, Rick White, Proctor and Gamble, has afforded his time to organize a workshop in April or May on
LC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications by Instructors O. David Sparkman and Frederick E. Klink. Those interested can
contact Rick at

This continues to be a busy year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with suggestions and desires for additional involvement. See you at the February meeting.

Rick Fayter - Cognis Corporation - (513) 482-3156 -

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Buddies in Chemistry

On Saturday, March 10th, the chemical educators’ discussion group will be hosting a six-hour workshop at the University of Cincinnati. Five hands-on chemistry activities will be tested and discussed by middle school/high school teaching partners. All materials and lunch will be provided at no cost to the attendees. The intent is to bring together teaching “buddies” from the same school district to work and learn together and establish a professional link that will follow them back to their classrooms. A registration packet has already been mailed to teachers in the Greater Cincinnati area. If you have not received one, please contact Linda Ford at Questions concerning the workshop can also be directed to Linda.

Linda is still looking for volunteers to help during the workshop. You do not need to be in education to attend or to help! You just have to have a keen interest in broadening hands-on chemistry in Cincinnati classrooms.

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The Younger Chemists Committee hosted a discussion group coinciding with the December local section meeting.  The meeting was an opportunity for young chemists to get together and discuss our scientific backgrounds in more detail than what usually comes up in conversation.  We had a good turnout that was an even mix of graduate students and industrial chemists.  A roundtable discussion was held where each person introduced himself or herself, and gave highlights of undergraduate, graduate, and industrial research that had been done.  The graduate students learned how their research skills could be useful in industry, and the industrial chemists were able to make more local contacts in different fields of chemistry.  The Younger Chemists events are continuing to grow in attendance, and we are working on events suggested at our last planning meeting.  If you would like to get involved with the YCC, contact Ron Horwitz (, or 513-351-1300), or Rhonda Patschke (by email at

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Volunteer(s) Needed!

Loveland Primary School, in Loveland, Ohio is planning a Science Day for March 23, 2001.  Their goal is to introduce these children to various types of science and the people who work in that field.  One or more volunteers are needed to represent chemistry and all that it contributes to society at this event.  The participants can be professionals in their fields, undergraduate students, or graduate students.  People who participate will be asked to spend the entire day at the school.  They will need to prepare a 20 minute talk or demonstration for the children.  Approximately every 30 minutes a new group of students will rotate through the talk.  The children are ages 6-8, so obviously a very simple presentation would be required.  The presentations will begin at 9a.m. and end at 2:30.  Lunch will be provided for the presenters.
The media will be invited to cover the event, both television and newspapers.  Presenters can put up a poster in the lobby of our school the week of Science Day.  If you are willing to represent the field of chemistry at this event, or if you have any questions, please contact Linda Sand, Loveland Primary School Vice-President, at LSAND@CINCI.RR.COM.   Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Sponsorship of Section Meetings by Individuals:
A Challenge and an Opportunity

Some of our Section members have reached the point in their lives where they are giving more serious thought to charitable donations.  This is driven by both genuine generosity and by knowledge that the IRS will capture at death between 50 and 80% of estates above $1.3MM (changing slightly upward over the next few years).  When we think of charitable contributions, most of us think of schools, churches, PBS, NPR, National Geographic Society, and several others.  Unfortunately, with rare but important exceptions, the Cincinnati Section of the American Society doesn’t make the list.  This is unfortunate because the Section needs funding to provide valuable  activities and services.  Donations to the Section are just as tax deductible as for the aforementioned organizations.
My proposal is to have a few individuals contribute $1000 each to sponsor a monthly Section meeting of their choice.  I would start this off with a contribution of $1000, contingent upon four other members doing the same.  We need 5-6 of these contributions each year.

Presently our meetings are funded by solicitation from local industries, a time consuming task that is getting more difficult each year, with very uneven participation.  With success of this proposal for individual support, we would continue to solicit money from local industries, but use the monies for other programs in the Section, including increased award stipends for students, travel grants for teachers to further their education and improve chemistry teaching skills, and other programs already in progress but suffering from insufficient funding.

The talks and discussions provided at each Section meeting are aimed at keeping members up to date on chemistry based subjects.  These meetings and their accompanying Social Hour also provide a valuable opportunity for networking, contacts, and learning about other local industries (products, directions, personnel needs, acquisitions, and even helpful information about the health of these companies).  Over the years I have built networks and contact lists from these meetings and Social Hours that helped me do my job better, and I frequently conduct small business issues at these gatherings.  Utilized properly, our Section meetings and Social Hours are educational opportunities for all members who attend, and funds for sponsorship are critical to their continued success.

Do I have 4 Section members to join me at $1000 each, to sponsor five meetings?  you can pick your own meeting, your support is tax deductible, and you’ll be helping your Section support this important activity while releasing other monies to more substantially support  programs now in progress.

I can be reached for questions on this proposal at e-mail: TJLOGANCIN@AOL.COM or by telephone:  513-385-8856.

Ted J. Logan
Councilor and Board Member, Cincinnati Section, American Chemical Society

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Call for Nominations
Elected Positions in the Section

The Section Nominating Committee requests nominations for the following elected positions within the section: First Vice-Chair Chair-Elect, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Alternate Councilor and Councilor. The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2001. Nominations should be sent to:

Frank H. Ebetino
Procter & Gamble
PO Box 8006
8700 Mason-Montgomery Mason, OH  45040-8006
Work:  513-622-3630
Fax:   513-622-1195

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Retired Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati

Luncheon Meeting Schedule - (at Unity Center)
February - May, 2001

RESERVATIONS may be made and INFORMATION is available by telephoning RESC contacts at either (513) 231-7831 or (513) 751-8035.

Tuesday, Feb. 20        Technology and Archaeology
11:30 AM
Joe Shomaker,  Cultural Resource Manager, Fluor Fernald,  Beginning with the areas prehistoric peoples, Joe will describe the artifact findings and newer technologies which assist preservation or restoration in compliance with regulations to honor the native Americans.
Tuesday, Mar. 20        Digital Photography Update
11:30 AM
Richard White, RESC member, retired P&G metallurgical engineer will describe how the latest digital equipment allows the typical "pro-sumer" 35-mm camera traveler new convenience and skills, including tips and cautions, as well as coordination with accessories including laptop or desk computers and software.

Tuesday, Apr. 17         Egypt - Cruising Up the Nile
11:30 AM
 Fae Audre Rice & Harold Rice,  RESC members, retired Science teacher & electrical engineer respectively, will describe the wonders of ancient kingdoms along the Nile from Alexandria to Abu Simbel including Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens, and  many temples, as well as the Pyramids and Sphinx at Gizeh.
Tuesday, May  15         Trends in Medical Surgical Laser Therapy
11:30 AM  (at Quality Inn Central)
Judy Chamberlain, RN, MSN, Consultant and Lecturer on Laser Safety.   With a background as Nurse and the Laser Safety Officer at Christ Hospital, she will describe structure and function of lasers and tissue response, with examples of primary uses. Also, the hazards, and controls necessary for safety of patients and providers.

Plant Tour Schedule       January  through  May  2001

Thursday, Mar. 22         General Electric Aircraft Engine
10:00 AM                         Museum and Assembly Plant  -  Evendale, OH
View the evolution of turbojet engines from the first US built one to the CF-6 that powers largest planes today and its assembly  Followed by lunch at Cookers, Springdale.

Wednesday, Apr. 18      Cintas - "The Uniform People"  -  Mason, OH
10:00 AM     
Witness uniform tailoring and logo embroidering, warehousing, and order handling processes of this major uniform supplier.  Followed by lunch at Lone Star Steakhouse, Mason.

Wednesday, May 9        Fernald - EPA Clean-up Site   -  Ross, OH
10:30 AM   
A bus tour of this project which includes structure and process facilities demolition, aquifer restoration, and low level nuclear waste handling and preparation for removal.  Followed by lunch at Bier Haus,  Miamitown.

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Year 2001/02 Programming Ideas, Anyone?

We're in the midst of figuring out the program for next year.  One thing for which we should always be looking is the new, different, better idea.  What have you seen elsewhere which was a "hit"?  What are YOUR interests in Chemistry?  Do you have ideas on how to involve the general public and make them aware of the benefits and "fun" of Chemistry?

We will have one or two more meetings to discuss programming during the next few months.  Please show YOUR interest in the section and its programming by volunteering to be on this programming committee.

Hank Greeb

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Employment Opportunities

Research Assistant Wanted

To perform and document laboratory experiments.  To carry out duties associated with maintaining laboratory organization.  Full- time salaried position.  Required qualifications:  minimum Bachelors degree in chemical or biological sciences.  Desired qualifications: laboratory experience in molecular biology and biochemistry.  Send letter of application, résumé and list of three references to Brenda Blacklock, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Hughes Hall 244, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.  Screening of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer.

Results-Oriented Chemist Sought

Cincinnati Specialties manufactures specialty organic chemicals including saccharin, corrosion inhibitors and chemical intermediates including ethyl anthranilate. We have a need for an experienced chemist. Varied assignments include:
1. New product formulation
2. Analytical method development for new products.  Methods: HPLC, GC, UV spectrophotometry, potentiometic titrations.
3. Customer technical service. Provide  recommendations on analytical methods and product uses.
4. Evaluate new products for corrosion by electrochemical and weight loss methods.
5. Measure physical properties and stability of new products.
6. Trouble shooting for manufacturing and customer problems.
7. Prepare concise written summaries of work done.

Qualifications include: At least a Bachelor's degree in chemistry and analytical experience. Good working knowledge of computer software and hardware needed. Experience in analytical method development especially valuable.  Need a self-starter with a "can do" attitude and good interpersonal skills.  Interested chemists please contact:
Bruce Strickland

Michelle Espich

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Womens' Chemist Committee

Call for Applications for Travel Awards

For postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate women to make their first research presentation at a scientific meeting.  For more information and an application form, contact Cheryl Brown at (800) 227-5558, ext. 6123, or email her at

Feb. 15, 2001 (meetings between 7/1/01 - 12/31/01)
Sept. 15, 2001 (meetings between 1/1/02 - 6/30/02)

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