Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section of the 
American Chemical Society 
Vol. 38, No. 7 - March 2001


From the Chair
2001 Cincinnati Chemist of the Year
2001 Cincinnati Research Associate of the Year
Chemical Information Discussion Group
Organic Discussion Group
Diane Schmidt to Chair ACS Committee on Chemical Safety
Retired Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati
LC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications
Employment Opportunities
 Deadline for Submission
Womens' Chemist Committee
 The Image of Chemistry and Chemists
2002 National Chemical 
Technician Award
Chemical Educator
Luncheon/Talk sponsored by the Cincinnati Women Chemists Committee
"Understanding the Cycle of R&D"
Robert S. Dirksing
Call for Papers
33rd Central/33rd Great Lakes Joint Regional Meeting
ACS National Meeting
Women Chemists Events
WCC Establishes 
"Overcoming Challenges Award"

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CINTACS - The official newsletter of the Cincinnati Section, American Chemical Society

Editor..........................................Bruce S. Ault
Advertising.....................Michael L. Stegemiller

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236, phone 745-5686, FAX 745-5767, or email


The submission deadline for the May issue is March 24, 2001. Electronic submission is strongly preferred, except for original photos. All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Bruce Ault
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Phone: 513-556-9238
FAX: 513-556-9239

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From the Chair

Congratulations to the Cincinnati Chemist of the Year (Curtis Marcott, Procter & Gamble Company, Miami Valley Labs) and
the Research Associate of the Year (Lesle Goodhart, Procter & Gamble Company). It is a great honor for the Local Section to
award these two chemists for their many contributions to the field. Details follow in this CINTACS issue. The meeting will be
held at the Miami University, Oxford, in the Shriver Center on March 8th. This is the first time in many years that the Section
has participated at the University with its monthly meeting. We are glad to be welcomed back and thank the efforts of Jim
Hershberger for making the arrangement possible. This meeting will also feature Chemical Information (Edlyn Simmons, P&G,
Chair and discussion speaker) and Organic Chemistry (Bill Seibel, Chair and Sreenivasa R. Mundla, discussion speaker, both
from P&G Pharmaceuticals) Discussion Group Sessions as highlighted further in this CINTACS. The meeting is sponsored in
part by Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals. We thank them for their support and welcome all to come and celebrate the
evening with our awardees.

W. C. Fields once said, “I went to Philadelphia and it was closed.” Some forty years ago I was a student affiliate member of
the Philadelphia Section when it was stoic, pretentious and asleep. Some ten years later I came to Cincinnati and Bill Blewett
introduced me to the Cincinnati Section as Social Chair. I have been a willing active participating member since. Why, because
the Cincinnati Section has an active, vibrant membership. There have been some years we’ve gotten a little drowsy, but as a
whole, I feel the Section absolutely sustains itself.

I especially found this out as Chair this year. Without the efforts of many members and friends of the section, I would not have
survived. From the Past Chair, Hal who gave me all the advice and “atta boys”; to our Chair-Elect, Hank, who sent out
emergency announcements to all the members by E-mail when our communications link was bad; to Debbie and Vicki who
took control of our arrangements and registration; to Kim Carey who made the web efficient; to Bruce, our Cintacs editor, who keeps us all on time; to Dan McLoughlin, Phil Christenson, Jim Hershberger, Marshall Wilson and Staff, and Jim Niewahner who make our special site arrangements; to Gwen, who made public relations a reality this year; to our National Chemistry Week Chairs, Discussion Group Leaders, YCC Chairs, WWC Chairs; to our advertisement and sponsor committee; to Ray and all the people associated with CRMACS; to yes, even you Roger for your wit and antidotes; etc.; etc.; etc.; you all made our Section’s accomplishments possible. I know I missed a ton of people, but Bruce will get upset for the amount of print space I’ve taken.

Which brings me finally to my point. Each year the Cincinnati ACS Section affords an award for Meritorious Service. This
award was established a few years ago to provide the Section with a way to recognize one of our members for their
contributions and services. Now is the time to nominate our Section’s selections. I especially have strong feelings to the worth
of this award and know from my personal experience that we have many fine candidates. Please submit your nomination and
seconding letters for your choice to Tim Cassady our Awards Chair,

As a parting note, I know Hank Greeb, Chair-Elect, is actively preparing for our Section’s next season. I am sure he can use all your help and suggestions. You can contact Hank at I hope to see all of you at our March 8th award meeting at Miami University.

Rick Fayter - Cognis Corporation - (513) 482-3156 -

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2001 Cincinnati Chemist of the Year

Dr. Curtis A. Marcott
Procter & Gamble Company

"Chemical Imaging Using Infrared Cameras"


The research and development of infrared array detector technology has received substantial funding from the military over the past two decades.  Until recently, much of this technology (originally developed for imaging heat emitted over relatively broad wavelength ranges) was classified.  We have used a variety of infrared cameras to obtain chemical images in the spectral range between 10,000 and 900 cm-1 (1-11 mm).  Data can be displayed as either a series of spectroscopic images collected at individual wavelengths, or as a collection of IR spectra obtained at each pixel position in the image. Image contrast is achieved due to the intrinsic chemical nature of the sample at each pixel location in the image.  Examples are presented which illustrate how the technique can be used to image water in a variety of systems, identify layers in a polymer film laminate, to aid in understanding the spatial dependence of the biomineralization process occurring in bone tissue, and to examine H&E-stained breast tissue biopsies.

About the Speaker

Curtis Marcott received his B. A. degree from Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) in 1974 and his Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1979.  Since 1979 he has been employed as an infrared spectroscopist in the Corporate Research Division of Procter & Gamble's Miami Valley Laboratories in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is presently a Research Fellow.   He is currently a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Spectroscopy, and is a past member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Vibrational Spectroscopy, the A-page Advisory Panel of Analytical Chemistry, and the Board of Managers of the Coblentz Society.  Dr. Marcott received the 1993 Williams-Wright Award from the Coblentz Society for achievement in industrial vibrational spectroscopy and is an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at Miami University in Oxford, OH.  His current research interests include infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed species, time-resolved infrared linear dichroism spectroscopy of polymers under small-amplitude strain, vibrational circular dichroism, applications of IR spectroscopy in phase science, GC-IR (including matrix isolation), photoacoustic spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, spectroscopic imaging, and chemometrics.

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2001 Cincinnati Research Associate of the Year

Lesle Goodhart received her B.S. in Chemistry from Northern Kentucky University in 1984 and has completed graduate studies in environmental sciences. Her present professional affiliations include the American Chemical Society.  Lesle has a strong background in analytical chemistry.  She developed and then managed the analytical lab at Hill Top Biolabs Inc. for 6 years.  Lesle, served as the analytical officer for the Ohio River Water Sanitation Commission with responsibility for placing all analytical work for review and approval of data generated from monitoring programs. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the Western Water Company. Lesle joined the Procter & Gamble Company in Oral Care Technology with an initial assignment in analytical chemistry. At P&G, Lesle developed GC/Mass spectrometric methods to detect trace materials in polymers.  In her most recent accomplishment, Lesle played a major role in the effort to successfully launch P&G Crest Whitestrips for National distribution.  Paul A. Sagel, her current supervisor at P&G, summarized what Lesle does best, “Lesle always rises to the challenge and does a great job”.

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Chemical Information Discussion Group

Edlyn Simmons - "Chemical Publishing - Are Chemists Ready to Publish on a Preprint Server?"

Physicists have accepted publication of their findings on the Los Alamos Preprint Server for years, refereed journals are still the medium of choice for chemists.  At the August, 2000, ACS National Meeting, Chemical Preprint Servers were the subject of a Presidential Plenary session on Sunday afternoon.  Speakers debated the possibility that chemists should have an electronic preprint server, there was no consensus, but the underlying assumption was that the ACS was the logical organization to make a decision. Recently, CHEMWEB inaugurated the Chemical Preprint Server.  In January, 2001, the ACS issued  a policy stating that electronic preprints would be considered as bars to consideration for publication in ACS journals

What is a preprint server?  How is the CHEMWEB server succeeding?  Would you, personally, publish your research on a preprint server?  The floor will be open for discussion.

Discussion leader - The discussion will be lead by Edlyn Simmons, chair of the Cincinnati Section Chemical Information Discussion Group.  Edlyn is Section Manager, Patent Information, in Business Information Services, Procter & Gamble. She is a member of the ACS Joint Board-Council Committee on Chemical Abstracts Service and of the Advisory Board of the CHEMWEB Chemical Preprint Server.

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Organic Discussion Group

"Role of a Chemist in Chemical Research & Development: Development of a
Scaleable Process to Produce a Novel Aminoimidazolinylbenzimidazole"

Sreenivasa R. Mundla*:   P&G Pharmaceuticals, Chemical Development,
Woods Corners, PO Box 191, Norwich, NY, 13815


In this presentation, I will give a brief overview of a chemist's role in Chemical Process Research & Development, and describe the development of a scaleable process to produce a novel 5-[2-amino-2-imidazolinyl]benzimidazole 1 from the key intermediates 2 and 3.

About the Speaker

Dr. Mundla is currently a Senior Scientist in the Bone Chemistry group in Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals.  Dr. Mundla received his undergraduate training in Sri Venkateswara University in India in 1983.  After taking his MS degree at Srikrishnadevaraya University, he moved to the University of Hyderabad, where he worked on the synthesis of various alkaloids under the direction of Prof. Goverdhan Mehta.  Here Dr. Mundla developed synthetic methods useful for the synthesis of the diterpene crinipelline and paniculatine and magellanine type alkaloids.  Dr. Mundla received his PhD in 1992 and then accepted a post-doctoral research Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin with Prof. James Cook, where he worked on a variety of structurally and pharmacologically interesting alkaloids.  Dr. Mundla then accepted a position in P&G Pharmaceuticals' Process Chemistry organization, where he has made a number of important contributions to the synthesis of new clinical candidates.  Approximately one year ago, Dr. Mundla transferred to the Discovery Division, located in Cincinnati, where he has been working in both the Combinatorial Chemistry and Bone Chemistry groups.  Overall, his career spans nearly two decades and has resulted in nearly as many publications.

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Diane Schmidt to Chair ACS Committee
on Chemical Safety

The national American Chemical Society (ACS) announced recently in Washington that Dr. Diane G. Schmidt has been appointed Chair of the Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS).  She is the first woman ever appointed to Chair CCS in the history of the Society.  Diane is a Section Head in R&D with The Procter & Gamble Company.  She has been with P&G since 1981.

Dr. Schmidt has been active in ACS at both the local and national levels.  She has served the Cincinnati Section over the years in many leadership roles including: Trustee, Section Chair, First Vice-Chair, and Chair .  She was a member of the CMACS 2000 Committee and a symposium Co-Chair for the regional meeting held May 2000.

At the national level in addition to her current responsibilities as Chair of the Committee on Chemical Safety, she is a Councilor for the Division of Chemical Health & Safety and also serves the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs as a Career Consultant.  She is a former member of the Committee on Economic Status for 6 years plus served 3 years as Secretary.  Diane is a past Chair of the Division on Professional Relations.

Some previous leadership positions in other organizations have included: Chair of the Ohio Valley Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists,  President of Radium Chapter of Iota Sigma Pi, and Chair of Membership for the University of Cincinnati  Chapter of Sigma Xi.  Dr. Schmidt serves on a number of Boards including:  Board of Editors for “Chemical Health & Safety” and “Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists”.

Some of her awards include: the 1994 Distinguished Scientist of Cincinnati by the Engineers & Scientists of Cincinnati ( first woman to receive this award ), 1995 Distinguished Alum by the University of Tennessee - Chattanooga, and 1995 Outstanding Alum Achievement Award by national Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Dr. Schmidt is the author/co-author of numerous scientific publications and is the inventor/co-inventor on multiple patents.

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Retired Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati

Luncheon Meeting Schedule - (at Unity Center)
February - May, 2001

RESERVATIONS may be made and INFORMATION is available by telephoning RESC contacts at either (513) 231-7831 or (513) 751-8035.

Tuesday, Feb. 20        Technology and Archaeology
11:30 AM
Joe Shomaker,  Cultural Resource Manager, Fluor Fernald,  Beginning with the areas prehistoric peoples, Joe will describe the artifact findings and newer technologies which assist preservation or restoration in compliance with regulations to honor the native Americans.

Tuesday, Mar. 20        Digital Photography Update
11:30 AM
Richard White, RESC member, retired P&G metallurgical engineer will describe how the latest digital equipment allows the typical "pro-sumer" 35-mm camera traveler new convenience and skills, including tips and cautions, as well as coordination with accessories including laptop or desk computers and software.

Tuesday, Apr. 17         Egypt - Cruising Up the Nile
11:30 AM
 Fae Audre Rice & Harold Rice,  RESC members, retired Science teacher & electrical engineer respectively, will describe the wonders of ancient kingdoms along the Nile from Alexandria to Abu Simbel including Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens, and  many temples, as well as the Pyramids and Sphinx at Gizeh.

Tuesday, May  15         Trends in Medical Surgical Laser Therapy
11:30 AM  (at Quality Inn Central)
Judy Chamberlain, RN, MSN, Consultant and Lecturer on Laser Safety.   With a background as Nurse and the Laser Safety Officer at Christ Hospital, she will describe structure and function of lasers and tissue response, with examples of primary uses. Also, the hazards, and controls necessary for safety of patients and providers.

Plant Tour Schedule       January  through  May  2001

Thursday, Mar. 22         General Electric Aircraft Engine
10:00 AM                         Museum and Assembly Plant  -  Evendale, OH
View the evolution of turbojet engines from the first US built one to the CF-6 that powers largest planes today and its assembly  Followed by lunch at Cookers, Springdale.

Wednesday, Apr. 18      Cintas - "The Uniform People"  -  Mason, OH
10:00 AM
Witness uniform tailoring and logo embroidering, warehousing, and order handling processes of this major uniform supplier.  Followed by lunch at Lone Star Steakhouse, Mason.

Wednesday, May 9        Fernald - EPA Clean-up Site   -  Ross, OH
10:30 AM
A bus tour of this project which includes structure and process facilities demolition, aquifer restoration, and low level nuclear waste handling and preparation for removal.  Followed by lunch at Bier Haus,  Miamitown.

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LC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications
     O. David Sparkman, Frederick E. Klink, Instructors

Monday-Tuesday, April 30-May 1, 2001
Best Western Springdale Hotel & Conference Center
11911 Sheraton Lane (I-275 and Route 4)
Springdale, Ohio

This widely acclaimed 2-day ACS course will be offered at a substantial discount to what you would pay at Pittcon or at the ACS National Meeting (compare to $845/$945).  Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day.  The course will be taught from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day.  If you have not already done so, please indicate your intent to register by e-mail to: Course seating is limited to 30 people.

Fees (includes 2-day course, all materials, lunches, refreshment breaks)
ACS Members:   $500
Nonmembers:     $600

All registrations must be prepaid by check or money order (sorry, purchase orders and credit cards cannot be accepted).  Payment deadline is Wednesday, April 11.  Please send your check or money order (payable to Cincinnati Section-ACS) to the attention of:

D. Rick White
The Procter & Gamble Company
WH B1E24, Box 175
6210 Center Hill Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45224

Who Should Attend This Course:  Researchers, practitioners, technicians, and others who are currently using LC, LC/MS, or plan to use LC/MS in the future, and those dealing with data produced by LC/MS.  Chromatographers just embarking on the technique will gain insight to select the appropriate instrument for different applications, and those currently using LC/MS and its data will develop an appreciation for, and an understanding of, the complexities of the data generated.

Key Topics You’ll Learn About

About the Instructors
O. David Sparkman has been teaching ACS Short Courses in mass spectrometry since 1978 and is consistently one of the highest rated ACS instructors in the program. He has numerous publications in computer applications to mass spectrometry and has been involved in the development of a number of several different data systems for hyphenated techniques in mass spectrometry.  For technical questions about the course, contact Mr. Sparkman at

Frederick E. Klink, currently a consultant in LC, LC/MS, and other scientific instrumentation  has worked with a variety of industrial clients.  He has 16 years of experience in the analytical instrument industry, where he held a variety of technical and management positions.

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Employment Opportunities

Research Assistant Wanted

To perform and document laboratory experiments.  To carry out duties associated with maintaining laboratory organization.  Full- time salaried position.  Required qualifications:  minimum Bachelors degree in chemical or biological sciences.  Desired qualifications: laboratory experience in molecular biology and biochemistry.  Send letter of application, résumé and list of three references to Brenda Blacklock, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Hughes Hall 244, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.  Screening of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer.

Results-Oriented Chemist Sought

Cincinnati Specialties manufactures specialty organic chemicals including saccharin, corrosion inhibitors and chemical intermediates including ethyl anthranilate. We have a need for an experienced chemist. Varied assignments include:

1. New product formulation
2. Analytical method development for new products.  Methods: HPLC, GC, UV spectrophotometry, potentiometic titrations.
3. Customer technical service. Provide  recommendations on analytical methods and product uses.
4. Evaluate new products for corrosion by electrochemical and weight loss methods.
5. Measure physical properties and stability of new products.
6. Trouble shooting for manufacturing and customer problems.
7. Prepare concise written summaries of work done.

Qualifications include: At least a Bachelor's degree in chemistry and analytical experience. Good working knowledge of computer software and hardware needed. Experience in analytical method development especially valuable.  Need a self-starter with a "can do" attitude and good interpersonal skills.  Interested chemists please contact:

Bruce Strickland


Michelle Espich

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Womens' Chemist Committee

Call for Applications for Travel Awards

For postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate women to make their first research presentation at a scientific meeting.  For more information and an application form, contact Cheryl Brown at (800) 227-5558, ext. 6123, or email her at

Feb. 15, 2001 (meetings between 7/1/01 - 12/31/01)
Sept. 15, 2001 (meetings between 1/1/02 - 6/30/02)

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The Image of Chemistry and Chemists

If you took a poll today on what is chemistry’s greatest shortcoming , perhaps 90% of respondents would put on their short list the poor image of chemistry (and chemists)  with the public. Is this a serious problem?  You better believe it, because public perceptions lead to public support, leading to financial support by the Federal government in the form of R & D support and science education.  It gives a place in a long line of supplicants vying for a limited dollar base.   As an example, when Sputnik went up on October 4, 1957, there was a public and congressional outcry for money to “catch up” with the Russians.  Federal money poured into science, including Chemistry, demand for PhD chemists ballooned, and graduate schools responded with a record number (2200) of PhD chemists produced in a single year.  Not until the 1990-1995 period has that number been approached again, even though our population has doubled in the same time frame.

Every National ACS strategic plan, as well as any contender for Director positions, include plans for improving our image with the public.  But we have largely failed.  We’ve gone from Dupont’s “Better Things for Better Living, Through Chemistry” to a firm belief by the man/woman on the street that chemicals equate with environmental pollution, toxicants, and carcinogens.  The wonderful things a relatively small number of chemists have brought to our high standard of living (160,000 ACS member chemists--Cf.  over 1 million lawyers and 600,000 MD’s) are not known and hence not appreciated by the man/woman on the street.  Our image is so weak we don’t even have  chemist jokes about us as doctors and lawyers  do.

So, with tongue partially in cheek, I offer my partly serious, partly jocular solution to this problem.  I want to use television, the great educator (remember that label?) to build a public following and improve our public image and hence draw more dollars and the brightest young minds to the profession of Chemistry.  I’m not going to attempt to write the scripts for these programs, but submit the following program titles so that would-be script writers can use as a launch pad, a starting point:

ER becomes CL (Chemistry LAB)
JUDGE JUDY becomes Chemist JUDY

If you don’t think Doctor/Lawyer programs have built positive public awareness and images, think again.  And remember, Carl Sagan’s TV series caused thousands of young people to pursue courses, degrees, and careers in Astronomy.

Regardless of the titles we might choose, the point of these programs would be to familiarize the public about chemistry and chemists, show that chemists are real people who enjoy challenging, exciting, satisfying careers, and who do good things that benefit everyone. And we must get the message across that societal problems such as disease, pollution, and cancer will require chemists and chemistry for solution and rectification.

The key question (for which I don't have an answer) is how do we get TV script writers sufficiently interested in chemists and chemistry to give this idea a trial.

Ted J. Logan
Councilor, Cincinnati Section

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2002 National Chemical Technician Award

Call for Nominations

 The 2002 National Chemical Technician Award will be presented to a chemical technician who has demonstrated an extremely high degree of professionalism as a chemical technician.  Criteria used to judge the award include technical skills, communication skills, safety, reliability, leadership, teamwork, publications and presentations.  Additional professional and community activities are also considered.  The award will consist of a trip to the 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 7-12, 2002 in Orlando, Florida for the awardee and guest.  $1000.00 and a plaque will be presented at the TECH National Chemical Technician Award Banquet at the National meeting.

 The ACS defines a chemical technician as a person whose training includes successful completion of a two-year post high school level chemistry curriculum leading to an Associate degree or the equivalent course work in a Baccalaureate program or the equivalent knowledge gained by experience.  The primary work of a chemical technician is conducting experimentation and/or correlating information to help solve chemical problems and/or discover new chemical knowledge.

Letters of nomination must be received by Christy Yembrick, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, 1800 concord Pike, NLW2, PO Box 15437, Wilmington, DE 19850-5437, no later than September 30, 2001 ( phone: 302-886-4125, FAX: 302-886-5359).  Nominations, including seconding letters, must not exceed six pages.  The nominating letters should address the above criteria.  A current work address and phone number must be provided for the nominee and the nominator.  E-mail addresses are also requested.

A nominee must have worked as a chemical technician for a minimum of five years to be eligible for this award.  Nominees need not be a Technician Affiliate or an ACS member to be eligible for this award.  This award is administered by the Division of Chemical Technicians of the American Chemical Society and is sponsored by Corporation Associates.

If you need further information, contact Christy Yembrick at the above address.

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Chemical Educator ALERT

BUDDIES IN CHEMISTRY is on Saturday, March 10th at the University of Cincinnati. You should have received an announcement and registration materials weeks ago. If you were missed and are interested in attending, please e-mail Linda Ford ASAP ( The focus of this workshop is to provide quality hands-on chemistry activities for middle school teachers and to establish links between those teachers and the membership of the Cincinnati Section. There is no cost to attend.

ChemEd2001 in Toronto, Ontario is the premier professional activity for chemical educators. Check the web site at in order to learn the details of program and registration. You can volunteer to present on-line at this site. It is quick and easy. Join several teachers from this area and attend this action-packed week during August.

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Are you involved in bringing products to market?  Are you curious how innovation is translated into commercial products? If so, you are invited to attend a luncheon talk,  sponsored by the Cincinnati Women Chemists Committee on:

“Understanding the Cycle of Research and Development”

By Robert S. Dirksing


Bob is one of Procter and Gamble’s premier technologists, being a member of the elite Victor Mills Society. He has been actively innovating and bringing products to market for many years now. Bob has conducted numerous talks and workshops globally on how innovation can be fully harnessed by individuals and organizations.


As the author James Burke has so wonderfully illustrated in his books and articles, the evolution of technology follows a curious and unpredictable path. Developments in one arena seem to spur developments in others in ways that can only be understood in hindsight. But there is a rhyme and reason to the madness. And it is hidden in the process we call Research and Development. The secret to understanding the process is to envision it as a cycle, the cycle of Research and Development.  The intent of the talk is to improve the efficiency of applied and basic R&D by elucidating the cycle that underlies the process.

When: Saturday, April 28, 2001, 12:00 noon
Where: The Clubhouse at Greenbrier, Mason, Ohio
RSVP by calling 754-0448
or by sending an e-mail to
A minimal fee of $5 per person (paid at the door) will cover the luncheon.
Sponsored by the Cincinnati Women Chemists Committee


From Downtown Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky: 1) Take I-75 North. 2) Take Exit 22 (Tylersville Road). 3) At exit ramp, go east. 4) At about 2.5 miles (immediately before the WLW tower), take a left on Snider Road. 5) The clubhouse is on the corner of Snider Road and Greenbrier Glen (which is the second street on the right). 6) To park, turn left into lot or on the street.

From Dayton: 1) Take I-75 South. 2) Take Exit 22 (Tylersville Road).  3) Follow directions above from Exit 22

From Indianapolis: 1) Take I-275 East. 2) Take I-75 North. 3) Take Exit 22 (Tylersville Road).  4) Follow directions above from Exit 22.

From Columbus: 1) Take I-71 South. 2) Take the Fields-Ertel Exit. 3) At exit ramp, go North (turn right) on Mason-Montgomery Road. 4) Turn left at Tylersville Road (the next street after Western Row). 5) Make a right on Snider Road (immediately after the WLW tower). 6) ) The clubhouse is on the corner of Snider Road and Greenbrier Glen (which is the second street on the right). 7) To park, turn left into lot or on the street.

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Call for Papers!

The 33rd Central/ 33rd Great Lakes Joint Regional Meeting, “2001:  A Grand Chemical Odyssey”, will be held from Monday, June 11 to Wednesday, June 13, 2001, in Grand Rapids, MI.  The meeting, hosted by the Kalamazoo and Western Michigan Sections, will be held at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel located on the bank of the Grand River in the heart of the business and entertainment district.

 The meeting will feature key symposia in Education, Food and Agricultural Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Polymer Chemistry.  In addition, there will be more than 90 symposia including the following areas: Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chromatography, Computational Chemistry and Computer Modeling, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Health Care, Inorganic Chemistry, Natural Products, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Polymer Chemistry.  The meeting will also include general and poster sessions in all areas of chemistry.

 Special events planned for the meeting include several short courses, an Opening Evening Reception, an undergraduate poster session, a Women Chemist’s luncheon, a White Caps minor league baseball game, a visit to Fredrik Meijer Gardens and the famed Leonardo da Vinci's Horse sculpture, the High School Chemistry Teacher Awards presentation and banquet, a Student Affiliates and Undergraduates program, an Employment Clearinghouse, and an exhibition of scientific equipment, products and services.  Other nearby entertainment opportunities include the G. R. Ford Presidential Museum, Children’s Museum, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Van Andel Arena, and Van Andel Museum.

Oral and poster papers from all areas of chemistry are welcome; abstracts are due before March 1, 2001.  Electronic submission is preferred.  Please contact the program chairs, or visit the website, for additional information:  Dr. Dawn Merritt, 616.833.2382,, or Dr. Mike Silver, 616.395.7636,

For additional, up to date information, please visit our website:

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ACS National Meeting
Women Chemists Events

The Women Chemists Committee (WCC) and the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry are jointly sponsoring a symposium at the ACS Spring National Meeting in San Diego, CA, that will highlight significant research by female synthetic organic chemists. The overall theme of the symposium will focus on women chemists’ contributions to the field of organic synthesis. The session is in direct response to a series of letters to the editor of Chemical & Engineering News and other sources expressing concern that very few women are doing organic synthesis. The symposium will showcase the work of academic, government, and industrial women chemists and their contributions in the field.

Other WCC sponsored events include symposia, “A Vision of the Future”, highlighting personal views of the future, what changes can be expected, and how one might make the changes happen. Featured speakers include ACS President Daryle Busch and past ACS presidents Paul H. L. Walter and Helen Free. The ACS Younger Chemists Committee is a co-sponsor of this event; “Women in the Chemical Workforce”, which will focus on the current status of and barriers faced by women chemists working in industry, academia, and government; the session will also discuss possible recourse they can take;  and “Innovative Approaches to Encouraging Women in the Chemical Sciences” award symposium honoring Christina Bodurow, the 2001 recipient of the ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences.

Additional symposia cosponsored by WCC are “ChemCensus 2000: Chemists in the New Millennium”; and “Chemistry Career Changes – Planned and Unplanned”. These WCC activities are in addition to the Women in Industry Breakfast and the Women Chemists Luncheon. The keynote speaker for the luncheon is Susan Taylor, recipient of the 2001 Garvan-Olin Medal.  Times and locations of all scheduled events for the San Diego National meeting will be published in the final program on March 5, 2001.

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Women Chemists Committee Establishes Overcoming Challenges Award

The Women Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society has established an award designed to recognize a woman from a two-year or four-year institution for her efforts in overcoming hardship to achieve success in chemistry. The award consists of a plaque, a monetary award of $250, and up to $500 in travel expenses to the fall ACS national meeting. The recipient will be recognized at the WCC Luncheon on Tuesday afternoon at that meeting.


Award Administration: Nominations must be received by May 1, 2001. The award will be presented at the fall ACS National Meeting in Chicago, IL, at the Women Chemists Luncheon on Tuesday, August 28, 2001.
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Formatted and uploaded February 22, 2001, by