Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section of the 
American Chemical Society 
Vol. 38, No. 9 - May 2001


From the Chair
May Monthly Meeting
The 2001 Ralph & Helen Oesper
Banquet and Symposium
News from San Diego
National ACS Meeting
March Workshop for Educators is BIG Success
Visit by Eli Pearce,
ACS President-Elect
Recognize Achievements in 
Chemistry within the Cincinnati Section!
2001: A Grand Chemical Odyssey
Email Addresses Needed
WCC Establishes 
"Overcoming Challenges Award"
LC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications
Employment Opportunities
2002 National Chemical 
Technician Award
Retired Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati
Deadline for Submission

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CINTACS - The official newsletter of the Cincinnati Section, American Chemical Society

Editor..........................................Bruce S. Ault
Advertising.....................Michael L. Stegemiller

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236, phone 745-5686, FAX 745-5767, or email


The next issue of CINTACS will be September, 2001. The deadline for this issue will be approximately August 1.  Electronic submission is strongly preferred, except for original photos. All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Bruce Ault
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Phone: 513-556-9238
FAX: 513-556-9239

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From the Chair

It’s party time! This month, we have planned a night out to the Museum Center. This comes complete with a social, buffet banquet and show. Come one, come all. Bring your spouse, close acquaintance, or just yourself and view the new Omnimax presentation, “Journey into Amazing Caves”. For those of you who have not joined us for our monthly meetings this season, take advantage of this last opportunity before summer and mingle with your ACS colleagues. I am sure you will enjoy it.

It seems as if we have just started with the 00/01 activities and now they are nearly over. It saddens me a little that my position as the chair is coming to an end. I had a lot of fun with our many activities this year, and enjoyed the opportunity to better get to know so many members. There are so many people I want to thank for making my tenure extremely pleasurable this year. To all of you I say thanks and hope you will continue to contribute and participate with our new Chair, Hank Greeb, in the upcoming new season. I personally look forward to Hank’s program and will continue to make myself available to him while he continues the momentum of our growing section. Thank you for your support and I look forward to interacting with you in future meetings and on new initiatives.

As most of you know, I can’t leave without one last parting shot. This is regarding the National and the “Mole” incident. This is when I tried to get the mole to visit Cincinnati from National. One week prior to our February 125th National ACS
Anniversary Meeting, I received the following telegram:

To: The Chair, Cincinnati Section

Re: M Words: Molecules, Molecular Weight and Especially Moles

It has recently been brought to my attention that you have been subjected to fraudulent and inaccurate information. (STOP)

How is it possible for a person with your esteem, knowing the truth about Philley, and born in New Jersey, be taken in by a
group dissidents out of Washington DC. Shame, shame on you. (STOP)

First of all, it’s not Millie The Mole, it’s Millie Mole. (STOP)

You have been in management to long! (STOP)

Second, have you ever seen a mole or a want-to-be mole shaped like a marble and the size of a wrecking ball dig through your
yard and garden. I think not. (STOP)

Even Jenny Cray or Weight Watchers could not help that Washington DC want-to-be blind rodent. (STOP)

And finally, since when would I not attend your Section’s Meeting to celebrate your National ACS 125th Anniversary. Shame,
shame on you again. (STOP)

Signed Millie

Well as most of you know, the “Mole” did appear at our 125th Anniversary banquet. As shown in the photo. Eat your heart
out, National. By the way, that wonderful person in the costume is Susan Hershberger from Miami University. Susan made the
costume to be used at chemistry demos for the kids. Great job Susan!

And finally, I wish our next chairman Hank Greeb, great success with the section and I look forward to the next year under his

See you all at the party!

Rick Fayter - Cognis Corporation - (513) 482-3156 -

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May Monthly Meeting
Thursday, May 24, 2001

"It's Party Night!"
Featuring Social, Buffet Banquet and
A Big Movie

May Monthy Meeting & Banquet Reservations

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The 2001 Ralph and Helen Oesper
Banquet & Symposium

October 5-6, 2001

Honoring Harry B. Gray
Director, Beckman Institute
Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry
Division of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology

“The Currents of Life: Electron Flow Through Biological Molecules”

Prof. Richard Eisenberg, University of Rochester

“From Gray Dawn to Shining Light: Meanderings in the Platinum Group Elements”

Dr. Andrew Gray, University of California, San Francisco

“Volatile Anesthetic Potency in Mice Lacking the Potassium Channel Subunit KCNK5”

Prof. Michael Hopkins, University of Chicago

"Extending the Functionality of Conjugated Polymers: New Materials based on Transition-Metal Building Blocks"

Prof. Daniel Nocera, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of the Ideal Kagomé Lattice "


Dr. Edward Stiefel, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company

“Following the Electrons in Transition Metal Sulfur Chemistry”

Dr. Jay Winkler, California Institute of Technology

“Proteins Fold and We Don’t Know How”


The Oesper Banquet will be held on Friday, October 5 with featured After-Dinner Speaker: Prof. Daniel Nocera.

For further information please contact Kim Carey (513-556-0293; or visit our website at:

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New from San Diego National ACS Meeting

1) This was the second largest ACS meeting on record with nearly 18,000 attendees.  The all-time record was in San Francisco just two years ago at 18,500.  There were 250 exhibiting companies with 472 booths.  Also a record was over 2000 undergrad and graduate students attending the meeting.

2) ACS has gained control of the assets of the Petroleum Research Fund amounting to $540 million.

3) Readers will recall that we gave an Industrial Innovation Award at our Midwest Regional meeting last year.   This year seven of eight regional meetings will give a similar award, so you can see we were on the forefront with this award.

4) The National Chemistry Week may change dates to a week earlier in order to avoid conflict with election day.

5) A new journal  titled Journal of Proteomics will debut  in early 2002.  This will cover papers in the area of protein function within cells.

6) Total membership of ACS is now  163,016. Presently we're running at a 94 percent retention rate so most goals of the membership program have been met.

7) 115,000 members are now voluntary members of divisions.  25 of 33 division reports for 2000 have now been received, mostly electronically.

8) Doctors Boyer and Cohen will be inducted into the National Invention Hall of Fame on Sept. 13th of this year in Akron for their seminal work on gene splicing.

9) We're close to changing the rules of membership so that technicians may become full members with a two-year chemical science degree plus five years of pertinent technical employment.  Since there are over 100,000 of these people who may qualify, this could mean a big increase in ACS membership in the near future.

10) Bristol, Carroll, Galloway, and Reichmanis were the nominees for 2002 President-elect.  The council chose Carroll and Reichmanis as candidates for President-elect and all members will vote on these two to select a president later this year.

11) At the National Employment Clearing House, 208 employers posted 819 positions.  4000 interviews were held.  There were 897 job candidates.

12) Dues in 2002 will rise to $112 from present $108.

13) The Green Chemistry Institute is now a permanent part of ACS. This alliance strengthens and continues our commitment to the principle that environmental protection must accompany the products of science.

14) Helen Free and Carol Duane were selected as candidates for Region II (ours) and voting to select one will occur in November.

Ted J. Logan, Councilor, Cincinnati Section, ACS

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Urgent - Email Addresses Needed

Okay, folks, what's the big deal with e-Mail addresses?  We've been asking for e-mail addresses for over 5 years, probably longer.  I suspect that by now, over 90% (maybe even as many as 99%) of the active members of ACS have an e-mail address.  However, a recent list we received from ACS HQ has e-mail addresses listed for less than 60% of the members.  And, of the 800 or so listed, over 190 came back as undeliverable, so we have only 600 "good" e-mail addresses on our mailing list.

People don't like getting "trash" e-mail, but seem eager to use e-mail for official stuff in which they're interested.  We've found that meeting attendance is increased when we send personalized e-mail messages to folks, informing them of upcoming meetings.  I get "replies of regret" from folks who can't make it to a meeting, asking that I send future announcements by e-mail.

PLEASE send your e-mail address to  We WILL send it along to ACS HQ for their database (we don't like to keep different records than they do, because it gets very confusing.).  But we (and HQ) WILL use it ONLY for official ACS business, such as meeting announcements, and the like.  We promise to use the list sparingly...

Hank Greeb
Chair Elect

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Visit by Eli Pearce, ACS President-Elect

It is a rare occasion when an ACS president or president-elect visits a local Section.  Eli Pearce, ACS President for 2002, will visit us on Thursday, Nov. 1st, 2001, and be our main speaker for the Section meeting.  We would like to have a big turnout for this meeting and will provide several reminders over the next six-month period.

We want to be interactive with the President-Elect and therefore are soliciting your comments, and suggestions, questions, and concerns about ACS so they can be forwarded to Dr. Pearce ahead of the meeting for the basis of his presentation.  We will also provide a larger than usual question/answer period.  This is a great opportunity to meet the top person in ACS governance.  We want him to leave Cincinnati with a positive impression of our Section and carry back to Washington any burning issues we have identified as local and national ACS members.

Send questions for Dr. Pearce to the undersigned.  And mark your calendar now for Thursday, November 1st, 2001.

Ted J. Logan, Councilor, Cincinnati Section

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Retired Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati

Luncheon Meeting Schedule - (at Unity Center)
May, 2001

RESERVATIONS may be made and INFORMATION is available by telephoning RESC contacts at either (513) 231-7831 or (513) 751-8035.

Tuesday, May  15         Trends in Medical Surgical Laser Therapy
11:30 AM  (at Quality Inn Central)
Judy Chamberlain, RN, MSN, Consultant and Lecturer on Laser Safety.   With a background as Nurse and the Laser Safety Officer at Christ Hospital, she will describe structure and function of lasers and tissue response, with examples of primary uses. Also, the hazards, and controls necessary for safety of patients and providers.

Plant Tour Schedule       January  through  May  2001

Wednesday, May 9        Fernald - EPA Clean-up Site   -  Ross, OH
10:30 AM
A bus tour of this project which includes structure and process facilities demolition, aquifer restoration, and low level nuclear waste handling and preparation for removal.  Followed by lunch at Bier Haus,  Miamitown.

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LC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications
     O. David Sparkman, Frederick E. Klink, Instructors

Monday-Tuesday, April 30-May 1, 2001
Best Western Springdale Hotel & Conference Center
11911 Sheraton Lane (I-275 and Route 4)
Springdale, Ohio

This widely acclaimed 2-day ACS course will be offered at a substantial discount to what you would pay at Pittcon or at the ACS National Meeting (compare to $845/$945).  Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day.  The course will be taught from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day.  If you have not already done so, please indicate your intent to register by e-mail to: Course seating is limited to 30 people.

Fees (includes 2-day course, all materials, lunches, refreshment breaks)
ACS Members:   $500
Nonmembers:     $600

All registrations must be prepaid by check or money order (sorry, purchase orders and credit cards cannot be accepted).  Payment deadline is Wednesday, April 11.  Please send your check or money order (payable to Cincinnati Section-ACS) to the attention of:

D. Rick White
The Procter & Gamble Company
WH B1E24, Box 175
6210 Center Hill Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45224

Who Should Attend This Course:  Researchers, practitioners, technicians, and others who are currently using LC, LC/MS, or plan to use LC/MS in the future, and those dealing with data produced by LC/MS.  Chromatographers just embarking on the technique will gain insight to select the appropriate instrument for different applications, and those currently using LC/MS and its data will develop an appreciation for, and an understanding of, the complexities of the data generated.

Key Topics You’ll Learn About

About the Instructors
O. David Sparkman has been teaching ACS Short Courses in mass spectrometry since 1978 and is consistently one of the highest rated ACS instructors in the program. He has numerous publications in computer applications to mass spectrometry and has been involved in the development of a number of several different data systems for hyphenated techniques in mass spectrometry.  For technical questions about the course, contact Mr. Sparkman at

Frederick E. Klink, currently a consultant in LC, LC/MS, and other scientific instrumentation  has worked with a variety of industrial clients.  He has 16 years of experience in the analytical instrument industry, where he held a variety of technical and management positions.

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Employment Opportunities

Research Associate Sought for the Hoke S. Greene Laboratory of Catalysis,
University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Chemistry

The successful candidate should possess a strong record of achievements in the field of organometal chemistry, particularly in the chemistry of organometallic manganese or related complexes.  The candidate should be familiar with the literature in this field and have a solid background in the molecular orbital description of such complexes including the application of group theoretical methods to the calculation of infrared spectra and other properties.  The candidate’s experience should include the determination of infrared, Raman, mass, and multinuclear NMR spectra.  A through knowledge of homogeneous catalytic chemistry using transition metal complexes is essential.  The candidate should have experience with operating in an inert, moisture-free environment as is required for sensitive organometal complexes.  Especially necessary would be experience in separation procedures such as thin layer, column, and high pressure liquid chromatographies.  Because many of the manganese complexes of interest are chiral, the candidate should also be knowledgeable about chiral selectivity and methods for determining enantiomeric composition.  Finally, the candidate must be capable of carrying on independent research both conceptually and in the laboratory.

Direct correspondence to:

Prof. Milton Orchin
Department of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172

Research Assistant Wanted

To perform and document laboratory experiments.  To carry out duties associated with maintaining laboratory organization.  Full- time salaried position.  Required qualifications:  minimum Bachelors degree in chemical or biological sciences.  Desired qualifications: laboratory experience in molecular biology and biochemistry.  Send letter of application, résumé and list of three references to Brenda Blacklock, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Hughes Hall 244, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.  Screening of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer.

Results-Oriented Chemist Sought

Cincinnati Specialties manufactures specialty organic chemicals including saccharin, corrosion inhibitors and chemical intermediates including ethyl anthranilate. We have a need for an experienced chemist. Varied assignments include:

1. New product formulation
2. Analytical method development for new products.  Methods: HPLC, GC, UV spectrophotometry, potentiometic titrations.
3. Customer technical service. Provide  recommendations on analytical methods and product uses.
4. Evaluate new products for corrosion by electrochemical and weight loss methods.
5. Measure physical properties and stability of new products.
6. Trouble shooting for manufacturing and customer problems.
7. Prepare concise written summaries of work done.

Qualifications include: At least a Bachelor's degree in chemistry and analytical experience. Good working knowledge of computer software and hardware needed. Experience in analytical method development especially valuable.  Need a self-starter with a "can do" attitude and good interpersonal skills.  Interested chemists please contact:

Bruce Strickland


Michelle Espich

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March Workshop for Educators is BIG Success

Eighteen area teachers attended the “Buddies in Chemistry” workshop held at UC on Saturday, March 10th. They rotated through five hands-on chemistry activities led by seven high school teachers from the Chemical Educators’ Discussion Group and three chemists from the Young Chemists’ Group. During a sumptuous pizza and salad lunch many of the ACS resources and web sites were discussed. Diana Peck summed it up very nicely when she wrote on her evaluation, “ I liked going to the different stations. All of the activities were very useful; I could use each one. Thank you for introducing me to so many wonderful educators! Nothing beats a resource you can actually talk to!”

The chemical educators’ discussion group will meet again in the fall. Watch for the meeting announcement in CINTACS. Our attendance has risen to 20 - 25 teachers per meeting. We will continue to have three meetings during the school year in October, January, and March. If you would like to host a meeting or suggest a meeting topic, please contact Linda Ford at

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2002 National Chemical Technician Award

Call for Nominations

 The 2002 National Chemical Technician Award will be presented to a chemical technician who has demonstrated an extremely high degree of professionalism as a chemical technician.  Criteria used to judge the award include technical skills, communication skills, safety, reliability, leadership, teamwork, publications and presentations.  Additional professional and community activities are also considered.  The award will consist of a trip to the 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 7-12, 2002 in Orlando, Florida for the awardee and guest.  $1000.00 and a plaque will be presented at the TECH National Chemical Technician Award Banquet at the National meeting.

 The ACS defines a chemical technician as a person whose training includes successful completion of a two-year post high school level chemistry curriculum leading to an Associate degree or the equivalent course work in a Baccalaureate program or the equivalent knowledge gained by experience.  The primary work of a chemical technician is conducting experimentation and/or correlating information to help solve chemical problems and/or discover new chemical knowledge.

Letters of nomination must be received by Christy Yembrick, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, 1800 concord Pike, NLW2, PO Box 15437, Wilmington, DE 19850-5437, no later than September 30, 2001 ( phone: 302-886-4125, FAX: 302-886-5359).  Nominations, including seconding letters, must not exceed six pages.  The nominating letters should address the above criteria.  A current work address and phone number must be provided for the nominee and the nominator.  E-mail addresses are also requested.

A nominee must have worked as a chemical technician for a minimum of five years to be eligible for this award.  Nominees need not be a Technician Affiliate or an ACS member to be eligible for this award.  This award is administered by the Division of Chemical Technicians of the American Chemical Society and is sponsored by Corporation Associates.

If you need further information, contact Christy Yembrick at the above address.

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Recognize Achievements in Chemistry
within the Cincinnati Section!

The Salutes to Excellence, a program of the ACS Office of Community Activities, offers our local section a chance to honor people, places, and products of chemistry that have made an impact in your area. The program offers local sections a special way of saying "thank you" from ACS to local industries, colleges and universities, and individuals for their contributions to the profession.

This program offers us the opportunity to (1) Build awareness of the importance and relevance of chemistry in your community; (2) Engage every aspect of the chemical community - industry, academia, government; (3) Attract new members and new volunteers; and (4) Provide media opportunity for ACS sponsors and honorees.

Please contact one of the Cincinnati Section officers, if you would like to nominate a person, place, or product to honor. You may choose any achievement that you wish but the special focus through 2001 is Chemical Engineering.  The  celebration that will include the presentation of a plaque furnished by ACS!

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2001: A Grand Chemical Odyssey

33rd Central and 33rd Great Lakes Joint Regional Meeting
American Chemical Society
June 11 - 13, 2001
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
Grand Rapids, Michigan

 The Kalamazoo and Western Michigan Sections of the American Chemical invite you to participate in “2001:  A Grand Chemical Odyssey”.  You will join some of the best minds in Education and Industry at the more than 90 technical and poster sessions including symposia focused on Education, Food and Agricultural Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Polymer Chemistry.

Location: Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, located on the bank of the Grand River in the heart of the business and entertainment district of Grand Rapids, Michigan

Keynote Speakers
US Representative Vernon Ehlers on the topic of science education
Dr. Bassam Shakashiri on “Communicating Chemistry”
Dr. George Vande Woude on “Biomedical Research:  Where Do We Go From Here?”
Dr. Paul Jones and Dr. John Giesy on “Environmental Chemistry and the Great Lakes”

Short Courses
NMR: Basics to Beyond
Hands-On Computers and Calculators for High Schools and Universities
Analytical Chemists in Industry -- What do they do?  (A P&G Short Course in Problem Solving
        for Undergraduate Students and High School Teachers)
Polymers:  Linking Education, Industry, and Everyday Experience  (A Short Course in Polymers for High School
        and College Teachers)

Special Events
Undergraduate Poster Session
Student Affiliates and Undergraduates programs
Employment Clearinghouse
Exhibition of scientific equipment, products and services

Entertainment Opportunities
Fredrik Meijer Gardens and the famed Leonardo da Vinci's Horse sculpture
G. R. Ford Presidential Museum
Grand Rapids Art Museum

For a detailed program and additional, up-to-date information, please visit our website:

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Women Chemists Committee Establishes Overcoming Challenges Award

The Women Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society has established an award designed to recognize a woman from a two-year or four-year institution for her efforts in overcoming hardship to achieve success in chemistry. The award consists of a plaque, a monetary award of $250, and up to $500 in travel expenses to the fall ACS national meeting. The recipient will be recognized at the WCC Luncheon on Tuesday afternoon at that meeting.


Award Administration: Nominations must be received by May 1, 2001. The award will be presented at the fall ACS National Meeting in Chicago, IL, at the Women Chemists Luncheon on Tuesday, August 28, 2001.
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Formatted and uploaded April 23, 2001, by